CS206 Discrete Mathematics (3-1-0-8)This course serves as a precursor to Algorithms. Students are taught the mathematical foundations
and logic behind computer programming and algorithm design. Pre-requisites - NIL Course ContentSet theory: sets, functions, relations, partial orders, lattices. Logic: propositional logic (formulae, truth tables, proof systems, soundness and completeness of
proof systems), predicate logic (formulae, interpretations, proof systems, soundness and completeness
of proof systems). Combinatorics: permutations, combinations, partitions, Stirling numbers. Recurrences, summations, generating functions, asymptotics. Graph Theory: paths, connectivity, subgraphs, isomorphic and homeomorphic graphs,
trees, complete graphs, bipartite graphs, matchings, colourability, planarity, digraphs. Algebraic Structures: semigroups, groups, subgroups, homomorphisms, rings, integral domains, fields. Reference Books