Publications / Journals |
For updated list of publications see ⇒ INSPIRE HEP database:
31. "Exploring the BSM parameter space with Neural Network aided Simulation-Based Inference", Atrideb Chatterjee, Arghya Choudhury, Sourav Mitra, Arpita Mondal, Subhadeep Mondal arXiv:2502.11928; (2025)
30. "Probing sub-TeV Higgsinos aided by a Machine Learning based top tagger in the context of Trilinear RPV SUSY", Rajneil Baruah, Arghya Choudhury, Kirtiman Ghosh, Subhadeep Mondal, Rameswar Sahu arXiv:2412.11862; (2024)
29. "A Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis to probe trilinear R-parity violating SUSY scenarios and possible LHC signatures", Arghya Choudhury, Sourav Mitra, Arpita Mondal, Subhadeep Mondal arXiv:2411.08112; (2024)
28. "Searches for the BSM scenarios at the LHC using decision tree based machine learning algorithms: A comparative study and review of Random Forest, Adaboost, XGboost and LightGBM frameworks", Arghya Choudhury, Arpita Mondal, Subhadeep Mondal arXiv:2405.06040 ; Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. (EPJST) 233, 2425–2463 (2024)
27. " Status of R-parity violating SUSY ", Arghya Choudhury, Arpita Mondal, Subhadeep Sarkar arXiv:2402.04040; Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. (EPJST) 233, 2187–2208 (2024)
26. "Slepton searches in the trilinear RPV SUSY scenarios at the HL-LHC and HE-LHC", Arghya Choudhury, Arpita Mondal, Subhadeep Mondal, Subhadeep Sarkar arXiv:2310.07532; Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. (EPJST) 233, 2163–2176 (2024)
25. "Improving sensitivity of trilinear RPV SUSY searches using machine learning at the LHC", Arghya Choudhury, Arpita Mondal, Subhadeep Mondal, Subhadeep Sarkar arXiv:2308.02697 ; Physical Review D (PRD) 109 (2024) 3, 035001
24. "Bilinear R-parity violating supersymmetry under the light of neutrino oscillation, higgs and flavor data", Arghya Choudhury, Sourav Mitra, Arpita Mondal, Subhadeep Mondal arXiv:2305.15211 ; Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) 02 (2024) 004
23. "Electroweakino searches at the HL-LHC in the baryon number violating MSSM" , Rahool Kumar Barman, Biplob Bhattacherjee, Indrani Chakraborty, Arghya Choudhury, Najimuddin Khan arXiv:2003.10920, Physical Review D (PRD) 103 (2021) 1, 015003
22. "Scope of strongly self-interacting thermal WIMPs in a minimal U(1)D extension and its future prospects" , Rahool Kumar Barman, Biplob Bhattacherjee, Arindam Chatterjee, Arghya Choudhury, Aritra Gupta arXiv:1811.09195, Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) 05 (2019) 177
21. “Current status of MSSM Higgs sector with LHC 13 TeV data”, Rahool Kumar Barman, Biplob Bhattacherjee, Arghya Choudhury, Debtosh Chowdhury, Jayita Lahiri, Shamayita Ray , Eur.Phys.J.Plus 134 (2019), 150; arXiv:1608.02573 .
21. “Impact of LHC data on muon g-2 solutions in a vectorlike extension of the constrained MSSM”, Arghya Choudhury, Soumya Rao, Leszek Roszkowski; Phys. Rev. D 96, 075046, (2017) doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.96.075046; arXiv:1708.05675
20. “Blind Spots for Direct Detection with Simplified DM Models and the LHC”, Arghya Choudhury, Kamila Kowalska, Leszek Roszkowski, Enrico Maria Sessolo, Andrew J. Williams; Universe 3 (2017) No. 2, 41 doi: 10.3390/universe3020041 ; arXiv:1705.04230
19. “Muon g-2 and related phenomenology in constrained vector-like extensions of the MSSM”, Arghya Choudhury, Luc Darme, Leszek Roszkowski, Enrico Maria Sessolo, Sebastian Trojanowski; JHEP 05 (2017) 072 10.1007/JHEP05(2017)072 ; arXiv:1701.08778
18. “Study of MSSM heavy Higgs bosons decaying into charginos and neutralinos”, Rahool K. Barman, Biplob Bhattacherjee, Amit Chakraborty, Arghya Choudhury; Phys. Rev. D 94, 075013 (2016) 10.1103/Phys Rev D.94.075013 ; arXiv:1607.00676
17. “The role of leptonic cascades in B_c → B_s at the LHC”, Arghya Choudhury, Anirban Kundu, Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya; arXiv:1606.08402 .
16. “Revisiting the Exclusion Limits from Direct Chargino-Neutralino Production at the LHC”, Arghya Choudhury, Subhadeep Mondal; Phys. Rev. D 94, 055024, (2016) 10.1103/Phys Rev D.94.055024 ; arXiv:1603.05502 .
14. “Di-photon resonance around 750 GeV: shedding light on the theory underneath”, Joydeep Chakrabortty, Arghya Choudhury, Pradipta Ghosh, Subhadeep Mondal, Tripurari Srivastava, arXiv:1512.05767 .
13. “Less-simplified models of dark matter for direct detection and the LHC”, Arghya Choudhury, Kamila Kowalska, Leszek Roszkowski, Enrico Maria Sessolo, Andrew J. Williams; JHEP 04 (2016) 182 10.1007/JHEP04(2016)182 ; arXiv:1509.05771 .
12. “Reduced LHC constraints for higgsino-like heavier electroweakinos”, Manimala Chakraborti, Utpal Chattopadhyay, Arghya Choudhury, Amitava Datta, Sujoy Poddar; JHEP 11, 050 (2015), 10.1007/JHEP11(2015)050; arXiv:1507.01395.
11. “Status of MSSM Higgs Sector using Global Analysis and Direct Search Bounds, and Future Prospects at the HL-LHC”, Biplob Bhattacherjee, Amit Chakraborty, Arghya Choudhury; Phys. Rev. D 92, 093007 (2015)10.1103/PhysRevD.92.093007 ; arXiv:1504.04308 .
10. “Non-universal Gaugino mass models under the lamppost of muon (g-2)”, Joydeep Chakrabortty, Arghya Choudhury and Subhadeep Mondal; JHEP 07, 038 (2015), 10.1007/JHEP07(2015)038 ; arXiv:1503.08703.
- “Gluino mass limits with sbottom NLSP in coannihilation scenarios”, Arindam Chatterjee, Arghya Choudhury, Amitava Datta, Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya; JHEP 01, 154 (2015), 10.1007/JHEP01(2015)154 ; arXiv:1411.6467.
- “The role of MSSM heavy Higgs production in the self coupling measurement of 125 GeV Higgs boson at the LHC”, Biplob Bhattacherjee and Arghya Choudhury; Phys. Rev. D 91, 073015 (2015), 10.1103/Phys Rev D.91.073015 ; arXiv:1407.6866 .
- “The Electroweak Sector of the pMSSM in the Light of LHC - 8 TeV and Other Data”, Manimala Chakraborti, Utpal Chattopadhyay, Arghya Choudhury, Amitava Datta, Sujoy Poddar; JHEP 07, 019 (2014) 10.1007/JHEP07(2014)019 ; arXiv:1404.4841 .
- “Compressed supersymmetry at 14 TeV LHC”, Biplob Bhattacherjee, Arghya Choudhury, Kirtiman Ghosh and Sujoy Poddar; Phys. Rev. D 89, 037702 (2014), 10.1103/Phys Rev D.89.037702 ; arXiv:1308.1526 .
- “Neutralino dark matter confronted by the LHC constraints on Electroweak SUSY signals”, Arghya Choudhury and Amitava Datta; JHEP 09, 119 (2013) 10.1007/JHEP09(2013)119 ; arXiv:1305.0928 .
- “New limits on stop squark NLSP from ATLAS 4.7 f b −1 data", Arghya Choudhury and Amitava Datta; Mod. Phys. Lett. A, Vol. 27, No. 32 (2012) 1250188 10.1142/S021773231250188X; arXiv:1207.1846.
- “Many faces of low mass neutralino dark matter in the unconstrained MSSM, LHC data and new signals”, Arghya Choudhury and Amitava Datta; JHEP 06, 006 (2012) 10.1007/JHEP06(2012)006 ; arXiv:1203.4106 .
- “Low mass neutralino dark matter in mSUGRA and more general models in the light of LHC data”, Nabanita Bhattacharyya, Arghya Choudhury and Amitava Datta; Phys. Rev. D 84, 095006 (2011) 10.1103/PhysRevD.84.095006 ; arXiv:1107.1997 .
- “Supersymmetry signals with small and large trilinear couplings at the LHC 7 TeV runs and neutralino dark matter”, Nabanita Bhattacharyya, Arghya Choudhury and Amitava Datta; Phys. Rev. D 83, 115025 (2011) 10.1103/PhysRevD.83.115025; arXiv:1104.0333.
- International Meeting on High Energy Physics - 2019, IOP, India (2019).
- “BayesFITS mini-symposium”, National Centre for Nuclear Research, Warsaw, Poland, (2015).
- “PASCOS 2015 - The 21st International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology”, ICTP, Trieste, Italy (2015).
- “Workshop on LHC and Dark Matter (LHCDM)”, IACS, Kolkata, India (2015).
- “Workshop on Frontiers of New Physics: Colliders and Beyond”, ICTP, Trieste, Italy (2014).
- “Workshop on High Energy Physics and Phenomenology 2013 (WHEPP13)” Puri, Odisha, India (2013).
- “Think Tank on Physics @ LHC”, Rajasthan, India (2011 ).
- “Leptogenesis & GUT”, University of Calcutta, India (2011).
- “Physics at early run of the LHC”, IACS, Kolkata, India (2011)
- “XXVI SERC Main School in Theoretical High Energy Physics”, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India (2011).
- “XXV SERC Preparatory School in Theoretical High Energy Physics”, IIT Madras, Chennai, India (2009)
- “Instructional Workshop on LHC Physics”, IISER Kolkata, India (2008).