Dr. Raghavan K Easwaran

Dr. Raghavan K Easwaran
Ph.D, University of Paris 13, France , MSc in Physics IIT Madras
Ph: +91-612-3028029
Research Areas
  • Quantum Optics (Theory and experiment)
Sr. No. Photo Area of Reasearch Degree
Sumit Bhushan
Vikash Singh Chauhan
Dixith M
Rohit Kumar
Current Sponsored Projects
Sr. No. Title Principal Investigator Co-Principal Investigator Duration Sponsoring Agency Cost Status
1 Theoretical study on encapsulated Rb atom inside a C-60 cage for Quantum Technology application using Electromagnetically Induced Transparency Protocol P.I: Dr. Raghavan K Easwaran co-P.I: Nil 3 years (Ongoing) Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB) Rs. 26.96 Lakh
2 The project cited above approved for Core Research Grant to the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) for funding for a period of 3 years.
3 "Electromagnetically Induced Transparency and Slow Light in a Two dimensional Magneto Optical Trap (2D MOT)" P.I: Dr. Raghavan K . Easwaran 3 years SERB, DST, Govt of India
Professional Experience
  • Post Doc at The University of Nottingham (2013 June to 2013 Dec) Post Doc at TIFR Mumbai (2009 November to 2013 May)
Awards & Honours
  • Marie Curie Fellow, European Network IFRAF French fellowship
Publications / Journals / Conferences
    • Theoretical exploration of atomic structure calculation of sodium atom confined in the fullerene cage: A primer investigation for EIT applications M Ahmad, J Jose, B Goswami, RK Easwaran Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 57 155001 (2024)
    • Effect of relaxation on the transfer of orbital angular momentum via four-wave mixing process in the four-level double lambda atomic system R Kumar, D Manchaiah, M Ahmad, RK Easwaran New Journal of Physics 26 (5), 053045 (2024)
    • Rohit Kumar, Dixith Manchaiah and Raghavan K Easwaran*, Interaction of four level closed loop atomic systems in the presence of two vector beams, Physica Scripta, Volume 98, Number 7 (2023)
    • Manchaiah, D.; Kumar, R.; Ahmad, M.; Raghavan K Easwaran*,. Normal and anomalous dispersion study on probe light propagation in the presence of structured coupling light using Electromagnetically Induced Transparency protocol DOI: 10.1364/josab.487215 Journal of the Optical Society of America (JOSA B)(2023)
    • Saumyashree Baral, Raghavan K Easwaran, Jobin Jose *, Aarthi Ganesan, Pranawa C. Deshmukh, Temporal response of atoms trapped in optical dipole trap: A primer on quantum computing speed, Atoms, accepted (2023)
    • Rohit Kumar, Dixith Manchaiah, Raghavan K Easwaran*,Transmission and dispersion management of room temperature atomic vapor medium of 85Rb using EIT protocol, EPJ Plus, 138, 304 (2023)
    • Dixith Manchaiah, Rohit Kumar and Raghavan K. Easwaran*, Interplay of polarizations in a cascade EIT system in the presence of vortex coupling light in 87Rb atomic vapor medium, Manuscript reference: NJP-115454.R1, accepted in New Journal of Physics (2023, Jan 4th) Impact Factor 3.874
    • Rohit Kumar, Dixith Manchaiah, and Raghavan K. Easwaran*, Theoretical study of a four-level EIT-type system in the presence of structured coupling light for microwave field detection Appl. Opt. 61(36), 10681-10687 (2022).
    • Dixith Manchaiah, Rohit Kumar, Raghavan K Easwaran*, A Theoretical Analysis on Quantum Memory Parameters in Ultracold 87Rb and 133Cs Alkali Species using EIT Protocol in the Presence of Structured Light,QINP-D-21-00611R1, Quantum Information Processing (2022)
    • Enhancement of the electromagnetically induced transparency and absorption, Rohit Kumar, Vikas Chauhan, Raghavan K. Easwaran*, Probe 20, 41 (2021).
    • Measurement of multi-frequency dispersions of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency windows using Spatial Light Modulator in rubidium vapor,Vikas SinghChauhanDixithManchaiahPraveenKumarRohitKumarSumitBhushan and Raghavan K.Easwaran*, Volume 225, 165707, OPTIK  (January 2021)
    • Enhancement of the electromagnetically induced transparency and absorption signals in 85Rb atomic vapor medium by using the small external magnetic field Vikas SinghChauhanDixithManchaiahRohitKumar, and Raghavan K.Easwaran*,  Accepted in Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSAB) (January 2021)
    • Vikas S. Chauhan, Rohit Kumar, Dixith M, Praveen Kumar and Raghavan K .Easwaran* Narrowing of electromagnetically induced transperancy by using structured coupling light in 85 Rb vapor medium,Journal of Laser Physics,Volume 30, pp065203, 2020
    • Vikas S. Chauhan, Dixith M, Sumit Bhushan, Rohit Kumar and Raghavan K .Easwaran*,Theoretical design of Quantum Memory Unit for Under water Quantum Communication Using Electromagnetically Induced Transparency Protocol in ultracold 87 Rb atoms, International Journal of Quantum Information, accepted, July 2020
    • Vikas S Chauhan, Sumit Bhushan and Raghavan K Easwaran,Magnetic coil design for Two Dimensional Magneto Optical Trap to Realization of Efficient Quantum Memory,AIP Conference Proceedings 2241,020012 (2020).
    • Sumit Bhushan, Vikas S.Chauhan and Raghavan K. EaswaranBroadband Quantum Memory Using Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Atomic Medium, Journal of Modern Optics, Volume 66, Pages 992-997 (2019)
    • Sumit Bhushan, Vikas S. Chauhan, Raghavan K. EaswaranEffect of Magnetic Field on a Multi Window Ladder Type Electromagnetically Induced Transparency System of 87Rb Atoms in Vapour Cell,(Accepted on 6th August 2019, Physics Letters A) 2019
    • Sumit Bhushan, Vikas S.Chauhan and Raghavan K. EaswaranUltracold Rydberg atoms for efficient storage of terahertz frequency signals using electromagnetically induced transparency, Physics Letters A,Volume 382, Issue 48, 5 December 2018, Pages 3500-3504
    • Sumit Bhushan and Raghavan K. EaswaranA novel theoretical design for generation of slow light in two dimensional magneto optical trap using electromagnetically induced transparency (Applied Optics ,Vol. 56, Issue 13, pp. 3817-3823 (2017)
    • Gour M. Das, Anil B. Ringne, Venkata R. Dantham, Raghavan K. Easwaran and Ranjit Laha, Numerical investigations on photonic nanojet mediated surface enhanced Raman scattering and fluorescence techniques, Optics Express (Accepted on June 28, 2017).
    • Towards Ultracold Mixtures of Lithium and Cesium, Asaf Paris-Mandoki, Jonathan Nute, Matt Jones, Raghavan K Easwaran*, Sonali Warriar and Lucia Hackermueller, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Volume 59, Number 1 (2014)
    • Dipankar Nath, R Kollengode Easwaran, G Rajalakshmi and C S Unnikrishnan. Quantum-interference enhanced deep sub-Doppler cooling of 39K atoms beyond gray molasses (Phys.Rev. A 88, 053407 (2013))
    • Dipankar Nath, R Kollengode Easwaran, G Rajalakshmi and C S Unnikrishnan. Accelerated Thermalisation of 39K atoms in a Magnetic Trap with Superimposed Optical Potential J. Phys.BAt. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46 155303 (2013)
    • C S Unnikrishnan, Vandna Gokhroo, G Rajalakshmi and Raghavan K. EaswaranA versatile multi-species ultra-cold atoms experiment to study atomic correlations, quantum degeneracy, short-range forces and few-body quantum mechanicsAsian Journal of Physics, 20, No.2 and 3 (2011) 243-25
    • Vandna Gokhroo, G Rajalakshmi, R Kollengode Easwaran and C S Unnikrishnan. Sub-Doppler deep-cooled bosonic and fermionic isotopes of potassium in a compact 2D+3D MOT set-up J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys, 44 (2011) 115307
    • R. Kollengode Easwaran, L. Longchambon, P.-E. Pottie, V. Lorent and H. Perrin, and B. M.Garraway. Spectroscopy of a RF-dressed trap. Journal of Physics B, Atomic and molecular physics43, 065302 (2010)
    • .O. Morizot, L. Longchambon, R. Kollengode Easwaran, R. Dubessy, E. Knyazchyan, P.-E.Pottie, V. Lorent and H. PerrinInfluence of the Radio-Frequency source properties on RF- based atom trapsEur. Phys. J. D 47, 209214 (2008).
    • Sumit Bhushan and Raghavan K. Easwaran, "A compact and versatile design of two dimensional magneto optical trap for slow light experiments", DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium -25 (NLS-25), CP-04.42, 108 (2016)
    • Sumit Bhushan and Raghavan K. Easwaran"Electromagnetically Induced Transparency based Quantum Memory in a Cold Atomic Medium in a 2D-Magneto Optical Trap" National Conference of Atomic and Molecular Physics-XXI (NCAMP), PS-1-4, 60 (2017)
  • Seminar given on 'Ring trap for Ultra cold atoms' Marie Curie Network, Atom Chips workshop,Sicily, Italy Poster presented in ICAP 2006 International conference , Innsbruck , Austria - Rf-eld dressed ultracold atoms: adiabatic potentials, 2D trapping and vectorial coupling-induced evaporation. Poster presented in IFRAF Workshop. Ecole Normale Superiere Paris - Influence of the Radio-Frequency source properties on RF-based atom traps. Poster presented in Doctorants Workshop, Institute Galilee, Villetaneuse, France - Ultra coldatoms conned in 2D dressed potentials. Poster presented in Indo-French Workshop 2005, Raman Research Institute Bangalore, India- Experimental Realisation of Bose-Einstein Condensates. Poster presented in ICTP 2011 conference held at Goa, India - Sub-Doppler deep- cooled bosonic and fermionic isotopes of potassium in a compact 2D+-3D MOT set-up Poster presented in ISAMP Conference, IISER Kolkata, (2012, December), Hybrid trapping of ultracold potassium atoms. Seminar given at University of Durham, United Kingdom , Ultracold atoms confined in a 2D and hybrid trap (February (2013). Seminar given at University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, Ultracold atoms confined in a 2D and hybrid trap (January (2013).