Dr. Soumya Jyoti Ray

Dr. Soumya Jyoti Ray
Associate Professor
h.D, University of St. Andrews, UK M.Sc,Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
91(0) 6115 302 616
Research Areas
  • Condensed Matter Physics: Two-dimensional (2D) Materials Nanoelectronics Spintronics Superconductivity Magnetism Resistive Switching and Non-volatile memory Machine Learning Topological Insulators Quantum Metrology Oxide Electronics
Other Interests
  • Travelling Sports Writing
Courses taught at IIT P
  • PH101(T) : Physics – I (B. Tech) PH429 : Electronics (MSc) PH430 : Electronics Laboratory (MSc) PH424 : Statistical Mechanics (MSc) PH440 : General Physics Laboratory (MSc) PH512 : Atomic and Molecular Physics (MSc) PH527 : Measurement Techniques (MSc) PH703 : Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics (PhD) NT514 : Seminar (M. Tech)
PHD Students
Sr. No. Photo Area of Reasearch Status
Shivani Rani (Thesis submitted)
Shantanu Majumder (Thesis submitted)
Puja Kumari
Subhasmita Kar
Towhidur Rahaman
Saurav Kumar
Dimpal Kumari
Shubham Sahoo
Neelam Gupta
Current Sponsored Projects
Sr. No. Title Principal Investigator Co-Principal Investigator Duration Sponsoring Agency Cost Status
1 DST - Core Research Grant
2 DST - Early Career Research Award
3 DST – INSPIRE Research Grant
4 UGC-DAE Collaborative Research Scheme
Professional Experience
  • March, 2016 – present : Assistant Professor at IIT Patna 2014-2016 : Scientific Staff at Technical University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany 2012-2014 : Postdoctoral Research Fellow at CEA Grenoble, Grenoble, France 2007-2011: Teaching Assistant at University of St. Andrews, UK 2006–2007: Junior Research Fellow at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Awards & Honours
  • Section Editor of “Current material Science” journal Editorial Board Member of “Current Chinese Science” Associate Editorial Board Member of “Current Graphene Science” Guest Editor of Special Issue "Novel 2D Energy Materials and Devices" in the journal Energy by MDPI (IF: 3.004) Listed among the top 2% scientists worldwide by the database created by Stanford University, USA DST- Early Career Research Award DST-INSPIRE Faculty Award (Direct Mode). Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at TU Darmstadt (Germany), University of Southampton (UK), University of St. Andrews (UK). Research Excellence Grant under the European Metrology Research Program (included salary, research contributions, travel). EPSRC Doctoral Fellowship, UK Doctoral Research Fellowship (Max. Planck Society, Germany) CSIR/UGC NET, GATE, IIT-JAM, NGPE. National Merit Scholarship (1999, 2001, 2004) Academic Excellence Award (West Bengal) – 1996, 1999, 2001 Indian Academy of Science Fellowship.
Member of Professional bodies
  • Honorary Rosalind Member, London Journals Press, UK Member of Institute of Physics (MInstP), UK Life Member, Neutron Scattering Society of India Life Member, Magnetic Society of India Senior Member, IEEE Fellow of SASS Member, German Physics Society (DPG). Life Member, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Network, UK. Student Fellow, Indian Academy of Sciences
Publications / Journals / Conferences
    1. T. Mukherjee, S. Kar, S. J. Ray* - Robust Half Metallicity and tunable ferromagnetism in two-dimensional VClI2, Journal of Applied Physics, 133 (8), 084303 (2023)
    2. S. Sachin, S. Rani, S. Kar, P. Kumari, S. J. Ray* - Van der Waal’s twistronics in a MoS2/WS2 heterostructure, Computational Condensed Matter, 35, e00797 (2023)
    3. S. Sachin, S. Rani, S. Kar, P. Kumari, S. J. Ray* - Twist-engineered tunability in vertical MoS2/MoSe2 heterostructure, Applied Physics A, 129, 46 (2023)
    4. S. Majumder, K. Kumari, S. J. Ray* - Temperature dependent resistive switching properties of copper iodide and La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 nanocomposites, Applied Physics A, accepted [IF: 2.983]
    5. Sumit Chahal, Tumesh Sahu, S. Kar, S. J. Ray, V. Biju, P. Kumar - Transition Metal-Doped Boron Nitride Atomic Sheets with Engineered Bandgaps and Magnetization, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126, 21084 (2022) [IF: 4.177] Selected as, Cover image of this issue of journal.
    6. Sumit Chahal, A. K. Nair, S. J. Ray, J. Yi, A. Vinu, P. Kumar - Microwave flash synthesis of phosphorus and sulfur ultradoped graphene, Chemical Engineering Journal, 450, 4, 138447 (2022) [IF: 16.744]
    7. Alam, Noohul; Majumder, Shantanu; Ray, Soumya Jyoti; Sarma, Debajit - A Wide Bandgap Semiconducting Magnesium Hydrogel: Moisture Harvest, Iodine Sequestration and Resistive Switching, Langmuir 10601-10610 (2022) [IF: 4.331]
    8. Karuna Kumari, Ajay D. Thakur and S. J. Ray* - Resistive Switching Behaviour of (1-x)La0.7Sr0.3MnO3.(x)ZnO composite systemApplied Physics A, DOI : 10.1007/s00339-022-06084-w (2022) [IF: 2.983]
    9. T. Mukherjee, S. Kar, S. J. Ray* - Two-dimensional Janus monolayers with tunable electronic and magnetic properties, Journal of Materials Research, DOI: 10.1557/s43578-022-00753-5 [IF: 3.021]
    10. K. Viswakarma, S. Rani, Sumit Chahal, S. J. Ray, P. Kumar - Quantum Coupled Borophene Based Heterolayers for Excitonic and Molecular Sensing Applications, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2022, 24, 12816-12826 (2022) [IF: 4.123]
    11. S. Kar, S. Rani, S. J. Ray* – Stimuli assisted electronic, magnetic and optical phase control in a Van der Waal’s magnetic semiconductor, Physica E, 143, 115332 (2022) [IF: 3.369]
    12. T. Mukherjee, S. Kar, S. J. Ray* - Tunable electronic and magnetic properties in two-dimensional magnetic semiconductor VIBr2Computational Materials Science, 209, 111319 (2022) [IF: 3.572]
    13. K Kumari, S. J. Ray, AD Thakur - Resistive switching phenomena: a probe for the tracing of secondary phase in manganite, Applied Physics A 128 (5), 1-11 (2022) [IF: 2.983]
    14. Karuna Kumari, Ajay D. Thakur and S. J. Ray* - Role of an oxide interface in a resistive switch, Current Applied Physics, 35, 16-23 (2022) [IF: 2.856]
    15. Kumari, Puja, and Soumya Jyoti Ray. "Tunable Optical Properties in Magnetic Phosphorene." Bulletin of the American Physical Society (2022).
    16. Kumari, Puja, and Soumya Jyoti Ray. "The magnetic anisotropy and spin filtering effect in ferromagnetic phosphorene." Materials Today: Proceedings 67 (2022): 931-934.
    17. Kar, Subhasmita, Soumya Jyoti Ray. "Twist-assisted tunability and enhanced ferromagnetism in a 2D Van Der Waal's Heterostructure." Bulletin of the American Physical Society (2022).
    18. Shivani Rani, Soumya Jyoti Ray, Twist dependent spin resolved conductance in Graphene|hBN van der Waals heterostructure, Bulletin of the American Physical Society (2022).
    19. S. Majumder, S. J. Ray, Strain-dependent properties of Single-electron transistor based on Bi2Seisland. Bulletin of the American Physical Society (2022)
    20. Karuna Kumari, Ajay D. Thakur and S. J. Ray* - Temperature dependent resistive switching behaviour of an oxide memristor, Materials Letters, 303, 130451, 2021[IF: 3.423]
    21. S. Majumder, Karuna Kumari and S. J. Ray* - Pulsed voltage induced resistive switching behaviour of copper iodide and La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 nanocomposites Materials Letters, 302, 130339, 2021 [IF: 3.423]
    22. Karuna Kumari, Ajay D. Thakur and S. J. Ray* - The effect of graphene and reduced graphene oxide in the resistive switching behavior of La0.7Ba0.3MnO3Materials Today Communication, 26, 102040, 2021 [IF: 2.678]
    23. S. Rani, S. J. Ray* – DNA sensing using graphene and hexagonal boron nitride island based nanosensor, Carbon, 173, 493-500 (2021) [IF: 11.307]
    24. A. Nair, S. J. Ray* – Electronic phase-crossover and room temperature ferromagnetism in a two-dimensional (2D) spin lattice, RSC Advances, 11(2), 946-952 (2021) [IF: 3.070]
    25. Karuna Kumari, Ashutosh Kumar, Ajay D. Thakur and S. J. Ray* - Charge Transport and Resistive Switching in a 2D hybrid interface, Materials Research Bulletin, 139, 111195, 2021 [IF: 4.641]
    26. S. Kar, A. Nair, S. J. Ray* – Supreme enhancement of ferromagnetism in a spontaneous symmetry broken 2D nanomagnet, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54 (10), 105001 (2020) [IF: 3.169]
    27. S. Mishra, S. Rani, S. J. Ray* - Single Electron Transistor based Nanosensor for DNA and RNA detection, Journal of Applied Physics128, 194302 (2020) [IF: 2.328]
    28. S. Rani, A. Nair, M. V. Kamalakar, S. J. Ray* - Spin-selective response tunability in two-dimensional nanomagnets, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter32, 415301 (2020) [IF: 2.707]
    29. S. Rani, S. J. Ray* – Two-dimensional C3N based sub-10 nanometer Biosensor, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics22, 11452-11459 (2020) [IF: 4.123]
    30. A. Nair, S. Rani, M. V. Kamalakar, S. J. Ray* - Bi-stimuli assisted engineering and control of magnetic phase in monolayer CrOCl, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22, 12806-12813 (2020) [IF: 4.123]
    31. Ashutosh Kumar, Karuna Kumari, S. J. Ray, Ajay D Thakur - Graphene Mediated Resistive Switching and Thermoelectric Behavior in Lanthanum Cobaltate, Journal of Applied Physics127, 235103 (2020) [IF: 2.138]
    32. P. Kumari, S. Majumder, S. Rani, A. Nair, K. Kumari, M. V. Kamalakar, S. J. Ray* - High efficiency spin filtering in magnetic Phosphorene, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics22, 5893-5901 2020 [IF: 4.123]
    33. Jean-Francois Dayen, S. J. Ray, Olof Karis, Ivan Vera-Marun, and M. Venkata Kamalakar - Two-dimensional and Van der Waals spinterfaces, Applied Physics Reviews7 (1), 011303 (2020) [IF: 17.123]. Selected as,
      1. Must-read article in Spintronics by American Institute of Physics.
      2. Must-read article in Magnetic structures and devices by American Institute of Physics
      3. Must-read article in Low-dimensional Materials research by American Institute of Physics
    34. Karuna Kumari, Ashutosh Kumar, Dinesh K Kotnees, Jayakumar Balakrishnan, Ajay D. Thakur and S. J. Ray* - Structural and Resistive Switching Behaviour in Lanthanum Strontium Manganite-reduced Graphene Oxide Nanocomposite System, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 815, 152213 (2020) [IF: 4.175]
    35. K Kumari, A Kumar, AD Thakur, SJ Ray, Effect of temperature and magnetic field in resistive switching behavior of La0.7Ca0.3MnO3.rGO nano-composite, AIP Conference Proceedings 2220 (1), 080007, 2020
    36. AK Nair, P Kumari, S. J. Ray - High temperature magnetic ordering in manganese doped phosphorene nanoribbon, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2265 (1), 030688 (2020)
    37. S Rani, S. J. Ray, Biosensing using C3N nanoribbon, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2265 (1), 030706 (2020)
    38. S. Kar, A. Nair and S. J. Ray, "Electronic and magnetic phase transition in monolayer Cr2Ge2Se6," 2020 5th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Electronics (ICEE), 2020, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICEE50728.2020.9776763.
    39. S. Rani and S. J. Ray, "Graphene and hexagonal boron nitride based nano-electronic biosensor," 2020 5th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Electronics (ICEE), 2020, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICEE50728.2020.9776951.
    40. S. Kar, S. Rani, A. Nair, M. Venkata Kamalakar and S. J. Ray, "Tuning and control of the magnetic properties of a 2D nanomagnet," 2020 5th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Electronics (ICEE), 2020, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICEE50728.2020.9776919.
    41. A. Chaudhury, S. Majumdar, S. J. Ray* – Proximity Induced Colossal Conductivity Modulation in Phosphorene, Physical Review Applied (APS)11024056 (2019) [IF: 4.782]
    42. S. Rani, S. J. Ray* – Detection of gas molecule using C3N island single electron transistor, Carbon, 144, 235 (2019) [IF: 11.307]
    43. S. Rani*, S. J. Ray - CO detection on Graphene, Nanomaterials and Energy, 8, 1-4 (2019)
    44. K. Gaurav, B. Shantibhushan, S. J. Ray, A. Shrivastava - Acridinium based Organic Molecular Single Electron Transistor for High Performance Switching Applications, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 18, 1148-1155 (2019) [IF: 2.292]
    45. A. Nair, P. Kumari, S. J. Ray* - Dramatic magnetic phase designing in phosphorene, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (42), 23713-23719 (2019) [IF: 4.123]
    46. S. J. Ray*, M. V. Kamalakar – Unconventional Strain-Dependent Conductance Oscillations in Pristine Phosphorene, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics20, 13508 (2018). [IF: 4.123]
    47. S. J. Ray*, L. Alff – Superconductivity and Dirac Fermions in 112-phase Pnictides, Physica Status Solidi (B)254, 1, 1600163 (2017). [Expected IF: 4-5]
    48. S. J. Ray* - First-Principles study of MoS2, Phosphorene and Graphene based Single Electron Transistor for gas sensing applications, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical222, 492-498 (2016) [IF: 9.221] (Also invited for publication in the Journal of Visualized Experiments)
      1. Included in the h5 listing of the journal Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical
    49. S. J. Ray*, M. V. Kamalakar, R. Chowdhury - Ab-initio studies of Phosphorene island single electron transistor, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter28, 195302 (2016) [IF: 2.346]
    50. S. J. Ray* – Gate engineered performance of Single Molecular transistor, Journal of Applied Physics119, 204302, 2016. [IF: 2.276]
    51. S. J. Ray* - Single Molecular Transistor as a Superior Gas Sensor, Journal of Applied Physics118, 034303 (2015) [IF: 2.276]
    52. P. Clapera, S. J. Ray, X. Jehl, M. Sanquer, A. Valentian, S. Barraud - Design and cryogenic operation of a hybrid quantum-CMOS circuit, Physical Review Applied (APS), 4,044009 (2015) [IF: 4.808]
    53. S. J. Ray* - Humidity Sensor using a Single Molecular Transistor, Journal of Applied Physics118, 044307 (2015) [IF: 2.276]
    54. R. Retzlaff, A. Buckow, P. Komissinsky, S. J. Ray, S. Schmidt, H. Muhlig, F. Schimidl, P. Seidel, J. Kurian, L. Alff - Superconductivity, role of pnictogen and Fe substitution in 112-LaPdxPn2(Pn = Sb, Bi), Physical Review B91, 104519 (2015). [IF: 3.836]
    55. S. J. Ray* - Single Molecular Transistor based Nanopore for the detection of Nicotine, Journal of Applied Physics116, 244307 (2014). [IF: 2.276]
    56. S. J. Ray* - Single atom impurity in a Single Molecular Transistor, Journal of Applied Physics116, 154302 (2014). [IF: 2.276]
    57. S. J. Ray*, R. Chowdhury - Double Gated Single Molecular Transistor for Charge Detection, Journal of Applied Physics116, 034307 (2014). [IF: 2.276]
    58. S. J. Ray, A. S. Gibbs, S. J. Bending, P. J. Curran, E. Babaev, C. Baines, A. P. Mackenzie, S. L. Lee - Muon-Spin Rotation measurements of the vortex state Sr2RuO4: Type-1.5 superconductivity, vortex clustering and a crossover from a triangular to a square vortex lattice, Physical Review B89, 094504 (2014). [IF: 3.836]
    59. M. Flokstra, S. J. Ray, S.J. Lister, J. Aarts, H. Luetkens, T. Prokscha, A. Suter, E. Morenzoni, S.L. Lee - Measurement of the Spatial Extent of Inverse Proximity in a Py/Nb/Py Superconducting Trilayer using Low-Energy Muon-Spin Rotation, Physical Review B89, 054510 (2014). [IF: 3.836]
    60. S. J. Ray, P. Clapera, X. Jehl, T. Charron, S. Djordjevic, L. Devoille, E. Potanina, G. Barinovs, V. Kashcheyevs- Modelling of an adiabatic tunable-barrier electron pump, Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements, 446 - 447, 2014, Brazil [DOI: 10.1109/CPEM.2014.6898451].
    61. P. Clapera, S. J. Ray, X. Jehl, M. Sanquer, A. Valentian, S. Barraud – A quantum device driven by an ON-Chip CMOS ring oscillator, 11th IEEE International Workshop on Low Temperature Electronics, 73-76, 2014 [DOI: 10.1109/WOLTE.2014.6881029].
    62. T. Charron, L. Devoille, S. Djordjevic, O. Seron, F. Piquemal, P. Clapera, S. J. Ray, X. Jehl, R. Wacquez, M. Vinet- Characterization of hybrid metal/semiconductor electron pumps for quantum metrology, Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements, 442 - 443, 2014, Brazil [DOI: 10.1109/CPEM.2014.6898449].
    63. D. O. G. Heron, S. J. Ray, S. J. Lister, C. M. Aegerter, H. Keller, P. H. Kes, G. I. Menon, S. L. Lee - Muon-Spin Rotation Measurements of an Unusual Vortex-Glass Phase in the Layered Superconductor Bi2.15Sr1.85CaCu2O8+δPhysical Review Letters110, 107004 (2013). [IF: 8.462]
    64. S. J. Ray*, S. J. Lister, S. L. Lee, O. Hellwig, J. Stahn - Stoner enhanced paramagnetic influence on superconductivity in a superconductor/metallic heterostructure, Physica C487, 67-71 (2013). [IF: 1.404]
    65. X. Jehl, B. Voisin, T. Charron, P. Clapera, S. J. Ray, B. Roche, M. Sanquer, S. Djordjevic, L. Devoille, R. Wacquez, M. Vinet - Hybrid Metal-Semiconductor Electron Pump for Quantum Metrology. Physical Review X3, 021012 (2013). [IF: 12.789]
    66. R. Khasanov, T. Kondo, M. Bendele, Y. HamayaS. J. Ray, S. L. Lee, Tsunehiro Takeuchi- Suppression of the antinodal coherence of superconducting (Bi,Pb)2(Sr,La)2CuO6+δ as revealed by muon spin rotation and angle-resolved photoemission, Physical Review B (Rapid Communication)82, 020511(R) (2010). [IF: 5.1]
    67. S. J. Lister, T. Thompson, J. Kohlbrecher, K. Takano, V. Venkataramana, S. J. Ray, M. P. Wismayer, M. A. de Vries, H. Do, Y. Ikeda, S. L. Lee - Size-dependent revershal of grains in perpendicular magnetic recording media measured by small angle polarized neutron scattering, Applied Physics Letters 97, 112503 (2010). [IF: 3.569]
    68. S. J. Lister, M. P. Wismayer, V. Venkataramana, M. A. de Vries, S. J. Ray, S. L. Lee, T. Thomson, J. Kohlbrecher, H. Do, Y. Ikeda, K. Takano, C. Dewhurst - Small-angle polarized neutron studies of perpendicular magnetic recording media, Journal of Applied Physics 106, 063908 (2009). [IF: 2.276]