Dr. Manas Kumar Sarangi

Dr. Manas Kumar Sarangi
Asst. Professor
Ph.D, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata
Research Areas
  • Biophysics and Ultrafast spectroscopy: Ultrafast Dynamics at Nanoscale, Perovskites, Semiconductor Quantum Dots
Other Interests
  • Travelling and Cricket
Courses taught at IIT P
  • PH-423 (Classical Mechanics, M. Sc.), PH-422 (Applied Optics, M. Sc.), PH-421 (Electrodynamics, M. Sc.) NT-502 (Analytical Technique, M. Tech.), PH-102 (Physics-1, B. Tech.), NT-514 (Topical Seminar, M. Tech.) PH-702 (Classical and Electrodynamics, Ph. D.) PH-110 (Laboratory courses, B. Tech) EP-205 (Classical and Special Theory of Relativity, B. Tech.) PH-610 (Ultrafast Spectroscopy, B.Tech. Engineering Physics, Introductory Biophysics, M. Sc.) [Course introduced]
PHD Students
Sr. No. Photo Area of Reasearch Status
Ranjan Kumar Behera 2016 (Post. Doc. AIST, Japan)
Leepsa Mishra 2017
Satish Kumar 2019
Aradhan Panigrahi 2020
Priyanka Dubey 2022
Soumi Dutta 2022
Professional Experience
  • Ph.D. Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India Post-doc: University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Awards & Honours
  • Early Carrier Research Award 2017 Core Research Grant 2022 NSF postdoctoral fellowship-USA, VATAT Fellowship-Weizmann Institute of Science
Member of Professional bodies
  • Biophysical society USA American Heart association (2014-2015) Indian biophysical society Member of radiation and photo-science
    • D. Dey, M. K. Sarangi, S. Basu, “Hydrogen bonding on photoexcitation” in Hydrogen bonding and transfer in the excited state, Ke-Li Han and Guang-Jiu Zhao WILEY publishers (2011).
    • Distance Dependence of Magnetic Field Effect Inside the Confined Heterogeneous Environment: A Case Study with Acridine and N, N-Dimethyl Aniline Inside AOT Reverse MicellesM. K. Sarangi and S. Basu, 127-143. Editors: Tanmoy Chakraborty, PhD, Michael J. Bucknum, Eduardo A. Castro, Apple Academic Press , Toronto & New Jersey and CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 2014.
Publications / Journals / Conferences
    • L Mishra, R K Behera, A Panigrahi, P Dubey, S Dutta, M K Sarangi, J. Phys. Chem. Lettrs, 2023, 14, 2651
    • Regulating Optoelectronics of Carbon Dots with Redox-active Dopamine, A Panigrahi, R K Behera, L Mishra, P Dubey, S Dutta, M K Sarangi, Talanta Open, 2023, 100198
    • Deciphering the Relevance of Quantum Confinement in the Optoelectronics of CsPbBr3 Perovskite Nanostructures, A Panigrahi, R K Behera, L Mishra, S Kumar, P Dubey, S Dutta, M K Sarangi, Carbon, 2023, 206, 114
    • Photo-induced charge transfer in composition-tuned halide perovskite nanocrystals with quinone and its impact on conduction current, Leepsa Mishra, Aradhana Panigrahi, Priyanka Dubey, M K Sarangi, J. of Applied Physics 2022, 132 (19), 195702
    • “Flexible hinge” dynamics in mismatched DNA revealed by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy TB Ten, V Zvoda, M K Sarangi, SV Kuznetsov, A Ansari, Journal of Biological Physics, 2022, 48 (3), 253-272
    • Förster Resonance Energy Transfer Assisted Enhancement in Optoelectronic Properties of Metal Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals. L Mishra, R K Behera, A Panigrahi, M K Sarangi, J. Phys. Chem. Lettrs 2022, 13 4357
    • Aliphatic and aromatic amine-based nitrogen-doped carbon dots: a comparative photophysical study. L Mishra, R K Behara, A Panigrahi, K Bera, M K Sarangi. J. Opt. 2022, 24, 044011
    • Tunable Conductance of MoS2 and WS2 Quantum Dots by Electron Transfer with Redox-Active Quinone. R K Behara, L Mishra, A Panigrahi, P K Sahoo, M K Sarangi ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14, 4, 5750–5761
    • Surface Charge Alteration in Carbon Dots Governs the Interfacial Electron Transfer and Transport. L Mishra, R K Behara, S Mondal, S Kumar, A Panigrahi, M K Sarangi. J. Phys. Chem. C 2021, 125, 42, 23398–23408
    • Magnetic Field Probes the Impact of the Ionic Micellar Interface on Photoinduced Charge-Transfer Kinetics of Carbon Dots R K Behara, L Mishra, S Mondal, S Kumar, A Panigrahi, S. Singha, M K Sarangi, J. Phys. Chem. C 2021, 125, 31, 17418–17427
    • Interface and doping in carbon dots influence charge transfer and transport. L Mishra, R K Behara, S Mondal, S Kumar, A Panigrahi, M K Sarangi, Carbon 2021, 178, 894
    • Bending fluctuations in mismatched DNA revealed by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, T. B. Ben, V. Zvoda, M. K. Sarangi, A. Ansari. Biophysical Journal 2021, 120(3), 219a
    • Metal nanoparticle alters adenine induced charge transfer kinetics of vitamin K3 in magnetic field, R K Behera, A Sau, L Mishra, S Mondal, K Bera, S Kumar, S Basu, M K Sarangi. Nature Sci. Rep. 2020, 10, 1, 1-13
    • Redox Modifications of Carbon Dots Shape Their Optoelectronics, R. K. Behera, A. Sau, L. Mishra, K. Bera, S. Mallik, A. Nayak, S. Basu, M. K. Sarangi. J. of Phys. Chemistry C 2019, 123 (45), 27937-27944
    • Evidence for a bind-then-bend mechanism for architectural DNA binding protein yNhp6A; M. K. Sarangi, V. Zvoda, M. N. Holte, N. A. Becker, J. P. Peters, L J Maher III, A. Ansari; Nucleic acid Research, 2019, 47, 2871.
    • DNA Bending/Unbending Rates Revealed for Nonspecific Architectural DNA-Binding Protein yNhp6A, V Zvoda, M K Sarangi, M N Holte, N A Becker, J P Peters, L J Maher, A Ansari, Biophysical Journal, 2019, 116, 211A
    • Light induced charge and energy transport in nucleic acids and proteins: general discussion, Faraday Discussion, 2018, 207, 153
    • Photo-crosslinking between nucleic acids and proteins: general discussion, V Vinayak, R. Cogdell, C. Crespo-Hernández, A. Datta, A. De, S. Haacke, J. Helliwell, R. Improta, J. Joseph, T. Karsili, B. Kohler, R. Krishnan, L Mahil, F. Lewis, I. Mandal, D. Markovitsi, P Mishra, S. Paul, G. Periyasamy, P Pradeepkumar, P. Roy Chowdhury, M. K. Sarangi, D. Sasikumar, I. Schapiro, G. Schertler, I. Schlichting, J. Segarra-Martí, R. Swaminathan, V Vishnu, R. Van Grondelle, R. Varghese, R. Venkatramani, Faraday discussions 2018, 207, 283-306
    • Bionanophotonics: general discussion: general discussion, Faraday discussions 2018, 207, 389-408
    • Micellar control over tautomerization and photo-induced electron transfer of Lumichrome in the presence of aliphatic and aromatic amines: a transient absorption study, C. Sengupta, M K Sarangi, A Sau, S Basu Methods and applications in fluorescence, 2017, 5, 014008
    • Excited state hydrogen bonding fluorescent probe: Role of structure and environment, D Dey, M K Sarangi, A Ray, D Bhattacharyya, D K Maity. J. of Luminescence 173, 105 (2016).
    • Probing DNA Bending Kinetics by yNhp6A with Ultrafast Temperature Jump Spectroscopy, M K. Sarangi, M. Nelson-Holte, J. Maher, A. Ansari. Biophysical Journal 108, p400a (2015).
    • Influence of microheterogeneity on the solution phase photophysics of a newly synthesised, environment sensitive fluorophore 2-((7,8-dimethyl-1-oxo-2,3,4,9-tetrahydro-1H-carbazol, S. Basu A K Mitra, S Ghosh, M K Sarangi, A Sau, Chandan Saha, J. Photochem. Photobio. A, 296, 66 (2015).
    • A case study of photo induced electron transfer between riboflavin and aliphatic amine: Deciphering different mechanisms of ET operating from femtosecond to microsecond time domain, C. Sengupta, M. K. Sarangi, A. Sau, D. Mandal, S. Basu: J. Photochem. Photobio. A, 296, 25(2015).
    • Photophysics of a solvent sensitive keto-tetrahydrocarbazole based fluorophore and its interaction with triethylamine: A spectroscopic inquest under surfactant and β-CD confinement: A. K. Mitra, S. Ghosh, M. K. Sarangi, S. Chakraborty, C. Saha, S. Basu: J Molecular Structure, 1074, 617 (2014).
    • Photo-physical investigation of 5-methoxy-1-keto-1, 2, 3, 4 tetrahydrocarbazol inside heterogeneous environment of reverse micelles and binary mixtures: M. K. Sarangi, A. K. Mitra, C. Sengupta, S.Ghosh, S. Chakravorty, C Saha, S.Basu:J. Phys. Chem. C,117, 2166 (2013).
    • Distance dependence of magnetic field effect inside confined environment of reverse micelles. M K Sarangi and S. Basu. AIP Conf. Proc. 1536, 979 (2013).
    • Photophysical properties of an environment sensitive fluorophore 1-Keto-6,7-dimethoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydrocarbazole and its excited-state interaction with N, N, dimethylaniline A spectroscopic investigation: A. K.Mitra, S. Ghosh, S. Chakraborty, M. K. Sarangi, C.Saha, S.Basu: J. Photochem. Photobio. A, 2012, 240, 66.
    • Prototropic interactions of pyrimidine nucleic acid bases with Acridine: A spectroscopic investigation: M. K. Sarangi, A. Mitra, S. Basu: J. Phys. Chem. B,116, 10275 (2012).
    • Influence of 2’deoxy sugar moiety on excited state proton equilibrium of Adenine and Adenosine with Acridine inside SDS micelles; A time-resolved study with quantum-chemical calculations:M. K. Sarangi, D. Bhattacharyya, S. Basu, Chem. Phys. Chem, 13, 525 (2012).
    • Photophysical behavior of Acridine with amines within micellar microenvironment of SDS: a time-resolved fluorescence and laser flash photolysis study:M. K. Sarangi, S.Basu, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 13, 16821 (2011).
    • Influence of heterogeneity of confined water on photophysical behavior of Acridine with amines: A time-resolved fluorescence and laser flash photolysis study: M. K. Sarangi, D. Dey, S. Basu, J. Phys. Chem. A, 115, 128 (2011).
    • Associated electron and proton transfer between Acridine and Triethylamine in AOT reverse micelles probed by laser flash photolysis with magnetic field: M. K. Sarangi, S. Basu: Chem. Phys. Letts., 506, 205 (2011).
  • Presented poster in “29th Annual Gibbs Conference on Biothermodynamics”, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois, USA (2015) Presented poster in Argonne National Laboratory Postdoc Research and Career Symposium 2015, Chicago, Illinois, USA (2015). Presented Poster in “59th Annual Biophysical Meeting of Biophysical Society”, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, (2015). Participated in “Principles of Fluorescence techniques”, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA, 2014. Participated in “Computational Biology, Now and Then”, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, 2013. Presented Poster in “International Symposium on Molecular Organization and Complexity: A Chemical Perspective” India, 2013. Presented Poster in “International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied Physics and Material Science”, Bikaner, India, 2013. Oral Presentation in “International conferences on Recent Advances in Chemical and Physical Biology”, SINP, India, 2012. Presented Poster in “FCS2012, Fluorescence methods in Single Molecule Spectroscopy”, SINP, India, 2012. Oral Presentation in “Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray Memorial Symposium on Chemistry and Industry” Calcutta University, India, 2012. Presented Poster in “Trombay Symposium in Radiation and Photochemistry TSRP” BARC, Mumbai, India, 2012. Participated in “12th International Conferences on Surface X-ray and Neutron Scattering” SXNS-12, Hyatt Regency, India, 2012. Presented Poster in “ESF-LFUI Conference on Charge Transfer in Biosystems”, Obergurgl, Austria. 2011. Presented Poster in “FCS-2011 National Fluorescence Workshop on spectroscopy and microscopy in Chemistry and Biology”, JNU, New Delhi, India, 2011. Presented Poster in “International Symposium on Facets of Weak Interactions in Chemistry”, Calcutta University, Kolkata, India, 2011. Awarded Best Poster in “Asia Pacific Symposium in Radiation Chemistry and Trombay symposium on Radiation and Photochemistry (TSRP 2010)”, Lonavala, India, 2010. Presented Poster in “International conference on Physics Biology Interface (ICPBI-2009)” SINP, Kolkata, India, 2009. Presented Poster in “An International Conference of ‘Fluorescence in Biology’ Fluorescence 2009” TIFR, Mumbai, India, 2009.