Stores and Purchase
Welcome to the Stores & Purchase Department of Indian Institute of Technology Patna. Stores & Purchase department of IIT Patna is catering needs of all other departments. This section contains details of the NIQ / Tenders / EOI / RFPs related information for the vendors / OEM / Service Providers. IIT Patna is an institute of National Importance hence, the procedure adopted by the institute is in consonance with the wider objective to achieve excellence in all activities of the Institute i.e. academic, research and development. The related aspects of accounting, record keeping, inventory, stock verification, Asset Register, Purchase Procedure etc will need proper attention so as to make the overall stores and purchase systems efficient and transparent. In short, we always strive to purchase right quality materials at the right place, at the right time, from the right source. Emphasis will be laid on the use of office automation to achieve efficiency and responsiveness in functioning.
IIT Patna follows the GFR-2017 for purchase of goods.
Instructions: EMD and Tender Fee PDF
Mr. Rajvardhan Jaideva
Assistant Registrar
Mr. Keshav Kumar
Junior Assistant
Ms. Pallavi Kumari
Junior Assistant
Mr. Raju Kumar
Junior Superintendent