
Dr. Raju Halder

Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Patna, India



R-406, 4th Floor, Block 3

+91 612 3028009

Blockchain & Robotics (PLANR) Lab

R-502, 5th Floor, Block 3

+91 612 3028889


  1. SpaTeD: Sparsity-Aware Tensor Decomposition-Based Representation Learning Framework for Phishing Scams Detection     APA   .bib

     Medhasree Ghosh, Raju Halder & Joydeep Chandra
       IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems  •  Volume   •  IEEE  •  2024 
  2. Masked Autoencoders for Spatial-Temporal Relationship in Video-based Group Activity Recognition     APA   .bib

     Rajeshwar Yadav, Raju Halder & Gourinath Banda
       IEEE Access  •  Volume 12: 132084-132095  •  IEEE  •  2024 
  3. SIRD-YOLO: an enhanced deep learning model for weapon detection using spatial interactions and diverse receptive fields     APA   .bib

     Rajeshwar Yadav, Raju Halder, Atul Thakur & Gourinath Banda
       Springer Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering  •  Volume   •  Springer  •  2024 
  4. Contextual Attribute-based Access Control Scheme for Cloud Storage using Blockchain Technology     APA   .bib

     Suryakanta Panda, Swagatika Sahoo, Raju Halder & Samrat Mondal
       Journal of Software: Practice and Experience  •  Volume 54(10): 2042-2062  •  Wiley  •  2024 
  5. AgroBLF: Blockchain-Based Framework for Smart Agriculture     APA   .bib

     Oindrila Bhadra, Swagatika Sahoo, Raju Halder & Chandra Mohan Kumar
       Springer Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering  •  Volume 20(3): 443-353  •  Springer  •  2024 
  6. FedRLChain: Secure Federated Deep Reinforcement Learning with Blockchain     APA   .bib

     Sujit Chowdhury, Arnab Mukherjee & Raju Halder
       IEEE Transactions on Services Computing  •  Volume 16(06): 3865-78  •  IEEE Computer Society  •  2023 
  7. Formal Verification of Pub-Sub Blockchain Interoperability Protocol using Stochastic Timed Automata     APA   .bib

     Md Tauseef Alam, Raju Halder & Abyayananda Maiti
       Frontiers in Blockchain  •  Volume 6: 1248962  •  Frontiers  •  2023 
  8. Investigating the Impact of Structural and Temporal Behaviours in Ethereum Phishing users Detection     APA   .bib

     Medhasree Ghosh, Dyuti Ghosh, Raju Halder & Joydeep Chandra
       Blockchain: Research and Applications  •  Volume 4(4): 100153  •  Elsevier Ed.  •  2023 
  9. Making Robotic Swarms Trustful: A Blockchain-Based Perspective     APA   .bib

     Atul Thakur, Swagatika Sahoo, Arnab Mukherjee & Raju Halder
       The ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering  •  Volume 23(6): 060803  •  ASME  •  2023 
  10. An Efficient Format-Independent Watermarking Framework for Large-Scale Data Sets     APA   .bib

     Sapana Rani & Raju Halder
       Expert Systems With Applications  •  Volume 208: 118085  •  Elsevier Ed.  •  2022 
  11. Development of a Lizard-Inspired Wall-Climbing Robot Using Pressure Sensitive Adhesion     APA   .bib

     Satyendra R. Nishad, Raju Halder, Gourinath Banda & Atul Thakur
       IEEE Access  •  Volume 10: 72535-72544  •  IEEE  •  2022 
  12. A Blockchain-Based Integrated and Interconnected Hybrid Platform for Smart City Ecosystem     APA   .bib

     Arnab Mukherjee, Swagatika Sahoo & Raju Halder
       Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications  •  Volume 15: 2116-2141  •  Springer  •  2022 
  13. Comparative Analysis of Relational Database Watermarking Techniques: An Empirical Study     APA   .bib

     Sapana Rani & Raju Halder
       IEEE Access  •  Volume 10: 27970-27989  •  IEEE  •  2022 
  14. A Deductive Reasoning Approach for Database Applications using Verification Conditions     APA   .bib

     Md. Imran Alam, Raju Halder & Jorge Sousa Pinto
       The Journal of Systems & Software  •  Volume 175: 110903  •  Elsevier Ed.  •  2021 
  15. A Unified Blockchain-based Platform for Global e-waste Management     APA   .bib

     Swagatika Sahoo, Arnab Mukherjee & Raju Halder
       International Journal of Web Information Systems  •  Volume 17(5): 449-479  •  Emerald Publishing  •  2021 
  16. Formal Verification of Database Applications using Predicate Abstraction     APA   .bib

     Md. Imran Alam & Raju Halder
       Springer Nature Computer Science  •  Volume 2(2): 135  •  Springer  •  2021 
  17. Traceability and ownership claim of data on big data marketplace using blockchain technology     APA   .bib

     Swagatika Sahoo & Raju Halder
       Journal of Information and Telecommunication  •  Volume 5(1): 35-61  •  Taylor & Francis  •  2021 
  18. Extending Abstract Interpretation to Dependency Analysis of Database Applications     APA   .bib

     Angshuman Jana, Raju Halder, K. V. Abhishekh, S. D. Ganni & Agostino Cortesi
       IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering  •  Volume 46(5): 463-494  •  IEEE  •  2020 
  19. A Hierarchical and Abstraction-based Blockchain Model     APA   .bib

     Swagatika Sahoo, Akshay M. Fajge, Raju Halder & Agostino Cortesi
       Applied Sciences  •  Volume 9 (11): 1-20  •  MDPI  •  2019 
  20. Combining Symbolic and Numerical Domains for Information Leakage Analysis     APA   .bib

     Agostino Cortesi, Pietro Ferrara, Raju Halder & Matteo Zanioli
       LNCS Transactions on Computational Science  •  Volume 31: 98-135  •  Springer LNCS 10730  •  2018 
  21. Partitioning-Insensitive Watermarking Approach for Distributed Relational Databases     APA   .bib

     Sapana Rani, Dileep Kumar Koshley & Raju Halder
       LNCS Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems  •  Volume 36: 172-192  •  Springer LNCS 10720  •  2017 
  22. Data Leakage Analysis of the Hibernate Query Language on a Propositional Formulae Domain     APA   .bib

     Raju Halder, Angshuman Jana & Agostino Cortesi
       LNCS Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems  •  Volume 23: 23-44  •  Springer LNCS 9480  •  2016 
  23. Refining Dependences for Information Flow Analysis of Database Applications     APA   .bib

     Md. Imran Alam & Raju Halder
       International Journal of Trust Management in Computing and Communications  •  Volume 3(3): 193-223  •  Inderscience  •  2016 
  24. Abstract Program Slicing on Dependence Condition Graph     APA   .bib

     Raju Halder & Agostino Cortesi
       Science of Computer Programming  •  Volume 78(9): 1240-1263  •  Elsevier Ed.  •  2013 
  25. Observation-based Fine Grained Access Control of Data     APA   .bib

     Raju Halder & Agostino Cortesi
       International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications  •  Volume 5: 671-684  •  2013 
  26. Abstract Interpretation of Database Query Languages     APA   .bib

     Raju Halder & Agostino Cortesi
       Computer Languages, Systems & Structures  •  Volume 38(2): 123-157  •  Elsevier Ed.  •  2012 
  27. An Internet-based IP Protection Scheme for Circuit Designs using Linear Feedback Shift Register-based Locking     APA   .bib

     Raju Halder, P. S. Dasgupta, S. Naskar & S. S. Sarma
       Engineering Letters  •  Volume 19(2): 84-94  •  2011 
  28. Watermarking Techniques for Relational Databases: Survey, Classification and Comparison     APA   .bib

     Raju Halder, Shantanu Pal & Agostino Cortesi
       Journal of Universal Computer Science  •  Volume 16(21): 3164-3190  •  2010 
  29. Research Note The Obscure History of Graph     APA   .bib

     S. S. Sarma, S. Naskar, K. Basuli & Raju Halder
       The Icfai University Journal of Computer Sciences  •  Volume III(2): 74-78  •  2009 

International Conference Proceedings

  1. State-Based Invariant Property Generation of Solidity Smart Contracts Using Abstract Interpretation     APA   .bib

     Raju Halder
      Proc. of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (IEEE Blockchain '24)
    Pages 235-242  •  IEEE Press
        Copenhagen, Denmark  •  19-22 Aug 2024
  2. Metasurance: A Blockchain-Based Insurance Management Framework for Metaverse     APA   .bib

     Aritra Bhaduri, Ayush Jain, Swagatika Sahoo, Raju Halder & Chandra Mohan Kumar
      Proc. of the 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE '24)
    Pages 190-201  •  SciTePress
        Angers, France  •  28-29 April 2024
  3. A Lightweight Deep Learning-based Weapon Detection Model for Mobile Robots     APA   .bib

     Rajeswar Yadav, Raju Halder, Gourinath Banda & Atul Thakur
      Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Advances in Robotics (AIR '23)
    Pages 1-5  •  ACM Press
        IIT Ropar, India  •  5-8 July 2023
  4. An Automated Policy Verification and Enforcement Framework for Ethereum Applications     APA   .bib

     Swagatika Sahoo, Raju Halder & Samrat Mondal
      Proc. of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (IEEE ICBC '23)
    Pages 1-5  •  IEEE Press
        UAE, Dubai  •  1-5 May 2023
  5. HealthChain: A Blockchain-aided Federated Healthcare Management System     APA   .bib

     Arnab Mukherjee, Raju Halder, Joydeep Chandra & Shailesh Shrivastava
      Proc. of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (IEEE ICBC '23)
    Pages 1-5  •  IEEE Press
        UAE, Dubai  •  1-5 May 2023
  6. Decentralized Insurance Subrogation Using Blockchain     APA   .bib

     Oindrila Bhadra, Swagatika Sahoo, Chandra Mohan Kumar & Raju Halder
      Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Blockchain Technology and Applications (ICBTA '22)
    Pages 1-9  •  ACM Press
        Xi'an, China  •  16-18 Dec 2022
  7. SmartMixModel: Machine Learning-Based Vulnerability Detection of Solidity Smart Contracts     APA   .bib

     Supriya Shakya, Arnab Mukherjee, Raju Halder, Abyayananda Maiti & Amrita Chaturvedi
      Proc. of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (IEEE Blockchain '22)
    Pages 37-44  •  IEEE Press
        Espoo, Finland  •  22-25 Aug 2022
  8. Blockchain-Enabled Emergency Detection and Response in Mobile Healthcare System     APA   .bib

     Suryakanta Panda, Arnab Mukherjee, Raju Halder & Samrat Mondal
      Proc. of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (IEEE ICBC '22)
    Pages 1-5  •  IEEE Press
        Shanghai, China  •  2-5 May 2022
  9. BLRS: An Automated Land Records Management System using Blockchain Technology     APA   .bib

     Swagatika Sahoo, Saksham Jha, Somenath Sarkar & Raju Halder
      Proc. of the 9th International Symposium on Applied Computing for Software and Smart Systems (ACSS '22)
    Pages 113-128  •  Springer LNNS 555
        Kolkata, India  •  9-10 Sept 2022
  10. Blockchain Domain-Specific Languages: Survey, Classification, and Comparison     APA   .bib

     Md Tauseef Alam, Sujit Chowdhury, Raju Halder & Abyayananda Maiti
      Proc. of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (IEEE Blockchain '21)
    Pages 499-504  •  IEEE Press
        Melbourne, Australia  •  6-8 Dec 2021
  11. Wait or Reset Gas Price?: A Machine Learning-based Prediction Model for Ethereum Transactions' Waiting Time     APA   .bib

     Akshay M. Fajge, Subhasish Goswami, Arpit Srivastava & Raju Halder
      Proc. of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom '21)
    Pages 1153-1160  •  IEEE Press
        Shenyang, China  •  18-20 Aug 2021
  12. An Automated Framework for Migrating Java Applications to Ethereum Solidity Applications     APA   .bib

     Akshay M. Fajge, Siddharth Thakur, Rahul Kumar & Raju Halder
      Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks and Services (BRAINS '21)
    Pages 1-3  •  IEEE Press
        Paris, France  •  27-30 Sept 2021
  13. Tailoring Taint Analysis for Database Applications in the K Framework     APA   .bib

     Md. Imran Alam & Raju Halder
      Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA '21)
    Pages 370-377  •  SciTePress
        Lieusaint-Paris, France  •  6-8 Jul 2021
  14. Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based 3D Exploration with a Wall Climbing Robot     APA   .bib

     Arya Das, Raju Halder & Atul Thakur
      Proc. of the IEEE International Region 10 Technical Conference (IEEE TENCON '21)
    Pages 863-868  •  IEEE Press
        Auckland, New Zealand  •  7-10 Dec 2021
  15. A Robotic Software Framework for Autonomous Navigation in Unknown Environment     APA   .bib

     Md S. Sarwar, R. Yadav, S. Samanta, R. Ray, Raju Halder, G. Banda, A. Bhattacharya & A. Thakur
      Proc. of the 1st International Symposium of Asian Control Association on Intelligent Robotics and Industrial Automation (IRIA '21)
    Pages 345-350  •  IEEE Press
        IIT Goa, India  •  20-22 September 2021
  16. Secure Communication System Implementation for Robot-based Surveillance Applications     APA   .bib

     Rishikesh, A. Bhattacharya, A. Thakur, G. Banda, R. Ray & Raju Halder
      Proc. of the 1st International Symposium of Asian Control Association on Intelligent Robotics and Industrial Automation (IRIA '21)
    Pages 270-275  •  IEEE Press
        IIT Goa, India  •  20-22 September 2021
  17. A Lizard-inspired Quadruped Robot based on Pressure Sensitive Adhesion Mechanism for Wall Climbing     APA   .bib

     S. Nishad, R. Halder, G. Banda, R. Ray, A. Bhattacharya & A. Thakur
      Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Advances in Robotics (AIR '21)
    Pages 33:1-33:5  •  ACM Press
        IIT Kanpur, India  •  30 June - 4 July 2021
  18. An Integrated Platform for Vehicle-Related Services and Records Management using Blockchain Technology     APA   .bib

     Arnab Mukherjee & Raju Halder
      Proc. of the 13th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS '21)
    Pages 337-351  •  Springer CCIS 1371
        Phuket, Thailand  •  7-10 April 2021
  19. PoliceChain: Blockchain-Based Smart Policing System for Smart Cities     APA   .bib

     Arnab Mukherjee & Raju Halder
      Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN '20)
    Pages 6:1-6:5  •  ACM Press
        Istanbul, Turkey  •  4-6 Nov 2020
  20. Blockchain-based Forward and Reverse Supply Chains for E-Waste Management     APA   .bib

     Swagatika Sahoo & Raju Halder
      Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Future Data and Security Engineering (FDSE '20)
    Pages 201-220  •  Springer LNCS 12466
        Binh Dinh, Vietnam  •  25-27 Nov 2020
  21. Blockchain-based Interoperable Healthcare Using Zero-knowledge Proofs and Proxy Re-Encryption     APA   .bib

     Bhavye Sharma, Raju Halder & Jawar Singh
      Proc. of the 12th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS '20)
    Pages 1-6  •  IEEE Press
        Bengaluru, India  •  7-11 Jan 2020
  22. BDmark: A Blockchain-driven Approach to Big Data Watermarking     APA   .bib

     Swagatika Sahoo, Rishu Roshan, Vikash Singh & Raju Halder
      Proc. of the 12th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS '20)
    Pages 71-84  •  Springer CCIS 1178
        Phuket, Thailand  •  23-26 Mar 2020
  23. A Symbolic Model Checker for Database Programs     APA   .bib

     Angshuman Jana, Md. Imran Alam & Raju Halder
      Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT '18)
    Pages 347-354  •  SciTePress
        Porto, Portugal  •  26-28 Jul 2018
  24. K-Taint: An Executable Rewriting Logic Semantics for Taint Analysis in the K Framework     APA   .bib

     Md. Imran Alam, Raju Halder, Harshita Goswami & Jorge Sousa Pinto
      Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE '18)
    Pages 359-366  •  SciTePress
        Funchal, Madeira, Portugal  •  23-25 Mar 2018
  25. Towards Generalization of Privacy Policy Specification and Property-based Information Leakage     APA   .bib

     Dileep Kumar Koshley, Sapana Rani & Raju Halder
      Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS '17)
    Pages 68-87  •  Springer LNCS 10717
        IIT Bombay, India  •  16-20 Dec 2017
  26. Adapting MapReduce for Efficient Watermarking of Large Relational Dataset     APA   .bib

     Sapana Rani, Dileep Kumar Koshley & Raju Halder
      Proc. of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom '17)
    Pages 729-736  •  IEEE CPS  •    Presentation
        Sydney, Australia  •  1-4 Aug 2017
  27. Formal Verification of ROS-based Robotic Applications using Timed-Automata     APA   .bib

     Raju Halder, José Proença, Nuno Macedo & André Santos
      Proc. of the 5th International FME Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Engineering (FormaliSE '17)
    Pages 44-50  •  IEEE Press  •   (Co-located with ICSE 2017)
        Buenos Aires, Argentina  •  27 May 2017
  28. Defining Abstract Semantics for Static Dependence Analysis of Relational Database Applications     APA   .bib

     Angshuman Jana & Raju Halder
      Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS '16)
    Pages 151-171  •  Springer LNCS 10063
        MNIT Jaipur, India  •  16-20 Dec 2016
  29. A Watermarking Framework for Outsourced and Distributed Relational Databases     APA   .bib

     Sapana Rani, Dileep Kumar Koshley & Raju Halder
      Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Future Data and Security Engineering (FDSE '16)
    Pages 175-188  •  Springer LNCS 10018
        Can Tho City, Vietnam  •  23-25 Nov 2016
  30. Data-flow Analysis-based Approach of Database Watermarking     APA   .bib

     Sapana Rani, Preeti Kachhap & Raju Halder
      Proc. of the Advanced Computing and Systems for Security (ACSS '16)
    Pages 153-171  •  Springer AISC 396
        Kolkata, India  •  19 Nov 2016
  31. On Preventing SQL Injection Attacks     APA   .bib

     Bharat Kumar Ahuja, Angshuman Jana, Ankit Swarnkar & Raju Halder
      Proc. of the Advanced Computing and Systems for Security (ACSS '16)
    Pages 49-64  •  Springer AISC 396
        Kolkata, India  •  19 Nov 2016
  32. SemDDA: A Semantics-based Database Dependency Analyzer     APA   .bib

     Angshuman Jana & Raju Halder
      Appeared in the Poster Session of the 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for System Design (MEMOCODE '16)
        IIT Kanpur, India  •  18-20 Nov 2016
  33. Policy-based Slicing of Hibernate Query Language     APA   .bib

     Angshuman Jana, Raju Halder, Nabendu Chaki & Agostino Cortesi
      Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications (CISIM '15)
    Pages 267-281  •  Springer LNCS 9339
        Warsaw, Poland  •  24-26 September 2015
  34. Data-centric Refinement of Information Flow Analysis of Database Applications     APA   .bib

     Md. Imran Alam & Raju Halder
      Proc. of the 3rd International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communications (SSCC '15)
    Pages 506-518  •  Springer CCIS 536
        Kochi, India  •  10-13 August 2015
  35. Data Cleaning: An Abstraction-based Approach     APA   .bib

     Dileep Khosley & Raju Halder
      Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI '15)
    Pages 713-719  •  IEEE Press
        Kochi, India  •  10-13 August 2015
  36. Verification of Hibernate Query Language by Abstract Interpretation     APA   .bib

     Angshuman Jana, Raju Halder & Agostino Cortesi
      Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Intelligence Science and Big Data Engineering (IScIDE '15)
    Pages 116-128  •  Springer LNCS 9243
        Suzhou, China  •  14-16 June 2015
  37. Language-based Security Analysis of Database Applications     APA   .bib

     Raju Halder
      Proc. of the IEEE 3rd International Conference on Computer, Communication, Control and Information Technology (C3IT '15)
      •  IEEE Press  •   (Invited Paper)
        AOT, West Bengal, India  •  7-8 Feb 2015
  38. Abstract Interpretation of Hibernate Query Language     APA   .bib

     Angshuman Jana, Raju Halder & Agostino Cortesi
      Appeared in Student Poster Session and Student Research Competition of the 42nd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL '15)
        Mumbai, India  •  12-18 Jan 2015
  39. Information-flow Analysis of Hibernate Query Language     APA   .bib

     Agostino Cortesi & Raju Halder
      Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Future Data and Security Engineering (FDSE '14)
    Pages 262-274  •  Springer LNCS 8860
        Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam  •  19-21 Nov 2014
  40. Information Leakage Analysis of Database Query Languages     APA   .bib

     Raju Halder, Matteo Zanioli & Agostino Cortesi
      Proc. of the 29th Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC '14)
    Pages 813-820  •  ACM Press  •   (DTTA Track)
        Gyeongju, Korea  •  24 - 28 Mar 2014
  41. Abstract program slicing of database query languages     APA   .bib

     Raju Halder & Agostino Cortesi
      Proc. of the 28th Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC '13)
    Pages 838-845  •  ACM Press  •   (DTTA Track)
        Coimbra, Portugal  •  18 - 22 March 2013
  42. Abstract Interpretation of Recursive Queries     APA   .bib

     Agostino Cortesi & Raju Halder
      Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technologies (ICDCIT '13)
    Pages 157-170  •  Springer LNCS 7753
        Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India  •  5-8 Feb 2013
  43. TUKRA: An Abstract Program Slicing Tool     APA   .bib

     Raju Halder & Agostino Cortesi
      Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends (ICSOFT '12)
    Pages 178-183  •  SciTePress
        Rome, Italy  •  24-27 Jul 2012
  44. Observation-based Fine Grained Access Control for XML Documents     APA   .bib

     Raju Halder & Agostino Cortesi
      Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications (CISIM '11)
    Pages 267-276  •  Springer CCIS 245
        Kolkata, India  •  14-16 Dec 2011
  45. Cooperative Query Answering by Abstract Interpretation     APA   .bib

     Raju Halder & Agostino Cortesi
      Proc. of the 37th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM '11)
    Pages 284-296  •  Springer LNCS 6543
        Novy Smokovec, Slovakia  •  22-28 Jan 2011
  46. A Persistent Public Watermarking of Relational Databases     APA   .bib

     Raju Halder & Agostino Cortesi
      Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS '10)
    Pages 216-230  •  Springer LNCS 6503
        Gandhinagar, Gujrat, India  •  15-19 Dec 2010
  47. Persistent Watermarking of Relational Databases     APA   .bib

     Raju Halder & Agostino Cortesi
      Proc. of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Advances in Communication, Network, and Computing (CNC '10)
    Pages 46-52  •  IEEE Computer Society
        Calicut, Kerala, India  •  4-5 Oct 2010
  48. Fine Grained Access Control for Relational Databases by Abstract Interpretation     APA   .bib

     Raju Halder & Agostino Cortesi
      Software and Data Technologies (Selected Paper from ICSOFT 2010)
    Pages 235-249  •  Springer CCIS 170
        Athens, Greece  •  22-24 Jul 2010
  49. Observation-based Fine Grained Access Control for Relational Databases     APA   .bib

     Raju Halder & Agostino Cortesi
      Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT '10)
    Pages 254-265  •  SciTePress
        Athens, Greece  •  22-24 Jul 2010
  50. Obfuscation-based Analysis of SQL Injection Attacks     APA   .bib

     Raju Halder & Agostino Cortesi
      Proc. of the 15th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC '10)
    Pages 931-938  •  IEEE Press
        Riccione, Italy  •  22-25 Jun 2010
  51. Abstract Interpretation for Sound Approximation of Database Query Languages     APA   .bib

     Raju Halder & Agostino Cortesi
      Proc. of the IEEE 7th International Conference on Informatics and Systems (INFOS '10)
    Pages 53-59  •  IEEE Press  •   (Advances in Data Engineering and Management Track)
        Cairo, Egypt  •  28-30 Mar 2010
  52. Dependence Condition Graph for Semantics-based Abstract Program Slicing     APA   .bib

     Agostino Cortesi & Raju Halder
      Proc. of the 10th International Workshop on Language Descriptions Tools and Applications (LDTA '10)
    Pages 1-9  •  ACM Press  •   (Satellite Event of ETAPS '10)
        Paphos, Cyprus  •  27-28 Mar 2010
  53. An Abstract Interpretation Framework for Structured Query Languages     APA   .bib

     Agostino Cortesi & Raju Halder
      Proc. of the 21st Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory (NWPT '09)
    Pages 41-43  •  DTU Informatics
        Lyngby, Denmark  •  14-16 Oct 2009
  54. An Internet-based IP Protection Scheme for Circuit Designs using Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR)-based Locking     APA   .bib

     Raju Halder, P. S. Dasgupta, S. Naskar & S. S. Sarma
      Proc. of the 22nd ACM/IEEE Annual Symposium on Integrated Circuits and System Design (SBCCI '09)
    Pages 1-6  •  ACM Press
        Natal, Brazil  •  31st Aug-3rd Sep 2009


  1. Assistive Technology Solutions for Aging Adults and Individuals With Disabilities     APA   .bib

     Rajiv Pandey, Pratibha Maurya, Jigna Bhupendra Prajapati, Raju Halder & Kanishka Tyagi
       IGI Global  •  Edition 1  •  2025

Book Chapters

  1. Formal Verification and Code Generation for Solidity Smart Contracts     APA   .bib

     Neeraj Kumar Singh, Akshay M. Fajge, Raju Halder & Md. Imran Alam
       Distributed Computing to Blockchain: Architecture, Technology, and Applications  •  Pages 125-144  •  Elsevier Ed.  •  2022 
  2. Analyzing Information Flow in Solidity Smart Contracts     APA   .bib

     Raju Halder, Md. Imran Alama, Akshay M. Fajge, Neeraj Kumar Singh & Agostino Cortesi
       Distributed Computing to Blockchain: Architecture, Technology, and Applications  •  Pages 105-123  •  Elsevier Ed.  •  2022 


  1. Design of adhesion based omni orientation surface traverse mechanism in crawling quadruped trot-gaited robot     APA   .bib

     Anugrah A K, Atul Thakur & Raju Halder
       Application No.: 202331026910   Dated: April 11, 2023
        Agency / Country: India
       Current Status: Published 


  1. IITP-VDLand: A Comprehensive Dataset on Decentraland Parcels     APA   .bib

     Ankit K. Bhagat, Dipika Jha, Raju Halder, Rajendra N. Paramanik & Chandra M. Kumar
       arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.07533  •  2023 
  2. FedSat: A Statistical Aggregation Approach for Class Imbalaced Clients in Federated Learning     APA   .bib

     Sujit Chowdhury & Raju Halder
       arXiv preprint arXiv: 2407.03862  •  2024 
  3. Strengthening Solidity Invariant Generation: From Post- to Pre-Deployment     APA   .bib

     Kartik Kaushik, Raju Halder & Samrat Mondal
       arXiv preprint arXiv: 2409.01804  •  2024 
  4. Detection Made Easy: Potentials of Large Language Models for Solidity Vulnerabilities     APA   .bib

     Md Tauseef Alam, Raju Halder & Abyayananda Maiti
       arXiv preprint arXiv: 2409.10574  •  2024 

Ph.D. Dissertation

  1. Extending Abstract Interpretation to New Applicative Scenarios

     Raju Halder
      DAIS, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia  •  March 2012