Maximizing Secrecy Capacity of Underlay MIMO-CRN Through Bi-Directional Zero-Forcing Beamforming
Authors: Nibedita Nandan, Sudhan Majhi, Hsiao-Chun Wu
Abstract:This paper presents the optimal physical-layer security scheme of both primary user (PU) and secondary user (SU) in the underlay multiple-input multiple-output cognitive radio network (MIMO-CRN) by use of a bi-directional zeroforcing beamformer. The proposed new method enables the PU to communicate along with the SUs through a relay node without sacrificing their individual secrecy capacity, i.e., without causing interference to each other even in the presence of eavesdropper(s). In the first phase, a transmitting beamformer at the PU/SU transmitters and a receiving beamformer at the relay have been adopted to separate PU and SU data. In the second phase, a bi-directional beamformer has been applied to eradicate the necessity of involving artificial noise for preventing the active eavesdropper(s). To maximize the total secrecy-capacity, a generalized non-linear optimization problem has been formulated and converted to a simplified constrained optimization problem by utilizing the beamformer and the associated subspace restriction. Then this problem is solved by the Lagrangian method. Both theoretical and numerical analyses of the total and individual ergodic secrecy rates are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method. The secrecy outage probability is also derived to evaluate the performance variations of our proposed scheme when the channel-estimation error occurs.
Published in:IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communication, 2018