R&D Home

Welcome to Research & Development (R&D) Unit !

.Research & Development Unit (R&D) of IIT Patna was established in 2009 with a view to initiate and nurture productive and interactive engagement with sponsoring agencies. It aims to facilitate smooth functioning of projects sponsored by government and private organization. Faculty members and students are encouraged for various engineering and interdisciplinary projects to register growth in research by generation of resources, patents, research collaborations and establishing links with industry.

IIT Patna has research laboratories equipped with state of art facilities in Engineering, Natural Science and Humanities dept. Faculty members of departments are actively working with govt. agencies and various R&D organizations so as to enable the participation of IIT P in large number of cutting edge scientific research.

Research & Development (R&D) Unit at IIT Patna is a special unit with dedicated staff members to manage the projects funded by external funding agencies.

  • Total number of Sponsored Projects(since inception) : 462
  • Total amount of grant sanctioned for Sponsored projects: Rs. 460.44 Cr
  • Total number of Consultancy Projects (since inception) : 404
  • Total amount of grant sanctioned for Consultancy Projects: Rs. 40.22 Cr
  • Others (Workshop/Conference/ Seminar/ Symposium etc): Rs. 15.12 Cr
  • For glimpse of various research activities at IIT Patna,the Research Brochure for IIT Patna may be viewed.
Patent at a Glance Patents Designs
Filed Granted Filed Granted
88 45 4 3
MoU from R&D Unit International National
126 23
Publications (SCOPUS) Total Publication
Projects Sponsored Consultancy Others (Workshop, Conference, Seminar)
Number Amount Sanctioned Number Amount Sanctioned Amount Sanctioned
462 460.44 404 40.22 15.12

Innovation & Incubation

Incubation Centre

Incubation Centre at IIT Patna has been established to set up state of Art Infrastructure for nurturing technology, ideas and innovations in the areas of Electronic System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) with a focus in Medical Electronics.

For more details visit Incubation Center, IIT Patna