Dr. Sanjoy Kumar Parida

Dr. Sanjoy Kumar Parida
Associate Professor
Ph: +91 6115 233 040
Courses taught at IIT P
  • EE101: Basic Electrical Sciences (B.Tech) EE102: Basic Electronics Laboratory (B.Tech) EE201: Digital Circuits and Microprocessors (B.Tech) EE280: Electrical Machines (B.Tech) EE281: Electrical Machines Laboratorty (B.Tech) EE322: Mathematical Methods in Electrical Engineering EE751: Modeling and Simulation of Modern Power Systems (Ph.D.) EE202: Digital Electronics Laboratory (B.Tech) EE380: Electrical Power Systems (B.Tech) EE480: Electrical Power System Operation and Control (B.Tech) EE482: Advance Electrical Engineering Laboratory EE483: Distributed Energy Resources (B.Tech) EE485: Power System Protection Lab EE486: Power System Protection EE549: Power System Dynamics and Control (M.Tech & Ph.D)
Professional Experience
  • Organisation / Institute Position held Nature of duties / work Indian Institute of Technology Patna Associate Professor Teaching, Research, Administrative work Indian Institute of Technology Patna Assistant Professor Teaching, Research, Administrative work Tennessee Technological University, USA BASE Fellow Research Indian Institute of Technology Patna Senior Lecturer Teaching, Research, Administrative work Power Management Institute, NTPC Ltd. Sr. Research Fellow Research Ms. K.L. Rathi Steel Ltd. Engineer Operation & Maintenance
    1. Adhishree Srivastava, S. K. Parida, “Enhancing relay resiliency in an active distribution network using latest data driven protection schemes,” Electric Power Systems Resiliency: Modelling, Opportunity, and Challenges, Elsevier Publications, Editors: Manohar Mishra, Ramesh Bansal (Accepted).
  • Granted: “An Improved Squirrel Cage Induction Motor With Enhanced Efficiency and Wide Range of Operating Speed for Application in Electric Vehicle” - Inventors: Md. Junaid Akhtar, Ranjan Kumar Behera, and Sanjoy Kumar Parida. Applied: "Protective Relay Setter" – Inventors: Amutha. N, N. Kumutha, Ashish Ranjan, Chandra Bhushan Mahto, Sanjoy Kumar Parida.
Publications / Journals
  • Journal Publications:

        1. Naresh Kumar Vemula and S.K. Parida. Impact of time delay on performance and stability of inverter-fed islanded mg utilizing internal model controller. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, volume 146, page 108713, 2023.
        2. Abhineet Prakash, Ranjeet Kumar Tiwari, Kundan Kumar, and S. K. Parida. Interacting multiple model strategy based adaptive wide-area damping controller design for wind farm embedded power system. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, volume 14, pages 962–973, 2023.
        3. Abhineet Prakash, Kundan Kumar, and S. K. Parida. Damping of inter-area oscillations using tcps based delay compensated robust wadc. Electric Power Components and Systems, volume 0, pages 1–14. Taylor & Francis, 2023.
        4. Kundan Kumar, Abhineet Prakash, Priya Singh, and S.K. Parida. Large-scale solar pv converter based robust wide-area damping controller for critical low frequency oscillations in power systems. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, pages 1–12, 2023.
        5. Kaustav Kalita, Shubham Anand, and S. K. Parida. A non-iterative fault location algorithm for transposed/untransposed transmission line immune to unsynchronized measurements. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, volume 59, pages 422–433, 2023.
        6. Kaustav Kalita, Shubham Anand, and S. K. Parida. Distributed parameter based setting-free fault locator for double-circuit line using fault data. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, pages 1–4, 2023.
        7. Tapaswini Biswal, S.K. Parida, and Sanhita Mishra. A dt-cwt and data mining based approach for high impedance fault diagnosis in micro-grid system. Procedia Computer Science, volume 217, pages 1570–1578, 2023. 4th International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing.
        8. Shubham Anand, Kaustav Kalita, and S.K. Parida. A novel transmission system protection scheme using optimal wide-area measurements. Electric Power Systems Research, volume 216, page 108976, 2023.
        9. Adhishree Srivastava and S.K Parida. A robust fault detection and location prediction module using support vector machine and gaussian process regression for ac microgrid. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, volume 58, pages 930–939, 2022.
        10. Adhishree Srivastava and SK Parida. Data driven approach for fault detection and gaussian process regression based location prognosis in smart ac microgrid. Electric Power Systems Research, volume 208, page 107889. Elsevier, 2022.
        11. Atul Singh and S. K. Parida. Power system frequency and phasor estimation for a low-cost synchrophasor device using the nonlinear least-square method. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, volume 58, pages 39–48, 2022.
        12. Abhishek Saxena, Ravi Shankar, S. K. Parida, and Ramesh Kumar. Demand response based optimally enhanced linear active disturbance rejection controller for frequency regulation in smart grid environment. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, volume 58, pages 4337–4349, 2022.
        13. Abhineet Prakash, Priya Singh, Kundan Kumar, and S. K. Parida. Design of a reduced-order wadc for wind turbine system-integrated power system. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, volume 58, pages 3250–3260, 2022.
        14. Abhineet Prakash, Kundan Kumar, and S.K. Parida. Energy capacitor system based wide-area damping controller for multiple inter-area modes. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, volume 58, pages 1543–1553, 2022.
        15. Abhineet Prakash, Kundan Kumar, and S. K. Parida. A modal transformation approach to design reduced order functional observer-based wadc for low-frequency oscillations. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, pages 1–12, 2022.
        16. Mrityunjay Kumar Mishra and S. K. Parida. A game theoretic horizon decomposition approach for real-time demand-side management. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, volume 13, pages 3532–3545, 2022.
        17. Mrityunjay Kumar Mishra and S. K. Parida. A game theoretic approach for demand-side management using real-time variable peak pricing considering distributed energy resources. IEEE Systems Journal, volume 16, pages 144–154, 2022.
        18. Mrityunjay Kumar Mishra, Krishna Murari, and S.K. Parida. Demand-side management and its impact on utility and consumers through a game theoretic approach. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, volume 140, page 107995. Elsevier, 2022.
        19. Kaustav Kalita, Shubham Anand, and Sanjoy K. Parida. An improved parameter-free fault locator for untransposed line with unsynchronized terminals. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, volume 37, pages 5480–5483, 2022.
        20. Kaustav Kalita, Shubham Anand, and S. K. Parida. A closed form solution for line parameter-less fault location with unsynchronized measurements. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, volume 37, pages 1997–2006, 2022.
        21. Muhammad Asif Hasan and Sanjoy Kumar Parida. Mitigation of circulating current in three phase quasi-z-source parallel inverters with pv and battery storage. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, volume 10, pages 2587–2594. IEEE, 2022.
        22. Tapaswini Biswal and S.K. Parida. A novel high impedance fault detection in the micro-grid system by the summation of accumulated difference of residual voltage method and fault event classification using discrete wavelet transforms and a decision tree approach. Electric Power Systems Research, volume 209, page 108042. Elsevier, 2022.
        23. Atul Singh and SK Parida. Estimation of frequency and phasor using enhanced nonlinear least error squares method for synchrophasor application. Electric Power Systems Research, volume 201, page 107494. Elsevier, 2021.
        24. Kaustav Kalita, Shubham Anand, and S. K. Parida. A novel non-iterative fault location algorithm for transmission line with unsynchronized terminal. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, volume 36, pages 1917–1920, 2021.
        25. MA Hasan and SK Parida. Adaptive modulation index-based controller for suppression of circulating current in parallel inverters of autonomous microgrid. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, volume 31, page e12701. Wiley Online Library, 2021.
        26. Naresh Kumar Vemula and Sanjoy K Parida. Enhancement of small signal stability in inverter-dominated microgrid with optimal internal model controller. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, volume 30, page e12471. Wiley Online Library, 2020.
        27. Adhishree Srivastava and Sanjoy Kumar Parida. Adaptive protection strategy in a microgrid under disparate operating modes. Electric Power Components and Systems, volume 48, pages 781–798. Taylor & Francis, 2020.
        28. Abhineet Prakash, Kundan Kumar, and Sanjoy Kumar Parida. Pidf (1+ fod) controller for load frequency control with sssc and ac–dc tie-line in deregulated environment. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, volume 14, pages 2751–2762. Wiley Online Library, 2020.
        29. Shubham Anand, Kaustav Kalita, and Sanjoy Kumar Parida. Novel phasor sequence-based fault detection scheme for wide-area backup protection of series-compensated line. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, volume 14, pages 6417–6426. Wiley Online Library, 2020.
        30. Prateek Sharma, Abhineet Prakash, Ravi Shankar, and Sanjoy Kumar Parida. A novel hybrid salp swarm differential evolution algorithm based 2dof tilted-integral-derivative controller for restructured agc. Electric Power Components and Systems, volume 47, pages 1775–1790. Taylor & Francis, 2019.
        31. V. Naresh Kumar and Sanjoy Kumar Parida. Parameter optimization of universal droop and internal model controller for multi inverter-fed dgs based on accurate small-signal model. IEEE Access, volume 7, pages 101928–101940, 2019.
        32. Adhishree Srivastava, Jayant Mani Tripathi, Ram Krishan, and S. K. Parida. Optimal coordination of overcurrent relays using gravitational search algorithm with dg penetration. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, volume 54, pages 1155–1165, 2018.
        33. A. K. Singh and S. K. Parida. A review on distributed generation allocation and planning in deregulated electricity market. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, volume 82, pages 4132–4141. Elsevier, 2018.
        34. AK Singh and SK Parida. Impact analysis of res-based dgs with economical considerations in restructured electricity market. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, volume 11, pages 472–479. Taylor & Francis, 2016.
        35. A. .K Singh and S. K. Parida. Novel sensitivity factors for dg placement based on loss reduction and voltage improvement. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, volume 74, pages 453–456. Elsevier, 2016.
        36. Md. Asif Hasan and S. K. Parida. An overview of solar photovoltaic panel modeling based on analytical and experimental viewpoint. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, volume 60, pages 75–83. Elsevier, 2016.
        37. A. K. Singh and S. K. Parida. A novel hybrid approach to allocate renewable energy sources in distribution system. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, volume 10, pages 1–11. Elsevier, 2015.
        38. A. K. Singh and S. K. Parida. Allocation of distributed generation using proposed dmsp approach based on utility and customers aspects under deregulated environment. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, volume 68, pages 159–169. Elsevier, 2015.
        39. A. K. Singh and S. K. Parida. National electricity planner and use of distributed energy sources in india. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, volume 2, pages 42–54. Elsevier, 2013.
        40. A. K. Singh and S. K. Parida. A multiple strategic evaluation for fault detection in electrical power system. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, volume 48, pages 21–30. Elsevier, 2013.
        41. A. K. Singh and S. K. Parida. Evaluation of current status and future directions of wind energy in india. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, volume 15, pages 643–655. Springer, 2013.
        42. A. K. Singh and S. K. Parida. Congestion management with distributed generation and its impact on electricity market. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, volume 48, pages 39–47. Elsevier, 2013.
        43. S. K. Parida. Drivers for ancillary services in india. Power & Energy Solution, volume 01, pages 32–33. MX Business Media, 2013.
        44. Sanjoy K Parida, Suresh C Srivastava, and Sri N Singh. A review on reactive power management in electricity markets. International Journal of Energy Sector Management, volume 5, pages 201–214. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2011.
        45. S.K. Parida, S. N. Singh, and S. C. Srivastava. An approach to promote frequency regulation service in india. International Journal of Energy Sector Management. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2010.
        46. S. K. Parida, S. N. Singh, S. C. Srivastava, and P. Chanda. Remuneration towards frequency regulation service provision in india through a novel capacity linked mechanism. Power Research-A Journal of CPRI, pages 65–76, 2009.
        47. S. K. Parida, S. N. Singh, and S. C. Srivastava. Reactive power cost allocation by using a value-based approach. IET generation, transmission & distribution, volume 3, pages 872–884. IET, 2009.
        48. S. K. Parida, S. N. Singh, and S. C. Srivastava. An integrated approach for optimal frequency regulation service procurement in india. Energy Policy, volume 37, pages 3020–3034. Elsevier, 2009.
        49. S. K. Parida, S. N. Singh, and S. C. Srivastava. Ancillary services management policies in india: An overview and key issues. The Electricity Journal, volume 22, pages 88–97. Elsevier, 2009.
        50. S. K. Parida, S. N. Singh, and S. C. Srivastava. A hybrid approach toward security-constrained reactive power planning in electricity markets. Electric Power Components and Systems, volume 36, pages 649–663. Taylor & Francis, 2008.
        51. S. K. Parida, S. N. Singh, and S. C. Srivastava. Assessment and analysis of reactive power concentration in electricity markets. The Journal of Electric Power Science and Technology, volume 23, pages 18–24. China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House, 2008.
        52. S. K. Parida. An overview of ancillary services provision in restructured electricity industry. Horizon, The Management Journal of Power Professionals, volume 10, pages 13–16. PMI, NTPC Ltd., 2008.

    Conference Publications:
      1. Priyesh Saini and S.K. Parida. Inertia estimation of islanded power system with distributed generation using long short term memory algorithm. In IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies (GlobConHT), pages 1–6, 2023.
      2. Abhineet Prakash, Mohamed Shawky El Moursi, S. K. Parida, and Ehab F. El-Saadany. Design of wide area damping controller based on clustering of inter-area oscillations. In IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Middle East (ISGT Middle East), pages 1–5, 2023.
      3. Mrityunjay Kumar Mishra, Khaled Al Jaafari, Ameena Al Sumaiti, and Sanjoy Kumar Parida. Demand-side management via game theory considering distributed energy storage and generation with discomfort as objective. In IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Middle East (ISGT Middle East), pages 1–5, 2023.
      4. Priya Singh, Abhineet Prakash, Kundan Kumar, and S. K. Parida. Analysis and detection of forced oscillation using synchrosqueezed wavelet based ridge technique. In IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET), pages 417–422, 2022.
      5. Atul Singh and S. K. Parida. Improvement in taylor weighted least square based dynamic synchrophasor estimation algorithm for real time application. In IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET), pages 969–973, 2022.
      6. Abhishek Saxena, Ravi Shankar, Atul Singh, and S. K. Parida. Frequency regulation scheme in multi microgrid integrating renewable energy sources and virtual inertia control. In 3rd DOCTORAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE (DOSCI 2022), Institute of Engineering & Technology, a constituent college of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow, India, pages 1–6, 2022.
      7. Abhishek Saxena, Ravi Shankar, and S. K. Parida. Vehicle-to-grid technology with virtual inertia control for enhanced frequency regulation in smart grid. In IEEE Global Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GlobConPT), pages 1–6, 2022.
      8. Abhishek Saxena, Sameer Kumar, Ravi Shankar, and S. K. Parida. Demand response strategy in a multi-microgrid integrating renewable sources for improved frequency regulation. In IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET), pages 77–83, 2022.
      9. Abhineet Prakash, Kundan Kumar, and S. K. Parida. Design of wide-area damping controller based on modulation of active power demand. In IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET), pages 176–181, 2022.
      10. Sariki Murali, Kumar Abhinav, Ravi Shankar, and S. K. Parida. Application of deep learning technique based load forecast for frequency regulation. In IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET), pages 121–127, 2022.
      11. Kundan Kumar, Abhineet Prakash, and S. K. Parida. Robust wide-area damping controller for inter-area oscillation with ac/dc tie-line. In IEEE Global Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GlobConPT), pages 1–6, 2022.
      12. Tapaswini Biswal, S.K. Parida, and Sanhita Mishra. A combined approach of empirical wavelet transform and artificial neural network based high impedance fault classification in micro-grid system. In IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), pages 1–6, 2022.
      13. Tapaswini Biswal and S.K. Parida. High impedance fault detection in microgrid system using discrete wavelet transform and support vector machine. In Second International Conference on Power, Control and Computing Technologies (ICPC2T), pages 1–6, 2022.
      14. Tapaswini Biswal and S. K. Parida. Residual energy based high impedance fault detection and classification in microgrid system using variational mode decomposition and k-nearest neighbor classifier. In IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET), pages 649–654, 2022.
      15. Priya Singh, Abhineet Prakash, Kundan Kumar, and S. K. Parida. Comparative assessment of spectral analysis methods for characterizing forced oscillation. In 9th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), pages 1–6, 2021.
      16. Atul Singh and S. K. Parida. Implementation of goertzel algorithm for low cost synchrophasor design. In IEEE 2nd International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power, Energy and Control (STPEC), pages 1–6, 2021.
      17. Abhineet Prakash, Priya Singh, Kundan Kumar, and S. K. Parida. Design of tcsc based optimal wide area power system stabilizer for low-frequency oscillation. In IEEE 4th International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON), pages 1–6, 2021.
      18. Kundan Kumar, Abhineet Prakash, Priya Singh, and S. K. Parida. A novel svc based wide-area damping controller for inter-area oscillation. In IEEE 4th International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON), pages 1–6, 2021.
      19. Kundan Kumar, Abhineet Prakash, S. K. Parida, Saibal Ghosh, and Chandan Kumar. Coordinated tuning of avrs and psss for local and inter-area modes of oscillation in eastern regional grid of india. In IEEE 2nd International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power, Energy and Control (STPEC), pages 1–6, 2021.
      20. Kundan Kumar, Abhineet Prakash, and S. K. Parida. A novel pid-fopd controller for lfc including ipfc and rfb. In 6th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), pages 1–5, 2021.
      21. Kaustav Kalita, Shubham Anand, and S. K. Parida. A unified fault location algorithm for online and offline application immune to synchronized measurement errors. In IEEE 4th International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON), pages 1–6, 2021.
      22. Faraz Haider and S.K. Parida. Privacy preservation and classification of energy consumption into theft using benign dataset in advanced metering infrastructure. In IEEE 2nd International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power, Energy and Control (STPEC), pages 1–6, 2021.
      23. Shubham Anand, Kaustav Kalita, and Sanjoy Kumar Parida. Backup protection for mutually coupled double-circuit multisection nonhomogeneous transmission lines using wide-area measurements. In IEEE 4th International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON), pages 1–6, 2021.
      24. Adhishree Srivastava and S.K. Parida. Fault isolation and location prediction using support vector machine and gaussian process regression for meshed ac microgrid. In IEEE International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON), pages 724–728, 2020.
      25. Priya Singh, S K Parida, Baru Chauhan, and Niraj Choudhary. Online voltage stability assessment using artificial neural network considering voltage stability indices. In 21st National Power Systems Conference (NPSC), pages 1–5, 2020.
      26. Abhineet Prakash and S. K. Parida. Lqr based pi controller for load frequency control with distributed generations. In 21st National Power Systems Conference (NPSC), pages 1–5, 2020.
      27. Abhineet Prakash and S. K. Parida. Combined frequency and voltage stabilization of thermal-thermal system with upfc and rfb. In IEEE 9th Power India International Conference (PIICON), pages 1–6, 2020.
      28. Abhineet Prakash, Kundan Kumar, and S. K. Parida. Design of damping controller based on the wide-area signal strength. In 21st National Power Systems Conference (NPSC), pages 1–6, 2020.
      29. M. A. Hasan and S. K. Parida. Referring pv source dynamics on ac side of a three phase solar pvfed inverter. In IEEE International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON), pages 773–777, 2020.
      30. Adhishree Srivastava and S.K. Parida. Recognition of fault location and type in a medium voltage system with distributed generation using machine learning approach. In 20th International Conference on Intelligent System Application to Power Systems (ISAP), pages 1–7, 2019.
      31. Adhishree Srivastava and S.K. Parida. Frequency and voltage data processing based feeder protection in medium voltage microgrid. In IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), pages 1–5, 2019.
      32. Atul Singh and S. K. Parida. Synchronized measurement of power system frequency and phase angle using fft and goertzel algorithm for low cost pmu design. In IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), pages 1–5, 2019.
      33. Atul Singh and S. K. Parida. Power system frequency and phase angle measurement using raspberry pi. In 21st European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE ’19 ECCE Europe), pages P.1–P.7, 2019.
      34. Abhineet Prakash and S. K. Parida. Lfc of interconnected power system with tcsc using salp swarm algorithm. In 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), pages 1–5, 2019.
      35. Abhineet Prakash and S K Parida. Impact of solar photovoltaic on lfc of interconnected power system using i-pd controller. In IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), pages 1–5, 2019.
      36. Abhineet Prakash, Kundan Kumar, and S. K. Parida. A novel i-pdf controller for lfc with ac/dc tie-line. In 20th International Conference on Intelligent System Application to Power Systems (ISAP), pages 1–6, 2019.
      37. Mrityunjay Kumar Mishra and S.K Parida. A comparative analysis of real time and time of use pricing schemes in demand side management considering distributed energy resources. In IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), pages 1–5, 2019.
      38. Kundan Kumar, S. K. Parida, and Pabitra Kumar Biswas. Comparative analysis of pss and ipfc based damping controller for smib system. In 8th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), pages 1–6, 2019.
      39. M. A. Hasan and S. K. Parida. Modeling and design of a synchronous reference frame enhanced phase locked loop. In IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), pages 1–4, 2019.
      40. Shubham Anand and S. K. Parida. Wide-area measurement based identification of faulty lines considering data unavailability from critical buses. In IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), pages 1–5, 2019.
      41. Naresh Kumar Vemula and S. K. Parida. State space modelling and analysis of inverter dominated microgrid system with internal model control-based robust droop controller. In The 11th IET International Conference on Advances in Power System Control, Operation and Management (APSCOM 2018), pages 1–6, 2018.
      42. Naresh Kumar Vemula and S. K. Parida. Small signal stability assessment of inverter-based islanded microgrids with universal droop controller. In International Conference and Utility Exhibition on Green Energy for Sustainable Development (ICUE), pages 1–8, 2018.
      43. Naresh Kumar Vemula and S. K. Parida. Small signal stability assessment of an inverter-based microgrid with universal droop and internal model-based controllers. In IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), pages 1–6, 2018.
      44. Naresh Kumar Vemula and S. K. Parida. Performance improvement of dynamic response for parallel operation of inverters under line impedance mismatch. In 20th National Power Systems Conference (NPSC), pages 1–6, 2018.
      45. Adhishree Srivastava, Jayant Mani Tripathi, Abhinav, and S.K. Parida. Protection coordination in grid connected and islanded mode of microgrid. In IEEE 8th Power India International Conference (PIICON), pages 1–6, 2018.
      46. Adhishree Srivastava, Ritu Meena, and S.K. Parida. Effect of pv and facts on small signal stability. In 20th National Power Systems Conference (NPSC), pages 1–5, 2018.
      47. Sailesh Sourabh and S.K. Parida. Design of a novel u shaped dual stator brushless doubly fed induction machine. In IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), pages 1–6, 2018.
      48. Mrityunjay Kumar Mishra and S. K Parida. A game theoretic approach for demand-side management considering generation, storage and the combinatorial nature of load scheduling. In International Conference and Utility Exhibition on Green Energy for Sustainable Development (ICUE), pages 1–8, 2018.
      49. Adhishree Srivastava and S. K. Parida. Impact of distributed generation penetration level on relay coordination. In 7th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), pages 19–24,2017.
      50. M. A. Hasan and S. K. Parida. Modeling and analysis of single phase induction motor as a dynamic load in inverter dominated microgrid system. In 7th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), pages 617–620, 2017.
      51. Ranjan K. Behera and S. K. Parida. Pmsg based wind power generation for an isolated irrigation system with inbuilt frequency regulation capability. In 7th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), pages 796–801, 2017.
      52. Arabinda Behera, Debashree Guha Adhya, and Sanjoy K. Parida. Analysis of robust interval type-2 fuzzy pid controller for agc in a restructured power system. In 7th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), pages 168–174, 2017.
      53. Abhishek Kumar, S.K. Parida, and Sailesh Sourab. Comparative analysis of linearization and point estimate methods for solving probabilistic load flow. In IEEE 7th Power India International Conference (PIICON), pages 1–6, 2016.
      54. M. A. Hasan, N. K. Vemula, and S. K. Parida. Cost based dynamic load dispatch for an autonomous parallel converter hybrid ac-dc microgrid. In National Power Systems Conference (NPSC), pages 1–5, 2016.
      55. M. A. Hasan, Sailesh Sourabh, and S. K. Parida. Impact of a microgrid on utility grid under symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault conditions. In IEEE 7th Power India International Conference (PIICON), pages 1–6, 2016.
      56. M. A. Hasan and S. K. Parida. Performance of single phase induction motor under different supply quality. In IEEE 6th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), pages 1–4, 2016.
      57. Abhay Kumar, M.A. Hasan, Md. Junaid Akhtar, S.K. Parida, and R.K. Behera. Design optimization of linear induction motor. In 6th International Conference on Power Electronics Systems and Applications (PESA), pages 1–5, 2015.
      58. M. A. Hasan and S. K. Parida. Temperature dependency of partial shading effect and corresponding electrical characterization of pv panel. In IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, pages 1–3, 2015.
      59. Md. Junaid Akhtar, R. K. Behera, and S. K. Parida. Propulsion system design of electric vehicle. In 6th International Conference on Power Electronics Systems and Applications (PESA), pages 1–5, 2015.
      60. A. K. Singh and S. K. Parida. Benefits associated with distributed generation to remove transmission overloads. In International Conference and Utility Exhibition on Green Energy for Sustainable Development (ICUE), pages 1–3, 2014.
      61. K. B. Sai Kiran, S. Brahma, S. K. Parida, and R. K. Behera. Analysis of inductive resonant coupled wpt system using reflected load theory. In IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), pages 1–6, 2014.
      62. R. Prakash, A. Junaid, R. K. Behera, and S. K. Parida. Design of a squirrel cage induction motor for electric propulsion system. In Third International Conference on advances in control and optimization of dynamical systems (ACODS-2014), Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, pages 1–5, 2014.
      63. Md. Junaid Akhtar, R. K. Behera, and S. K. Parida. Optimized rotor slot shape for squirrel cage induction motor in electric propulsion application. In IEEE 6th India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE), pages 1–5, 2014.
      64. M A Hasan and S K Parida. Effect of non-uniform irradiance on electrical characteristics of an assembly of pv panels. In IEEE 6th India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE), pages 1–3, 2014.
      65. R. K. Behera and S. K. Parida. Dc microgrid management using power electronics converters. In Eighteenth National Power Systems Conference (NPSC), pages 1–6, 2014.
      66. A. K. Singh and S. K. Parida. A new selection criteria for combined optimal allocation of ress based dgs in restructured electricity market. In IEEE Energytech, pages 1–5, 2013.
      67. R. K. Behera, M. Kumari, and S. K. Parida. Design of a two resonating coil wpt system for portable electronics loads. In National Power Electronics Conferences (NPEC13), Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, pages 1–5, 2013.
      68. A. K. Singh and S. K. Parida. A strategic framework for allocation of distributed generation under severity conditions. In IEEE Fifth Power India Conference (PICON 2012), Murthal, pages 1–6, 2012.
      69. A. K. Singh and S. K. Parida. Need of distributed generation for sustainable development in coming future. In IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), pages 1–6, 2012.
      70. AK Singh and SK Parida. Combined optimal placement of solar; wind and fuel cell based dgs using ahp. In World Renewable Energy Congress-Sweden; 8-13 May; 2011; Linköping; Sweden, number 057, pages 3113–3120. Linköping University Electronic Press, 2011.
      71. A. K. Singh, S. K. Parida, and B. K. Roy. Model based approach for fault detection in electrical power system. In National Conference on Recent Advances in Electrical Power and Energy System Management (RAEPESM 2011), Gorakhpur, pages 22–25, 2011.
      72. A. K. Singh and S. K. Parida. Selection of load buses for dg placement based on loss reduction and voltage improvement sensitivity. In International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives, pages 1–6, 2011.
      73. Amit K. Singh and S. K. Parida. Optimal placement of dgs using minlp in deregulated electricity market. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Energy and Sustainable Development: Issues and Strategies (ESD 2010), pages 1–7, 2010.
      74. Ranjan K. Behera, S. K. Parida, S. Behera, and S. P. Das. Implementation of a reduced order stator-flux observer for three level npc inverter-fed induction motor drive. In Conference Proceedings IPEC, pages 176–180, 2010.
      75. R. K. Behera, S. K. Parida, and Wenzhong Gao. Performance improvement of a wind power distribution station using a dynamic voltage restorer. In North American Power Symposium 2010, pages 1–6, 2010.
      76. S. K. Parida, S. N. Singh, S. C. Srivastava, P. Chanda, and A. K. Shukla. Pros and cons of existing frequency regulation mechanism in indian power industry. In Joint International Conference on Power System Technology and IEEE Power India Conference, pages 1–6, 2008.
      77. SK Parida, SN Singh, SC Srivastava, and A. Kumar. Optimal power flow control with tcpar and upfc in competitive electricity markets. In International Conference on Power System Operation in Deregulated Regime, IT BHU, 2006.
      78. S.K. Parida, S.N. Singh, and S.C. Srivastava. Voltage security constrained localized reactive power market. In IEEE Power India Conference, pages 6 pp.–, 2006.
      79. SK Parida, SN Singh, and SC Srivastava. Reactive market power analysis using herfindahl-hirschman index. In Advances in Power System Control Operation and Management, Hong Kong, 2006.
      80. A. Sharma, S. Chanana, and S. Parida. Combined optimal location of facts controllers and loadability enhancement in competitive electricity markets using milp. In IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2005, pages 670–677 Vol. 1, 2005.
      81. Ashwani Kumar and Sanjoy Parida. Optimal location of tcpar and power system loadability enhancement in competitive electricity markets using minlp. In International Conference on Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering Recent Advances, IIT Roorkee, 2005.
      82. Ashwani Kumar and Sanjoy Parida. Enhancement of power system loadability with optimal location of facts controllers in competitive electricity markets using milp. In International Conference on PEITSICON IEE, Kolkata, pages 515–522, 2005.
      83. Ashwani Kumar, Sanjoy Parida, SC Srivastava, and SN Singh. Enhancement of power system loadability with optimal location of tcpar in competitive electricity market using milp. In International Conference on Power System, pages 705–710, 2004.
      84. Ashwani Kumar and Sanjoy Parida. Total transfer capability determination with tcsc in competitive electricity markets using milp. In National Conference on Trends of Computational Techniques in Engineering, Longowal, pages 429–434, 2004.
      85. Ashwani Kumar and Sanjoy Parida. Secure bilateral transaction and system loadability deter-mination with tcsc in competitive electricity markets using milp. In National Power System Conference, IIT Madras, pages 364–369, 2004.