Dr. Vaibhav Singhal |
Asst. Professor |
Head, Institute Works Department |
Incharge, Center of Earthquake Engineering Research |
PhD, IIT Kanpur |
Phone: +91-612-302 8198 |
singhal@iitp.ac.in |
Research Areas |
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- Seismic behavior of reinforced concrete and masonry structures
- Small-scale modeling of structural systems for real time dynamic testing
- Seismic evaluation and rehabilitation of structures
- Earthquake damage surveys
Courses Taught at IITP |
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- CE-111: Engineering Drawing (Tutorials)
- ME-102: Enngineering Mechanics
- CE-301: Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures
- CE-302: Design of Steel Structures
- CE-304: Infrastructure Planning, Management and Evaluation
- CE-318: Construction Planning and Management
- CE-393: Structural Engineering and Materials Laboratory
- CE-507: Civil Engineering Design – I
- CE-509: Applied Finite Element Methods for Industries
- CE-595: Civil Engineering Lab-I
Professional Experience |
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- Assistant Professor (Since August 2015), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, India
- Senior Project Engineer at IIT Kanpur from 1st October 2014 to 31st May 2015 and 3rd July to 10th August 2015.
PhD Students |
 Md Arif Faridi |
 Dattatreya Tripathy |
Sponsored Research Projects |
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- Seismic Design and Performance Verification of Confined Masonry Walls for Medium-Rise Buildings (2019-2021) [DST-SERB, 26.40 lakh]
- Development of Structural Health Monitoring Technique for Existing Bridge in Bihar: A Pilot Study (2018-2019), with Dr. Koushik Roy, IIT Patna, [Road Construction Department, Bihar, 2.70 lakh]
MTech Students |
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- Palagala Venkatesh Yadav (2018) [Awarded best M. Tech project 2018 in Civil Engineering, IIT Patna]
- Vikram Choudhary (2018)
- Dattatreya Tripathy (2017) [Awarded best M. Tech project 2017 in Civil Engineering, IIT Patna]
Achievements and Honors |
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- Best Teacher Award for UG course in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, 2017 and 2018.
- INAE Innovative Students Projects Awards by Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) for the doctoral research work, 2015.
- R G Drysdale Award for the Best Paper on Masonry Research or Education at 12th Canadian Masonry Symposium, Vancouver, paper titled “Experimental Investigation of Confined Masonry Panels with Openings under In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Loads,” 2013.
- Silver medal at Mondialogo Engineering Awards 2008-09 organized by UNESCO and Dailmer for the project titled “Promotion of bamboo as a cost effective and sustainable structural material,” 2009.
- Gold medalist, Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering), Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 2006.
- Gold medalist, Diploma Engineering (Civil Engineering), Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 2002.
Post-Earthquake Reconnaissance Studies |
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- 04 January 2016 Imphal Earthquake (Magnitude 6.7).
- 25 April 2015 Nepal Earthquake (Magnitude 7.8).
- 18 September 2011 Sikkim Earthquake (Magnitude 6.9).
Members of Professional Bodies |
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- National Information Center of Earthquake Engineering (NICEE), India.
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), USA.
- Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI), USA.
Publications |
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Refereed Journals
- Tripathy, D., and Singhal, V., (2019). “Estimation of In-Plane Shear Capacity of Confined Masonry Walls With and Without Openings using Strut-and-Tie Analysis,” Engineering Structures, (In print).
- Sagar, S. L., Singhal, V., and Rai, D. C., (2019). “In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Behavior of Masonry-Infilled RC Frames Strengthened with Fabric-Reinforced Cementitious Matrix,” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, 23(1), 04018073-1-14.
- Singhal, V., and Rai, D. C., (2018). “Behavior of Confined Masonry Walls with Openings under In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Loads,” Earthquake Spectra 34(2), 817-841.
- Rai, D. C., Kaushik, H. B., and Singhal, V., (2017). “M6.7 January 4, 2016 Imphal Earthquake: Dismal Performance of Publicly-Funded Buildings,” Current Science 113(12), 2341-2350.
- Sagar, S. L., Singhal, V., and Rai, D. C., (2017). “Diagonal Shear and Out-of-Plane Flexural Strength of Fabric-Reinforced Cementitious Matrix–Strengthened Masonry Walletes,” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction 21(4), 04017016.
- Singhal, V., and Rai, D. C., (2016). “In-Plane and Out-Of-Plane Behavior of Confined Masonry Walls for Various Toothing and Openings Details and Prediction of Their Strength and Stiffness,” Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 45(15), 2551-2569.
- Rai, D. C., Singhal, V., Pradhan, T., and Tripathi, A, (2016). “Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Monastery Temples of Stone Masonry in Sikkim Himalayas,” Current Science 110(10), 1947-1957.
- Rai, D. C., Singhal, V., Raj, B., and Sagar, L. (2016). “Reconnaissance of the Effects of the M7.8 Gorkha (Nepal) Earthquake of April 25, 2015,” Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 7(1), 1-17.
- Rai, D. C., Singhal, V., Bhushan, R. S. and Sagar, S. L. (2015). “Performance of Residential Buildings during M7.8 Gorkha (Nepal) Earthquake,” Current Science 109(11), 2126-2135.
- Singhal, V., and Rai, D. C., (2014). “Role of Toothing on In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Behavior of Confined Masonry Walls,” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering 140(9), 04014053.
- Rai, D. C., Singhal, V., Paikara, S., and Mukherjee, D., (2014). “Sub-paneling of Masonry Walls using Precast Reinforced Concrete Elements for Earthquake Resistance,” Earthquake Spectra 30(2), 913-937.
- Singhal, V., and Rai, D. C., (2014). “Suitability of Half-Scale Burnt Clay Bricks for Shake Table Tests on Masonry Walls,” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 26(4), 644-657.
- Agnihotri, P., Singhal, V., and Rai, D. C., (2013). “Effect of in-plane damage on out-of-plane strength of unreinforced masonry walls,” Engineering Structures 57, 1-11.
- Rai, D. C., Mondal, G., Singhal, V., Parool, N., Pradhan, T., and Mitra, K., (2012). “Reconnaissance Report of the M6.9 Sikkim (India-Nepal Border) Earthquake of September 18, 2011,” Geomatics, Natural Hazard and Risk 3(2), 99-111.
- Rai, D. C., Singhal, V., Mondal, G., Parool, N., Pradhan, T., and Mitra, K., (2012). “M6.9 Nepal-Sikkim Border Earthquake of September 18, 2011,” Current Science 102(10), 1437-1446.
- Komaraneni, S., Rai, D. C., and Singhal, V., (2011). “Seismic Behavior of Framed Masonry Panels with Prior Damage When Subjected to Out-of-Plane Loading,” Earthquake Spectra, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, 27(4), 1077-1103.
Conference/Symposium/Seminar Papers:
Refereed Conference Papers
- Tripathy D, and Singhal V., (2019). “Analytical Investigation of Unreinforced Masonry Walls Strengthened using Ferrocement Overlay,” 2nd International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Post Disaster Reconstruction Planning, Bhaktapur, Nepal (accepted).
- Borah, B., Singhal V., and Kaushik, H. B., (2019). “Assessment of Important Parameters for Seismic Analysis and Design of Confined Masonry Buildings,” National Conference on Advances in Structural Technologies, Paper no. 138, Silchar, India.
- Faridi, M. A., Roy, K. and Singhal V., (2018). “Damage Detection in a Simply Supported Beam: Comparing Modal Curvature of Undamaged and Damage Beam,” 16th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, Paper no. 159, Roorkee, India.
- Palagala, V. Y., and Singhal V., (2018). “Structural Score for Rapid Visual Screening of RC Framed Buildings in India,” 16th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, Paper no. 125, Roorkee, India.
- Borah, B., Singhal V., and Kaushik, H. B., (2018). “A Simplified Approach to Analytical Modeling of Confined Masonry Buildings,” 16th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, Paper no. 247, Roorkee, India.
- Borah, B., Singhal V., and Kaushik, H. B., (2018). “Sustainable Housing Using Confined Masonry Buildings,” 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development – Opportunities and Challenges (CESDOC 2018), Paper no. 138, Guwahati, India.
- Kumar, G., Sonam, K., Singhal, V., and Roy, K., (2017). “Mode Shape-based Damage Identification in Cylindrical Pipe using Dynamic Response,” EURODYN2017, Procedia Engineering, 199, 1988–1993.
- Sagar, L., Singhal, V., and Rai, D. C., (2017). “In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Performance of Masonry Infill Strengthened with Fabric Reinforced Cementitious Matrix,” 13th Canadian Masonry Symposium, Paper No. 064, Halifax, Canada.
- Singhal, V., and Rai, D. C., (2017). “Strut-and-Tie Model for Predicting the Shear Capacity of Confined Masonry Walls with and without Openings,” 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper no. 4605, Santiago, Chile.
- Sagar, L., Singhal, V., and Rai, D. C., (2017). “Experimental Investigation of Fabric Reinforced Cementitious Matrix for Strengthening of Infill Walls,” 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper no. 4204, Santiago, Chile.
- Rai, D. C., Singhal, V., Bhushan, R. S. and Sagar, S. L. (2017). “Performance of Masonry and Concrete Buildings during M7.8 Gorkha (Nepal) Earthquake of April 25, 2015,” 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper no. 4210, Santiago, Chile.
- Singhal, V. and Rai, D. C., (2015). “Lateral Strength and Stiffness Predictions for Confined Masonry Walls,” 12th North American Masonry Conference, Paper no. 90, Denver, Colorado.
- Singhal, V., and Rai, D. C., (2014). “Seismic Behavior of Confined Masonry Walls when Subjected to In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Loading,” 10th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper no. 675, Anchorage, Alaska.
- Singhal, V., and Rai, D. C., (2013). “Experimental Investigation of Confined Masonry Panels with Openings under In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Loads,” 12th Canadian Masonry Symposium, Paper no. 463, Vancouver, Canada. [Received the R G Drysdale Award for the Best Paper on Masonry Research or Education]
- Rai, D. C., Singhal, V., Pradhan, T., and Parool, N., (2013). “Seismic Vulnerability of Monastery Temples of Stone Masonry,” 12th Canadian Masonry Symposium, Paper no. 461, Vancouver, Canada.
- Singhal, V., and Rai, D. C., (2012). “Role of Toothing on Out-of-Plane Behavior of Damaged Confined Masonry Wall,” 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper no. 4850, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Saraf, A., Singhal, V., Poonia, V., and Rai, D. C., (2012). “Effect of Grid Pattern on Load-Deformation Behavior of Paneled Masonry Wall,” 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper no. 4846, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Tripti, P., Singhal, V., Mondal, G., Parool, N., and Rai, D. C., (2012). “Seismic Vulnerability of Buddhist Monasteries: Evidences from the 2011 Sikkim Earthquake,” 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper no. 3706, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Rai, D. C., Mondal, G., Singhal, V., Parool, N., and Tripti, P., (2012). “2011 Sikkim Earthquake: Effects on Building Stocks: Perspective on Growing Seismic Risk,” 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper no. 3708, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Rai, D. C., and Singhal, V., (2012). “On Loading Protocols to Evaluate Seismic Performance of Masonry Walls Under Combined In-plane and Out-of-plane Loading,” 2012 Joint Conference of the Engineering Mechanics Institute and the 11th ASCE Joint Specialty Conference on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability, Paper no. 608, Notre Dame.
- Rai, D. C., Agnihotri, P., and Singhal, V., (2011). “Out-of-Plane Strength of Damaged Unreinforced Masonry Walls,” 11th North American Masonry Conference, Paper no. 183, Minneapolis, US.
- Singhal, V., and Rai, D. C., (2010). “Use of Small-Scaled Burnt Clay Bricks for Shake Table Tests of Masonry Walls,” 9th US National and 10th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper No. 1305, Toronto, Canada.
- Singhal, V., Komaraneni, S., Agnihotri, P. and Rai, D. C., (2010). “Behaviour of Masonry Panels Subjected to Out-of-Plane Seismic Loads,” All India Seminar on Advances in Materials and Techniques in Construction, The Institute of Engineers (India).
- Rai, D. C., Komaraneni, S., and Singhal, V., (2009). “Out-of-plane Seismic Behaviour of Brick Masonry Infilled Panels with Prior In-plane Damage,” 11th Canadian Masonry Symposium, Paper No. 239, Toronto, Ontario.
- Bajpai, K. K., Amarendra, and Singhal, V., (2008). “Effectiveness of FRP Composites for Flexural Strengthening of Unreinforced Masonry Walls,” 8th International Seminar on Structural Masonry, Istanbul, Turkey, 305-313.
Papers Presented but not Published
- Rai, D. C., Singhal, V., Sagar, L., and Raj, B., (2015). “2015 Gorkha (Nepal) Earthquake: Performance of Masonry Structures,” 12th North American Masonry Conference, Denver, Colorado.
Technical Reports |
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- Murty, C.V.R., Raghukanth, S.T.G., Menon, A., Goswami, R., Vijayanarayanan, A.R., Gandhi, S.R., Satyanarayana, K.N., Sheth, A., Rai, D.C., Mondal, G., Singhal, V., Parool, N., Pradhan, T., Jaiswal, A., Kaushik, H.B., Dasgupta, K., Chaurasia, A., Bhushan, S., Roy, D., and Pradeep Kumar, R. (2012), “The Mw 6.9 Sikkim-Nepal Border Earthquake of September 18, 2011,” Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Special Earthquake Report - February 2012, Learning From Earthquakes Project, EERI, USA.
Conference/Workshops/Short Course Organised |
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- Convener, Earthquake Resistant Design Based on Recently Revised Seismic Codes Convener, Center of Earthquake Engineering Research, IIT Patna, 05th-07th April 2018
Invited Talks |
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- “Confined Masonry Buildings as Low-Cost Engineered Housing” Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Housing Units, IIT Kanpur-BMTPC, Noida, July 2017.
- “Testing Protocols for Performance Evaluation of Masonry Panels” Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Housing Units, IIT Kanpur-BMTPC, Noida, July 2017.
- “Principles of Earthquake Resistant Buildings & Architectural Considerations”, Training of Chief and Superintending Engineer on Earthquake Resistant Buildings, Bihar State Disaster Management Authority, April 2017-May 2017.
- “Seismic Evaluation and Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete Building”, Training of Master Trainers for Earthquake Resistant Buildings in Bihar, Bihar State Disaster Management Authority, January 2017-March 2017.
- “An Introduction to Confined Masonry Construction,” Workshop on Earthquake Resistant Practices for Students of Architecture, IIT Kanpur, July 2016 and 2014.
- “Seismic Design and Behaviour of Confined Masonry Buildings,” Workshop on Earthquake Resistance of Low-Cost Engineered Housing in North-East India, IIT Guwahati, June 2016.
- “Material Characterization for Masonry Structures,” Workshop on Earthquake Resistance of Low-Cost Engineered Housing in North-East India, IIT Guwahati, June 2016.
- “Design and Construction Details of Confined Masonry,” NICCE seminar on Achieving Seismic Safety in Manipur through Confined Masonry Construction, Imphal, Manipur, April 2016.
- “Are We Safe From Earthquakes?” Regional Level Science Congress, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Bikram, Bihar, November 2015.
- “Importance of Literature Survey" and "Introduction to Computer Modeling” Workshops on Resource Material in Earthquake Engineering for Graduate Students, IIT Kanpur, June 2007-2014.
- “Advanced Finite Element Techniques” Workshop on Finite Element Method: Constitutive Modeling and Applications in Civil Engineering, Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad, June 2012.