Dr. Shailesh Kumar Tiwari

Dr. Shailesh Kumar Tiwari
Assistant Professor

Ph.D, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (2016)

Ph: +91-612-302 8074
Research Areas
    1. Associative Rings and Algebras
    2. Polynomial Identities on Rings
    3. Finite Field
Courses taught at IIT P
    1. MA001: Preparatory Math I
    2. MA 002: Preparatory Math II
    3. MA1101 Calculus and linear Algebra
    4. MA102: Mathematics II
    5. MA217: Algebra
    6. MA218: Complex Analysis
    7. MA312: Number Theory
    8. MA421: Linear Algebra
    9. MA424: Complex Analysis
    10. MA427: Algebra
    11. MA529: Basic Number Theory
    12. MA623: Number Theory
    13. MA4101 Algebra
Sr. No. Photo Area of Reasearch Degree
Mr. Lovepreet Singh (2321MA12)
Functional Identities on Rings Ph.D
Ms. Aastha Shukla (2121MA18)
Finite Field Ph.D
Mr. Kaustav Chatterjee (2121MA03)
Primitive Elements over Finite Fields Ph.D
Ms. Pallavee Gupta (2021MA15)
Differential Polynomial Identities on Prime Rings Ph.D
Former Students
Sr. No. Photo Area of Reasearch Current Position
Mr. Lovepreet Singh (2112MA12)
M.Sc student
Mr. Pravin S. Gaupale (2112MA15)
M.Sc student
Ms. Sumita Gunri (2112MA29)
M.Sc student
Ms. Anu Kumari (2012MA05)
M.Sc student
Mr. Biswas (2012MA12)
M.Sc student
Mr. Chandan Kumar (1912MA04)
M.Sc student
Mr. Chappdi Vijaya Chandra Reddy (2212MA08)
M.Sc student
Professional Experience
  • Research Experience:

    1. Post-doctoral Fellow at the Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal, INDIA.
    2. Post-doctoral Fellow at Department of Mathematics, ICMC-University of Sao Paulo, Sao Carlos BRAZIL. 

    Teaching Experience:

    1. Visiting Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics, Ambedkar University Delhi, INDIA.
    2. Adjunct Faculty at the Department of Mathematics, Ambedkar University Delhi, INDIA.

    Workshop/conference Organized:

    1. Annual Foundation School, AFS-II (From 22nd May 2023 to 17th June 2023), (With Dr. N. K. Tomar and Dr. S. K. Singh)
    2. Program Coordinator: National Mathematics Day, IIT Patna (22nd December 2021 with Dr. N. K. Tomar and Dr. A. K. Verma)
Administrative Experience
    1. Ph.D Coordinator of Department of Mathematics, since January 2024 to January 2025.
    2. Warden, Aryabhatta Hostel (A, B & D Block) at IIT Patna since 16 June 2024 to till date.
    3. Warden, Kalam Hostel (A & B wing) at IIT Patna since June 2023 to June 2024.
    4. Associate Warden, Kalam Hostel (A & B wing) at IIT Patna since August 2021 to May 2023.
    5. Ph.D coordinator of Department of Mathematics since May 2021 to 5 January 2023.
    6. DAPC, Secretary of Department of Mathematics since April 2020 to May 2022.
Awards & Honours
    1. Postdoctoral Fellowship at Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal, INDIA.
    2. Postdoctoral Fellowship at ICMC-University of Sao Paulo BRAZIL.
    3. Received CSIR Senior Research Fellowship at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi.
    4. Received CSIR Junior Research Fellowship, at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi.
Publications / Journals
  • Research Talk:

    1. Centralizing b-generalized derivations on multilinear polynomials, In-House Symposium, IISER Bhopal, INDIA (February 08, 2019).
    2. Generalized derivations on prime and semi-prime rings, IISER Bhopal, INDIA ( August 23, 2018).
    3. Derivations on prime and semi-prime rings, Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos, Departamento de Matematica University of Sao Paulo, BRAZIL ( May 23, 2018).
    4. Conference: Derivation vanishing on generalized derivations with multilinear polynomials in prime rings, "International Conference on Algebra and Related Topics with Applications ( ICARTA -19 )" at Aligarh Muslim University, INDIA ( December 17, 2019 ).
    5. Presented a paper in "Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry ( CAAG ) at IISER Bhopal INDIA (July 2 to 6 2019).
    6. Presented a paper in "III Workshop dos Pos-doutorandos do ICMC-USP”, Sao Carlos BRAZIL ( November 8, 2017).
    7. Presented a paper in “International Conference on Semigroups Algebras and Applications ( ICSSA)” Cochin University, INDIA ( September 17 to 10, 2015 ).


