Welcome to Plasma Spray Coating Lab
Plasma spray coating lab at the Indian Institute of Technology Patna (IIT Patna) adds a unique dimension to our campus life, fostering innovation, research, and hands-on learning experiences. Here's a glimpse into this exciting facet of campus life: Cutting-Edge Technology: Our campus boasts state-of-the-art facilities for plasma spraying, a cutting-edge technology used for surface modification and material enhancement. This technology enables students and researchers to create durable and high-performance coatings for various applications.

IITP + Danfoss
signed a MoU for the setup of the Wear and Corrosion Resistance Technology Centre of Excellence
Date:- 04/07/2023

ICOAT - 2024
The four- day International Conference on Advancements in Thermal Spray is being organised at Indian Institute of Technology,Patna.
Date:- 18-21/07/2024

EAC- AMT Review Meeting
The Two-day EAC-AMT Review Meeting is being organised at Indian Institute of Technology,Patna.
Date:- 29-30/08/2024

IITP + Applied Materials
unite for a Wear and Corrosion Resistance Technology Centre of Excellence, synergizing academia and industry expertise
Date:- 26/04/2023

Chemical and Engineering News
Our Graphene work has been highlighted by the Chemical and Engineering News (C&EN), a weekly magazine published by the American Chemical Society.
Date:- 12/02/2021

Harvard University
Our Graphene work has been highlighted by Harvard University
https://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2021/a-cheaper-method-for-graphene-production/Date:- 22/03/2021
Team Leader

Dr. Anup Kumar Keshri
Associate Professor
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Patna
Ph: +91-612-3028184
Research Areas: Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Ceramic Matrix and Metal Matrix Composites, Thermal Spraying, Tribology of Materials, Process-Structure-Property Relationship
Anup Kumar Keshri is currently an Associate Professor in Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Patna, India since Feb. 2022.In addition, working as associate dean R&D since 2022. Before joining IIT Patna, Dr. Keshri worked with Centre for Nanotechnology Group, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), Corporate R&D, Hyderabad, India between April 2012-September 2013. He worked as an Associate Professor in School of Mechanical and Building Sciences at Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Vellore, India since April 2011. Anup Kumar Keshri, received his Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Florida International University (FIU), Miami, USA in July, 2010 and worked as Postdoctoral fellow in FIU until March 2011. He has a B.E. degree in Metallurgical Engineering from Bihar Institute of Technology (BIT), Sindri, India in 2002 and a M.S. degree in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras, India in 2004. He worked as Asst. Manager in Ispat Industries Limited, Mumbai (2004– 2006). His main research interest lies in surface Engineering, plasma spraying, CNT/graphene reinforced metal and ceramic composite coatings, mechanical, corrosion and tribological behavior of coatings. He has published 127 papers in peer reviewed journals,8 papers as conference proceedings, delivered 30 talks in international conferences and 21 invited talks in academics and industries. He has filed 22 Indian patents out of which 3 has been granted. His h-index of 34 (total citations close to ~3958) strongly endorses his research productivity. He has received the sponsored research and consultancy funding of ~ 1.82 million USD (~ INR 15.2 Crores) from various govt. and private funding agencies. Under his supervision, 7 Ph.D. students and 26 M.Tech. students have already been graduated and 12 Ph.D. and 02 M.Tech. are ongoing. He is a recipient of many awards and honors such as, Research stay grant by Humboldt Foundation, Dissertation Year Fellowship (2009–2010) from FIU, Arthur E. Focke leadership award by ASM Foundation delegate of “President’s Council of Student Advisors (PCSA)” formed by The American Ceramic Society (ACerS). Dr. Keshri also serves as reviewers for several journals in the area of coatings and thermal spray.
- Chemical and Engineering News (C&EN), weekly magazine published by the American Chemical Society. (February 15, 2021)
- By the Harvard University (March 22, 2021)
- The Graphene Council (Feb. 18, 2021)
- The American Ceramic Society (Feb. 26, 2021)
- THEWEEK Magazine (Dec. 26, 2021)

Thermal Barrier Coatings

Nitride Coatings

Corrosion Resistant Coatings

Wear Resistant Coatings

Ceramic Coating For Superior Water Treatment

Composite Coating For Supercapacitor Applications

Exfoliation Of 2D Materials
Research Articles

Total Sanctioned Projects
Ongoing Projects
Total fund Received
Our Students and Alumni

Dr. Sribalaji Mathiyalagan
Current position:
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Surface Interaction and Manufacturing
Laboratory (SIAM)
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of
Science (IISc) Bengaluru
Email id:

Dr. Swarnima Singh
Research Interest
Plasma sprayed GNPs reinforced hydroxyapatite coating,
Tribological and Corrosion Properties
Email id:
swarnima.pms15@iitp.ac.in, s_swarnima301@yahoo.in

Dr. Asiq Rahman
Research Interest
Graphene and CNT Nanomaterials, Metal and Ceramic
Plasma Spray Coating, Wettability, Mechanical, Tribological and
Corrosion Properties
Email id:
yaambarahman@gmail.com , asiq.pms15@iitp.ac.in
