Prof. Smriti Singh
Professor |
Ph.D 2007, Patna University |
Ph: +91-0612-302 8020 |
smriti[*AT]iitp.ac.in |
Research Areas |
- Language Teaching, Postcolonialism, Indian writing in English, Diasporic Writings
Other Interests |
- Drama, Multilingual education
Courses taught at IIT P |
- HS001/ 002: Preparatory English
HS101: Language Through Literature
HS102: Communication Skills
HS103: Communicative English for Engineers
HS211: Literature: Culture and Voices
HS311: Diasporic Literature
HS312: Soft Skills
HS513/514: Technical Communication
HS711: Representation of Gender through Literature
HS712: Essential English
HS713: Literary Representation of the Postcolonial Nation
Students |
Sr. No. |
Photo |
Area of Reasearch |
Degree |
1 |
Lata Atreya (Co-Supervisor: Dr. Rajesh Kumar, IITM)
Linguistics |
Degree Awarded in 2016 |
2 |
Shaivya Singh (Co-Supervisor: Dr. Rajesh Kumar, IITM)
Sociolinguistics |
Degree Awarded in 2016 |
3 |
Sadeqa Ghazal
English Language Teaching |
Degree Awarded in 2019 |
4 |
Ramjit Kumar
Science Education |
Degree Awarded in 2021 |
5 |
Sujay Kumar Saha*
English Language Teaching |
Degree awarded in 2022 |
6 |
Samrat Bisai*
Multilingual Education |
Degree awarded in 2023 |
7 |
Kriti Gupta* (co-supervisor: Dr. jyotsna Agrawal, NIMHANS)
Psychology |
Degree Awarded in 2021 |
8 |
Sanatan Mandal
Oral Literature |
Thesis submitted |
9 |
Shubham Ghosh
Postcolonial Literature |
10 |
Nidhi Jha
Postcolonial Literature |
11 |
Moumita Bala
12 |
Manu Mohan
Registration seminar done |
13 |
Bipasha Manda
Comprehensive examination done |
14 |
Sohini Naiyo
Comprehensive examination over |
15 |
Labani Biswas
course work completed |
16 |
Sujata Patel
course work completed |
17 |
Andri Maulana
course work completed |
18 |
Adi Nugroho
course work completed |
Professional Experience |
- Ranchi College, March 2008-November 2008
Insyte Infolabs, Bangalore, December 2007-March 2008
Chanakya National Law University, Patna, August 2006-December 2007
Patna Women’s College, July 2001- July 2005
Awards & Honours |
- Fulbright FLTA to University of Texas at Austin (2005-06)
Member of Professional bodies |
- Forum on Contemporary Theory, Postcolonial Studies Association Melus-Melow, ELT@I
Books |
- Smriti Singh, Feminism and Postcolonialism in Krupabai Satthianadhan, New Delhi: 2010
- Smriti Singh and Achal Sinha (ed.), Diasporic Consciousness: Literatures from the Postcolonial World, Germany:2010
- Smriti Singh and Sweta Sinha (ed.), Conscious Re-imaginings of Shakespeare’s Plays, Bahri Publications, 2017
Publications / Journals |
- Bala. Moumita and Singh, Smriti. (De) Constructing Man-Animal Binary in Santal Folktales. IUP Journal of English Studies 18 (2), 82-96
- Bala, Moumita and Singh, Smriti. Highlighting elephant’s perspective through umwelt exploration: textual analysis of the novella River Storm. The Senses and Society, Vol. 18: 2023. Pp 1-11
- Ghosh, Subham and Singh, Smriti. Towards a cosmopolitan worldview: investigating the process of de-bordering through Sarah Ladipo Manyika’s In Dependence. African Identities, 2023
- Jha, Nidhi and Singh, Smriti. From India to Marich Des: Religion and Identity in Kala Pani Narratives. IUP- Journal of English Studies. Vol. 14 no. 4. 2022. Pp 51-63
- Bala, Moumita and Singh, Smriti. Duality of Abuse and Care: Empathy in Sara Gruen's Water for Elephants. Rel.: Beyond Anthropocentrism vol. 10 no. 2. 2022. Pp39-54
- Bisai, Samrat and Singh, Smriti. Language Visibility in Multilingual Schools: An Empirical Study of Schoolscapes from India. Linguistics and Education. 2022: 69
- Mandal, Sanatan and Smriti Singh. Asserting Naga cultural identity and challenging colonialism in Easterine Kire’s Sky is My Father: A Naga Village Remembered, Alternative: An International Journal of Indigenous People. 2022
- Mandal, Sanatan and Singh, Smriti. Reconstructing the Past through Personal Hi(story): War, Memory, and Naga Identity in Easterine Kire’s Mari. Dialog. 2022:37
- Jha, Nidhi and Singh, Smriti. Barren Binaries: Immobility in Migration from Bihar in Hager Ben Driss (ed.) Mobilizing Narratives: Narrating Injustices of (Im) Mobility. Cambridge Scholar Publishing. 2021
- Mandal, Sanatan and Singh, Smriti. Stor (y) ing the Reality:(Con) Textualization of Myth in Easterine Kire's Son of the Thundercloud. IUP Journal of English Studies. 2020:15
- Bisai, Samrat and Singh, Smriti. Towards a Holistic and Inclusive Linguistic Pedagogy for Students from Diverse Linguistic Backgrounds. TEFLIN. 2020: 21
- Singh, Smriti. Building Employability Skills in English as a Second Language (ESL) Classroom in India. The English Teacher Journal, Malaysia. 2019, Vol. 48, Issue 2, pp. 70-81
- Bisai, Samrat and Singh, Smriti. Bridging the Divide: Collaborative Learning and Translanguaging in Multilingual Classrooms. Fortell- A Journal of Teaching English Language and Literature. 2019, Vol. 39, pp.46-57.
- Bisai, Samrat & Singh, Smriti. Social Mobility and Crime in Aravind Adiga’s ‘The White Tiger’.Language in India. 2019, Vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 456-464
- Mandal, Sanatan & Singh, Smriti. Culture, Oral Narratives and “Monomyth”: Projection of the Archetypal Hero in Easterine Kire’s When the River Sleeps. International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities. 2019, Vol. 7. Issue. 2, pp. 1374-1389
- Kumar, Ramjit and Singh, Smriti. Aspects of science education in India: a synoptic review and possible directions for the future. Current Science. 2018, Vol. 114, No. 9, pp. 1825-1828
- Samrat Bisai and Smriti Singh, Schoolscape in Minority School: An Empirical Study in Jhargram and Paschim Medinipur District, India, Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Teaching & Learning, France, July 2018
- Samrat Bisai and Smriti Singh, Rethinking Assessment: A Multilingual Perspective, Language in India. Vol 18, 2018
- Samrat Bisai and Smriti Singh, The Representation of Culture, Identity and Politics in 'The Mimic Men', World Journal of Gender and Literature, Vol.4 No. 2, 2017
- Sadeqa Ghazal and Smriti Singh, Twofold transformation: Promoting learner autonomy and teaching speaking skills to ESL learners, In book: Developing Insights into Teacher-Research, Chapter: 9, Publisher: IATEFL, Editors: Anne Burns, Richard Smith, Mark Wyatt, Kenan Dikilitas, pp.115-134, 2017
- Ramjit Kumar and Smriti Singh, Looking Beyond The Science Capital: Conceptualisation Of ‘Science Field’ In The Context Of The Indian Society, 3rd International Conference on Theory and Practice - ICTP 2017, August 2017, PP 70-83
- Ramjit Kumar and Smriti Singh, The State of Science Education in Post-Independent India: A Synoptic Review and Future Direction, IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), Vol. 22, Issue. 3, March 2017, PP 55-58
- Sanjib Biswas and Smriti Singh, Portrayal of Poverty and Corruption Ridden Postcolonial India in Adiga’s ‘The White Tiger’, Language in India, Vol. 17, 2017
- Samrat Bisai And Smriti Singh, Translanguaging As A Strategy To Promote Collaborative Learning In Multilingual Classroom, International Journal Of English Learning And Teaching Skills, Vo. 1 No. 1 ·
- Ghazal & Singh (2016). Game-Based Language Learning: Activities for ESL Classes with Limited Access to Technology. ELT Voices, 6 (4), 1-8 ·
- Sujay saha and Smriti Singh, Game based Language Learning in ESL classroom - A theoretical Perspective, ELT Vibes, Vol. 2 Issue 3, July 2016
- Sujay Kumar Saha and Smriti Singh, Collborative Learning through Language Games in ESL Classroom, Langauge in India, Vo. 17, 2016·
- Smriti Singh, Self-Assessment of Oral Proficiency among ESL Learners, ELT Voices, Vo. 5 No.1, Pp. 1-7, 2015·
- Smriti Singh, Using Technology for Measuring Proficiency in Oral Skills, JELTAL, Vol.3 No.1, Pp.29-36, 2015 ·
- Smriti Singh, Narrating a Subaltern Consciousness: Bama’s Sangati, International Journal of English and Literature, Vol.5 No. 5, Pp. 113-118, July 2014 ·
- Lata Atreya, Smriti Singh and Rajesh Kumar, Magahi and Magadh: Language and People, Global Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Vol 3 No. 2 (April 2014), PP. 52-59·
- Lata Atreya, Smriti Singh, Rajesh Kumar, Passives in Magahi, IOSR Journals, Vol. 19, Issue 4, Pp. 47-53, April 2014(International Journal)·
- Shaivya Singh, Smriti Singh, Rajesh Kumar, English in India: A Socio-Psychological Paradox, IOSR Journals, Vol. 19, Issue 7, Pp. 127-130 July 2014 (international journal)·
- Lata Atreya, Smriti Singh, Rajesh Kumar, Relative Clauses in Magahi-A Descriptive Story, IOSR Journals, Vol. 19, Issue 10. Pp. 43-51, Oct. 2014(international journal)
- Smriti Singh, Women in Selected Dalit Narratives in India, Feminist Studies in English Literature, Vol. 21 No.1, Korea : 2013·
- Das, A.C & Singh, Smriti. Identity in a ‘liminal’ space in M. G. Vassanji’s No New Land. Global Journal of English Language and Literature, April 2013. Volume 1.Issue 2. ISSN 2320-4397·
- Das, A. C & Singh, Smriti. Marginalization and Exclusion in M.G. Vassanji’s The Assassin’s Song. The Criterion: An International Journal in English, June 2013.Vol. IV. Issue III. ISSN 0976-8165·
- Das, A. C & Singh, Smriti. Experiencing Trishanku State: Liminality in Colonial America in M.G Vassanji’s Amriika. Galaxy: International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, July 2013. Vol. II Issue IV. ISSN 2278-9529·
- Das, A. C & Singh, Smriti. Discrimination and Difference, Racial and Colonial: An Overview of M.G Vassanji’s The Gunny Sack and No New Land. The Criterion: An International Journal in English,October 2013. Vol. IV. Issue. VISSN 0976-8165
- Smriti Singh, Textualizing Postcolonial India: Gita Hariharan’s 'In Times of Siege' and Kiran Desai’s 'The Inheritance of Loss', The Criterion, Vol.III Issue II, June 2012
- Smriti Singh. Creating a Hyperreal World: Ghosh and Adiga in Abha shukla Kaushik (ed.) Postmodern Indian English Fiction. Jaipur: Aadi Publications. 2012 (Book Chapter)
- Smriti Singh, The Nexus between Language and Power in'The Mimic Men', Appropriations, Vol. VII, December 2011, pp. 185-198
- Smriti Singh and Pooja. Globalization and Rootlessnessin The Inheritance of Loss in Indu Swami (ed.) Contemporary Indian Women Novelists in English. New Delhi: Sarup Books Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 2011 (Book Chapter)
- Smriti Singh and Pooja. Money, Nature and Patriarchy in Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles, Contemporary Discourse . Vol. 1. June 2010
- Smriti Singh. Chronicle of the Dispossessed - The Inheritance of Loss in Sunita Sinha (ed.) Indian Booker Prize Winners: A Critical Study of Their Works. Atlantic Publishers and Distributors. New Delhi: 2010 (Book chapter)
- Smriti Singh. Tarabai Shinde- A 19th Century Feminist. Novel and Society. (ed.) Dr. Ashok Kumar Singh, Navin Kumar Singh, AMS publications, Patna.2010 (Book Chapter)
- Smriti Singh, Breaking Barriers:Amitav Ghosh's Sea of Poppies, Research-A Journal of English Studies, Autumn 2009, Vol. 9 No. 2 Pp 23-31
- Smriti Singh, Identity, Recognition and Political Assertion in `Joothan`, Research - A Journal of English Studies, Vol. 9 No. 1 Spring 2009
- Smriti Singh, Female Migrants in Divakaruni`s Arranged Marriage, Re-markings Vol. 8 No. 1, March 2009
Presentations |
- Naiya, Sohini and Smriti Singh ( 2023, November 24th-25th). From Antagonism to Alliance- the World of Ecology via the Graphic Novel Aranyaka: Book of the Forest. International Conference on Reimagining Planetary: Planetarity and the Earth Family. Department of English, BHU.
Biswas, Labani and Smriti Singh (2023, November 24th-25th). Unearthing the Earth: The Gastronomic Landscape of India’s Seven Sisters. International Conference on Reimagining Planetary: Planetarity and the Earth Family. Department of English, BHU.
Patel, Sujata & Smriti Singh (2023, November 18th-19th). Beyond the Surface: A Critical Examination of Bullying in Selected Children’s Narrative. Two-day National Conference on Disability Studies: Theory and Practice, NIT Meghalaya, India. (online).
Patel, Sujata & Smriti Singh (2023, November 4th-5th). From Margins to Mainstreams: A Critical Examination of ‘Normalcy’ in Children’s Fiction in India. International Conference on Children’s Literature: Classics To Contemporary, Aligarh Muslim University, India. (online).
Mandal, Bipasha & Smriti Singh (2023, November 1st-3rd). Scientific Progress and the Environmental Crisis: Exploring the ‘Matters of Concern’ in Liu Cixin's The Three-Body Problem. International Conference on Interweaving Anthropology, Science, and Narrative: Postanthropocentric Mappings in the Era of Climate Crises, IIT Kharagpur, India. (Online).
Maulana, Andri & Smriti Singh (2023, October 20th – 21st ). Intercultural Sensitivity of English as a Foreign Language Students in Indonesia. The 2023 Sunshine State Annual Virtual Conference on Strengthening Communities of Practice, Sunshine State TESOL of Florida, USA. (online).
Mandal, Bipasha & Smriti Singh (2023, October 12th-14th). Defending Adam Soto's Genre-Bending Debut This Weightless World. Annual Northeast Popular and American Culture Association Conference, Massachusetts, US. (Online).
Maulana, Andri & Smriti Singh (2023, October 11th _14th ). English Online Source Learning and Indonesian EFL Students' Attitude to Intercultural Communication: A Correlation Analysis. The 17th International and 53rd Annual Conference of ELTAI on English for Global Citizenship: Multiple Teaching Acts and Learning Experiences, Uttaranchal University, Dehradun, India.
Nugroho, Adi & Smriti Singh (2023, October 11th – 14th ). The iImpact of using Quizizz on EFL students’ motivation: An Indonesian Context. The 17th International and 53rd Annual Conference of ELTAI on English for Global Citizenship: Multiple Teaching Acts and Learning Experiences, Uttaranchal University, Dehradun, India.
Bala, Moumita & Smriti Singh (2023, September 29th -30th). Looking Back: Late 18th century England and Commodification of Exotic Animals in Christopher Nicholson’s Novel The Elephant Keeper. International Conference on Sustainable Environments and Interspecies Ecologies: Literature, Creativity, Theory and Praxis, Post Graduate Department of English, Berhampur University, Odisha, India.
Mohan, Manu & Smriti Singh (2023, August 18th-19th). Mediating Cultural Identity and Ritualistic Practices: The Efficacy of Moodhevi Theyyam in Revisiting Myth within Contemporary Studies. Two-day ICSSR-sponsored conference on Revamping Indian Tradition and Culture through NEP 2020: Multilingual, Multicultural & Multidisciplinary Mode of Education, IIT Roorkee, India.
Jha, Nidhi & Smriti Singh (2023, August 18th-19th). In Tribulations and Trials: Songs and Ships of the Indentured. Two-day ICSSR-sponsored conference on Revamping Indian Tradition and Culture through NEP 2020: Multilingual, Multicultural & Multidisciplinary Mode of Education, IIT Roorkee, India.
Mandal, Bipasha & Smriti Singh (2023, April 26th-27th). Surveillance Capitalism: An Inquiry into Indian SF. International Conference on South Asian Literature and Culture: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Department of English, Gour Banga University, India.
Naiya, Sohini and Smriti Singh ( 2023, April 18th-19th). Ecological Awareness through the Retelling of Indian Mythology in the graphic novel, Aranyaka: Book of the Forest , by Amruta Patil and Devdutt Pattanaik. National Conference on Trees and Literature: Varied Paradigms. Delhi University ( Online).
Biswas, Labani and Smriti Singh (2023 April 18th-19th). Seasoning the Curries: The Tale of Herbs and Seeds. National Conference on Trees and Literature: Varied Paradigms. Delhi University. (online).
Maulana, Andri & Smriti Singh (2023, March 5th - 6th ). Cultural Linguistics and Intercultural Communicative Competence in EFL Classroom: Indonesia Context. International Conference on Culture, Cognition, and Globalization: The Viability of Language 2023.Centre for Endangered Language Studies & Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Patna in Collaboration with Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore (CIIL), Patna, India.
Nugroho, Adi & Smriti Singh (2023, March 5th - 6th ). An analysis of Translanguaging and Multimodality for Negotiation of Meaning in Indonesian EFL Classroom. International Conference on Culture, Cognition, and Globalization: The Viability of Language 2023.Centre for Endangered Language Studies & Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Patna in Collaboration with Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore (CIIL), Patna, India.
Naiya Sohini and Smriti Singh (2023, February 23rd). Relocating Aranya in Aranyaka: Book of the Forest through the eyes of the Vedic Figures. International Conference on Re- Emerging Trends in Literature, Language and Culture. Madurai Kamaraj University, Tamil Nadu. ( Online)
Patel, Sujata & Smriti Singh (2023, February 8th- 10th). Mental Disability and Indian Films: A Paradigm Shift in the Representation of the Mentally Disabled Characters. International Conference on Disability and the Everyday: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, CURaj- IDSC International Conference, Rajasthan, India.
Mohan, Manu & Smriti Singh (2022, August 18th- 19th). Cultual and Political Legacy of the Rhetoric of Kathaprasangam, A Creative Performing Art of Kerala. International Virtual Conference on Humanities through Literature, Film and Media 2.0, VIT, Chennai, India.
Bala, Moumita & Smriti Singh (2022, July 27th – 28th). Highlighting Elephant’s Perspective through Umwelt exploration: Textual Analysis of the Novella River Storm. Virtual International Conference on Environmental Imagination and Greening of Literary Studies, Bishop Heber College, Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India.
Bala, Moumita & Smriti Singh (2022, May 16th- May 18th). Traversing the Animal World through Actively Engaging Human-Animal Encounters in Fictional Writings. The Second International Environmental Humanities Conference: Critical Animal and Plant Studies, Cappadocia University, Turkey (Virtual).
Jha, Nidhi & Smriti Singh (2022, April 27th- 29th). The Politics of Displacement and Shipboard Fatality: Analyzing the Indentured Laborers. International Conference on The Saga of Girmitiya Migration: Re-engaging the Homeland, Culture, History, and Memory, Manipal University, Jaipur, India. (Online)
Mandal Sanatan & Smriti Singh (2022, February 18th- 20th). Excavating Truth through Historical Fiction: A Critical Study of Easterine Kire’s A Respectable Woman. Historical Fiction Research Network Online Conference, London.
Bala, Moumita & Smriti Singh (2022, January 27th- 29th). Illuminating the Underlying Constituents of the Universe’s Creation: A Closer Inspection of Cosmogonic Myths of the Tribal Communities. National Conference on Folk Literature in Indian Languages: Today and Tomorrow, RIE, NCERT, Bhopal, India (Online).
Mandal, Sanatan and Smriti Singh (2021, December 19th). Asserting Naga Cultural Identity and Challenging Colonialism in Easterine Kire's Sky is My Father: A Naga Village Remembered. International Conference on Economics, Business, Tourism and Social Sciences, Bangkok, Thailand (online).
Ghosh, Subham and Smriti Singh (2021, November 11th – 14th). Problematising Heteronormativity in Shyam Selvadurai’s Swimming in the Monsoon Sea and The Hungry Ghosts. 118th annual Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) Conference.
Jha, Nidhi and Smriti Singh (2021, November 26th -27th). Memory and Folktales of the Indian Indentured Laborers. Second South Asia Research Center International Conference on Memory and Past in South Asia [Online].
Sadeqa Ghazal and Smriti Singh. The Unplugged Class and Speaking Skills : Benefits of Autonomy. IAFOR Dubai, Feb 16-18, 2018
Sadeqa Ghazal and Smriti Singh. Using Learner Autonomy to Develop Speaking Proficiency: An Action Research Approach, Osmania University: 2017
Smriti Singh. Learning Academic Vocabulary: Need for Conscious Effort. International Conference on Language, literature and Community. Bhubhaneshwar. Feb. 21-22, 2015
Smriti Singh. Technology and the language classroom. GloCALL. Ahmedabad. Oct. 9-11, 2014
Smriti Singh. Employability Skills and the English language Classroom. Eltai Jaipur, Jaipur 18-20 August 2014
Smriti Singh. Self-Assessment of Oral Proficiency in English. 2nd International ELT Confernece on Role of ELT in Education for Sustainable Development. May 24-25 2014
Smriti Singh. Technology in Learning and Teaching. National Seminar on Impact of Technology on Society: Issues and Challenges. St. Xavier’s College, Patna 12-13April 2014
Smriti Singh. Draupadi speaks- Divakaruni’s ‘Palace of Illusions’. International Conference on Patterns of Story Telling: Traditions, Innovations, Visions and Revisions, Panjab University from February 8 to 10, 2013
Smriti Singh. Identity and Ethnicity in Kiran Desai’s ‘Inheritance of Loss’. ISEIL (11thto 14thOctober/2012), Sibsagar College, Joysagar, Assam
Smriti Singh. Materials for Teaching English at the Secondary Level. UGC sponsored National Seminar on “State Quality Mission in Bihar: Challenges and Implications for ELT in the context of RTE” to be held on 22 & 23 September,2012 at R. N College, Hajipur (Bihar)
Smriti Singh. Narrating a Subaltern Consciousness: Bama’s Sangati. Writing from the Margins. Gautam Buddha University. 23-24 march 2012
Smriti Singh. Role of English Language in Personality Development. National Conference on Presentation and Interpersonal Skills for Effective Communication: Old Traditions and New Challenges, Kanpur, July 17, 2010
Smriti Singh. Purdah and Castration: An Examination of Indian Writings. Veilled Constellations. Canada. June 2010
Smriti Singh. Charting New Borders - Postcolonial India in Fiction. BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AND POSTCOLONIAL STUDIES CONFERENCE, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, FEBRUARY 26-27, 2010
Smriti Singh. The Gendered Terrain: Dalit Writings. XII International Conference on “The Political Economy of Social Division: Race, Gender, Class, and Caste as Fetishized/Fetishizing Borders” in Trivandrum in December, 2009
Smriti Singh. From Text to Visuals: Place for Films in Language and Literature Classroom. National Seminar on Language and Literature in Global Context: Perspective and Challenges. SMVDU. March 2009