Dr. Bussa Vinod Kumar

Dr. Bussa Vinod Kumar
Assistant Professor
Ph: +91-0612-302 8976
Research Areas
  • Power Electronics and Drives
Other Interests
  • N/A
Courses taught at IIT P
  • EE382 Power Electronics (Core, UG 6th semester)
Professional Experience
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Patna (30-Jan-2023 to Present) Senior Engineer in Power Electronics & Control, Danfoss Industries Pvt. Ltd., Chennai (20-06-2022 to 27-01-2023) Senior Engineer Automotive-Europe, L&T Technology Services (21-02-2022 to 10-06-2022) Temporary Faculty, IIEST Shibpur (16-11-2020 to 17-02-2022). Adhoc Faculty, NIT Calicut (08-09-2020 to 02-11-2020).
Awards & Honours
  • Recipient of IEEE IAS Annual Meeting Travel Grant Program (AMTGP) 2019 for conference paper presented in 2019 IEEE IAS AM. Recipient of IGCS Scholarship for participating 2019 IGCS Summer School. Recipient of International Travel Support by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Government of India for conference paper presented in 2018 IEEE IAS Annual Meeting. Recipient of IES-SYPA for conference paper presented in 2018 IEEE ICIT. Pratibha Puraskar Award received from Ramineni Foundation, Hyderabad for the academic excellence in Class X (2006). Recipient of NCC CADET “A” Certificate from NCC Directorate, A. P., Secunderabad (2005). Merit Award received from Taluk Junior College, Tenali for the academic excellence in Class VII (2003)
Member of Professional bodies
  • IEEE Member IEEE Power Electronics Society IEEE Industrial Electronics Society IEEE Industry Applications Society IEEE Power and Energy Society IEEE Transportation Electrification Community
Publications / Journals
    1. N. Yalla, V. K. Bussa, A. V. J. S. Praneeth, P. Agarwal, A. N. Babu and Y. S. Rao, "Reduced Switching State Five-Level Rectifier," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 612-621, Jan.-Feb. 2022.
    2. S. K. Samal, V. K. Bussa, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, "Wide Operating Range Minimum Phase Interleaved Hybrid Converter With Reduced Leakage Current," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 1545-1558, March-April 2021.
    3. V. K. Bussa, A. Aman and R. K. Singh, "A Minimum-Phase Dual Output Hybrid Converter for Standalone Hybrid AC/DC Supply Systems," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 1044-1056, Jan.-Feb. 2021.
    4. N. Yalla, P. Agarwal, J. S. P. Ammanamanchi Venkata and V. K. Bussa, "Reduced switching state multilevel improved power factor converter for level-3 electric vehicle applications," IET Power Electronics, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 693-702, 18 3 2020.
    5. V. K. Bussa, R. K. Singh, R. Mahanty and V. N. Lal, "Design and Analysis of Step-Up Interleaved DC–DC Converter for Different Duty Regions," IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 2031-2047, March-April 2020.
    6. V. K. Bussa, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, "Enhanced high-gain SLC-ZSI at low-duty region," IET Power Electronics, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 1532-1544, 29 5 2019.
    7. S. Dey, V. K. Bussa and R. K. Singh, "Transformerless Hybrid Converter With AC and DC Outputs and Reduced Leakage Current," IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 1329-1341, June 2019.
    8. V. K. Bussa, A. Ahmad, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, "Single-phase high-voltage gain switched LC Z-source inverters," IET Power Electronics, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 796-807, 1 5 2018.
    9. A. Ahmad, V. K. Bussa, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, "Switched-Boost-Modified Z-Source Inverter Topologies With Improved Voltage Gain Capability," IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 2227-2244, Dec. 2018.
    10. V. K. Bussa, A. Ahmad, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, "Interleaved Hybrid Converter With Simultaneous DC and AC Outputs for DC Microgrid Applications," IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 2763-2772, May-June 2018.
    11. A. Ahmad, V. K. Bussa, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, "Quadratic boost derived hybrid multi-output converter," in IET Power Electronics, vol. 10, no. 15, pp. 2042-2054, 15 12 2017

    Conference Publications:

    1. N. Yalla, V. K. Bussa, A. Praneeth and P. Agarwal, "Reduced Switching State Five-Level High Power Factor Converter," 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (PESGRE2020), Cochin, India, 2020, pp. 1-6.
    2. N. Yalla, J. S. P. A V, P. Agarwal and V. K. Bussa, “Multi-Point Clamped Converter for Fast Charging Applications in Electric Transportation,” 2019 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC-India), Bangalore, India, December 17-19, 2019.
    3. V. B. Pamshetti, S. Singh, A. K. Thakur, S. P. Singh and V. K. Bussa, "Integrated Operation of Conservation Voltage Reduction and Network Reconfiguration in PV-Rich Distribution Network considering Soft Open Point Impact," 2019 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA, 2019, pp. 1-6.
    4. A. Aman, V. K. Bussa and R. K. Singh, "A Minimum Phase Dual Output Hybrid Converter for Off-Grid Applications," 2019 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA, 2019, pp. 1-6.
    5. V. K. Bussa, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, "A Two Switch Non-Isolated High Gain DC-DC Converter," 2018 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), Chennai, India, 2018, pp. 1-6.
    6. V. K. Bussa, R. K. Singh, R. Mahanty and V. N. Lal, "Steady State Analysis of High Gain Interleaved Boost Converter at Different Operating Regions," 2018 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS), Portland, OR, 2018, pp. 1-6.
    7. V. K. Bussa, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, "Modified L-Z-source inverter with high gain inversion and inductive load compatibility," 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Lyon, 2018, pp. 770-775.
    8. B. T. Vankayalapati, R. Singh and V. K. Bussa, "Two stage integrated on-board charger for EVs," 2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Lyon, 2018, pp. 1807-1813.
    9. V. K. Bussa, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, "Extendable multicell improved L-Z-source inverter," 2017 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC-India), Pune, 2017, pp. 1-5.
    10. V. K. Bussa, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, "Minimum phase hybrid boost converter for smart residential uninterruptible power supply system," 2017 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC-India), Pune, 2017, pp. 1-5.
    11. B. V. Kumar, R. S. Bhatia and P. Nijhawan, "Power quality enhancement using SVPWM Z-source inverter-based DVR," 2016 7th India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE), Patiala, 2016, pp. 1-6.
    12. B. V. Kumar, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, "A modified non-isolated bidirectional DC-DC converter for EV/HEV's traction drive systems," 2016 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), Trivandrum, 2016, pp. 1-6.
    13. B. V. Kumar, R. K. Singh and R. Mahanty, "Minimum phase PFC boost converter," IECON 2016 - 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Florence, 2016, pp. 3733-3738.