Research Areas |
- Pollution Prevention and Resource Recovery, Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, E-waste Management, Organic Waste Management by Composting and Vermicomposting, Water and Wastewater Treatment, Removal of Emerging Contaminants including Microplastics from Aqueous Matrices, Conventional and Ecological Sanitation
Courses taught at IIT P |
- CE102: Environmental Studies
CE111: Engineering Drawing
CE204: Irrigation and Flood Control Engineering
CE216: Civil Engineering Materials
CE303: Water Supply and Wastewater Engineering
CE310: Environmental Quality and Pollution Measurement Laboratory
CE315: Industrial Waste Treatment and Management
CE391: Environmental Engineering Laboratory
CE491: Design Studio
CE507: Civil Engineering Design – I
CE519: Air Pollution and Control
CE536: Industrial Pollution Control and Prevention
CE566: Physico-chemical Processes for Water and Wastewater Treatment
CE591: Infrastructure Engineering Laboratory – I
CE596: Civil Engineering Lab - II
Former Students |
Sr. No. |
Photo |
Area of Reasearch |
Current Position |
1 |
Dr. Anshupriya
2 |
Dr. Sathish G.P.
Professional Experience |
- June 2012 – December 2018: Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, IIT Patna
December 2010 - May 2012: Senior Project Engineer, Preparation of Ganga River Basin Environment Management Plan (GRB EMP), IIT Kanpur
Awards & Honours |
- Excellence in Review Award (2018), Waste Management Journal (Elsevier)
Best Teacher Recognition (2016-17) by the Institute in the PG Course Category in CEE
Member of Professional bodies |
- Fellow, Institution of Engineers (India)
Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Member, International Solid Waste Association (ISWA)
Member, International Water Association (IWA)
Member, American Chemical Society (ACS)
Member, International Association for Water, Environment, Energy, and Society (IAWEES)
Books |
Publications / Journals |
- C.M. Hussain and S. Hait, Advanced Organic Waste Management: Sustainable Practices and Approaches (DOI: 10.1016/C2020-0-02931-2), Elsevier, 2022.
Journal Publications:
- N. Parashar and S. Hait, Recent advances on microplastics pollution and removal from wastewater systems: A critical review, Journal of Environmental Management, 118014, 2023.
- A. Trivedi and S. Hait, Metal bioleaching from printed circuit boards by bio-Fenton process: Optimization and prediction by response surface methodology and artificial intelligence models, Journal of Environmental Management, 326, 116797, 2023.
- N.M. Kumar, I. D’Adamo, S. Hait, A. Priya, S. Kichou, and M. Gastaldi, Sustainable planning and lifecycle thinking of energy infrastructure, Frontiers in Energy Research, 11, 1196826, 2023.
- A. Trivedi, A. Vishwakarma, B. Saawarn, B. Mahanty, and S. Hait, Fungal biotechnology for urban mining of metals from waste printed circuit boards: A review, Journal of Environmental Management, 323, 116133, 2022.
- N. Parashar and S. Hait, Occurrence and removal of microplastics in a hybrid growth sewage treatment plant from Bihar, India: A preliminary study, Journal of Cleaner Production, 376, 134295, 2022.
- B. Saawarn, B. Mahanty, S. Hait, and S. Hussain, Sources, occurrence, and treatment techniques of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in aqueous matrices: A comprehensive review, Environmental Research, 214(4), 114004, 2022.
- A. Trivedi and S. Hait, Influences of ferrous iron concentration and mixing speed on metal recovery from waste printed circuit boards using bio-Fenton process, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9(6), 106460, 2021.
- A. Priya and S. Hait, Characterization of particle size-based deportment of metals in various waste printed circuit boards towards metal recovery, Cleaner Materials, 1, 100013, 2021.
- V. Kumar, R. Rudra, and S. Hait, Sulfonated polyvinylidene fluoride-crosslinked-aniline-2-sulfonic acid as ion exchange membrane in single-chambered microbial fuel cell, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9(6), 106467, 2021.
- N. Parashar and S. Hait, Plastics in the time of COVID-19 pandemic: Protector or polluter?, Science of The Total Environment, 759, 144274, 2021.
- B. Saawarn and S. Hait, Occurrence, fate and removal of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater: Current knowledge and future perspectives, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9(1), 104870, 2021.
- N. Gupta, A. Trivedi and S. Hait, Material composition and associated toxicological impact assessment of mobile phones, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9(1), 104603, 2021.
- A. Priya and S. Hait, Biometallurgical recovery of metals from waste printed circuit boards using pure and mixed strains of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidiphilium acidophilum, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 143, pp. 262–272, 2020.
- S.P. Gundupalli, R. Shukla, R. Gupta, S. Hait and A. Thakur, Optimal sequence planning for robotic sorting of recyclables from source-segregated municipal solid waste, Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 21(1), 014502, 2020.
- A. Verma and S. Hait, Chelating extraction of metals from e-waste using diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 121, pp. 1–11, 2019.
- K. Kumar, A. Priya, A. Arun, S. Hait, and A. Chowdhury, Antibacterial and natural room-light driven photocatalytic activities of CuO nanorods, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 226, pp. 106-112, 2019.
- A. Priya and S. Hait, Extraction of metals from high grade waste printed circuit board by conventional and hybrid bioleaching using Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, Hydrometallurgy, 177, pp. 132-139, 2018.
- S.P. Gundupalli, S. Hait and A. Thakur, Classification of metallic and non-metallic fractions of e-waste using thermal imaging-based technique, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 118, pp. 32–39, 2018.
- A. Swati and S. Hait, Greenhouse gases emission during composting and vermicomposting of organic wastes – A review, CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water, 46(6), 1700042, 2018.
- A. Priya and S. Hait, Comprehensive characterization of printed circuit boards of various end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment for beneficiation investigation, Waste Management, 75, pp. 103–123, 2018.
- A. Priya and S. Hait, Toxicity characterization of metals from various waste printed circuit boards, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 116, pp. 74–81, 2018.
- A. Priya and S. Hait, Feasibility of bioleaching of selected metals from electronic waste by Acidiphilium acidophilum, Waste and Biomass Valorization, 9(5), pp. 871–877, 2018.
- A. Swati and S. Hait, A Comprehensive Review of the Fate of Pathogens during Vermicomposting of Organic Wastes, Journal of Environmental Quality, 47(1), pp. 16–29, 2018.
- A. Priya and S. Hait, Qualitative and quantitative metals liberation assessment for characterization of various waste printed circuit boards for recycling, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(35), pp. 27445-27456, 2017.
- S.P. Gundupalli, S. Hait and A. Thakur, Multi-material classification of dry recyclables from municipal solid waste based on thermal imaging, Waste Management, 70, pp. 13–21, 2017.
- A. Priya and S. Hait, Comparative assessment of metallurgical recovery of metals from electronic waste with special emphasis on bioleaching, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(8), pp. 6989–7008, 2017.
- V. Kumar, R. Rudra, A. Nandy, S. Hait and P.P. Kundu, Analysis of partially sulfonated low density polyethylene (LDPE) membranes as separators in microbial fuel cells, RSC Advances, 7(35), pp. 21890-21900, 2017.
- A. Swati and S. Hait, Fate and bioavailability of heavy metals during vermicomposting of various organic wastes - A review, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 109, pp. 30–45, 2017.
- S.P. Gundupalli, S. Hait and A. Thakur, A review on automated sorting of source-separated municipal solid waste for recycling, Waste Management, 60, pp. 56–74, 2017.
- V. Ashok and S. Hait, Remediation of nitrate-contaminated water by solid-phase denitrification process - a review, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22(11), pp. 8075–8093, 2015.
- S. Hait and V. Tare, Transformation and availability of nutrients and heavy metals during integrated composting-vermicomposting of sewage sludges, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 79, pp. 214–224, 2012.
- S. Hait and D. Mazumder, Performance evaluation of a shaft-type hybrid bioreactor for the removal of carbonaceous organic matter, International Journal of Environmental Engineering, 4(3-4), pp. 337–351, 2012.
- S. Hait and V. Tare, Wastewater treatment by high-growth bioreactor integrated with settling-cum-membrane separation, Desalination, 270(1–3), pp. 233–240, 2011.
- S. Hait and V. Tare, Optimizing vermistabilization of waste activated sludge using vermicompost as bulking material, Waste Management, 31(3), pp. 502–511, 2011.
- S. Hait and V. Tare, Vermistabilization of primary sewage sludge, Bioresource Technology, 102(3), pp. 2812–2820, 2011.
- S. Hait and D. Mazumder, High-rate wastewater treatment by a shaft-type activated sludge reactor, International Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 3(1), pp. 22–27, 2011.
- S. Hait and D. Mazumder, Performance evaluation of an aerobic biofilter with high organics containing synthetic wastewater, International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 37(2-3), pp. 141–149, 2009.
- S. Hait and D. Mazumder, Scope of improvement of treatment capacity of activated sludge process by hybrid modification, Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, 7(2), pp. 147–158, 2008.
Selected Conference Publications:
- B.R.B. Pedapudi, S. Hait, and A. Thakur (2021) Multi-layer perceptron-based classification of recyclable plastics from waste using hyperspectral imaging for robotic sorting, 5th International Conference on Advances in Robotics, June 30-July 4, 2021, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh.
- A. Trivedi and S. Hait (2020) Influence of initial pH on bioleaching of selected metals from e-waste using Aspergillus niger, Recycle - 2020: 3rd International Conference on Waste Management, February 13-14, 2020, IIT Guwahati, Assam.
- K. Kanaujia and S. Hait (2020) Maximizing iron oxidation for improved bioleaching of metals from e-waste employing Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, Recycle - 2020: 3rd International Conference on Waste Management, February 13-14, 2020, IIT Guwahati, Assam.
- N. Gupta, A. Trivedi and S. Hait (2020) Column leaching of metals from printed circuit board of end-of-life mobile phone using diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid under oxidizing condition, Recycle - 2020: 3rd International Conference on Waste Management, February 13-14, 2020, IIT Guwahati, Assam.
- K. Kanaujia and S. Hait (2019) Improved sequential approach for hybrid bioleaching of metals from e-waste, International Conference on Sustainable Environmental Engineering and Science (SEES-2019), November 29-30, 2019, Kolkata, West Bengal.
- A. Trivedi and S. Hait (2018) Efficacy of metal extraction from discarded printed circuit board using Aspergillus tubingensis, 8th International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management, November 22-24, 2018, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh.
- A. Verma, A. Trivedi and S. Hait (2018) Extraction of selected metals from high-grade waste printed circuit board using diethylene triamine penta-acetic acid, 8th International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management, November 22-24, 2018, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh.
- S.K. Singh and S. Hait (2018) Recycling-oriented characterization and recovery potential of rare earth elements in compact and linear fluorescent lamps, Recycle - 2018: International Conference on Waste Management, February 22-24, 2018, IIT Guwahati, Assam.
- S.P. Gundupalli, S. Hait and A. Thakur (2017) Classification of recyclables from e-waste stream using thermal imaging-based technique, ASCE India Conference 2017: Urbanization Challenges in Emerging Economies, December 12-14, 2017, New Delhi, India.
- A. Priya and S. Hait (2017) Extraction feasibility of Cu and Pb from high grade waste printed circuit board by exploiting Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans based conventional and hybrid bioleaching, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology for Waste Conversion 2017 (ICETBWC – 2017), October 08-10, 2017, CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur, Maharashtra.
- A. Priya and S. Hait (2017) Recycling based comprehensive characterization of waste printed circuit boards of various brown and white goods, Waste Management Convention 2017: 5th World Convention on Recycling and Waste Management, September 11-12, 2017, Singapore.
- R.K. Choudhary, A. Swati and S. Hait (2017) Vermicomposting of primary clarified tannery sludge employing Eisenia fetida, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering (ETWREE'17), March 30 - April 01, 2017, MVGR College of Engineering, Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh.
- A. Priya and S. Hait (2016) Toxicity characterization of heavy metals from waste printed circuit boards, 6th International Conference on Solid Waste Management, November 24-26, 2016, Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
- S.P. Gundupalli, S. Hait and A. Thakur (2016) Automated municipal solid waste sorting for recycling using a mobile manipulator, ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conference (IDETC), August 21–24, 2016, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.
- A. Priya and S. Hait (2016) Extraction of Cu and Zn from high grade printed circuit board scraps by conventional and hybrid bioleaching, Recycle - 2016: International Conference on Waste Management, April 1-2, 2016, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati. Guwahati, Assam.
- A. Swati and S. Hait (2016) Four-pronged pre-processing approaches for maximum utilization of raw tannery sludge by earthworms, International Conference on 'Water, Environment, Energy and Society' (ICWEES-2016), March 15-18, 2016, AISECT University, Bhopal.
- A. Priya and S. Hait (2016) Comparative assessment of conventional and hybrid bioleaching of selected metals from e-waste employing Acidiphilium acidophilum, International Conference on Human Implications of Biotechnology, February 12-14, 2016, Central University of South Bihar, Patna.
- A. Priya and S. Hait (2015) Bioleaching of selected metals from waste printed circuit board by Acidiphilium acidophilum, CHEMCON 2015: Indian Chemical Engineering Congress, December 27-30, 2015, IIT Guwahati.
- S. Hait and V. Tare (2014) Performance evaluation of high-growth membrane bioreactor for resource recovery using simulated sewage, IWA Specialized International Conference on ‘Global Challenges: Sustainable Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery', October 26 – 30, 2014, Kathmandu, Nepal.
- S. Hait, S. Kapoor, V. Tare and P. Bose (2014) Techno-economic assessment of treatment options for disinfection of secondary sewage effluent, IWA Specialized International Conference on ‘Global Challenges: Sustainable Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery', October 26 – 30, 2014, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Invited Talks |
- ‘Ctrl-Alt-Del: Rebooting the E-waste Problem for Circular Approaches to Sustainability’, One-week Short Term Course on Recent Advances in Environmental Engineering towards Sustainability (RAEES 2022), October 10-14, 2022, National Institute of Technology Patna
- ‘Metallurgical Recovery of Metals from E-waste for a Circular Economy: Challenges and Opportunities’, Second Lecture of Monthly Scientific Interactive Series, August 25, 2022, Bihar State Pollution Control Board, Patna
- ‘Emerging Trends in Metallurgical Recovery of Metals from E-waste for a Circular Economy’, Prof. Pushpak. P. Oza Memorial Lecture on Emerging Trends in Environmental Engineering Stream, March 16, 2022, Government Engineering College, Bhuj & L.D. College of Engineering, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
- ‘Waste Management in Indian Railways: A Circular Economy Perspective’, Seminar Series for Swachhata Pakhwada, September 22, 2021, East Central Railway, Hajipur
- ‘Engineering Endeavors for Metallurgical Recovery of Metals from E-waste for Circular Economy: Prospects and Challenges’, National Workshop on Recycling Metals, Plastics & Scrap Tyres: Circular Economy Roadmap to Build Green India, June 21, 2021, Pillai HOC College of Engineering & Technology (PHCET), Rasayani, Maharashtra
- ‘Sustainability of Metallurgical Recovery of Metals from E-Waste: A Circular Economy Perspective’, AICTE-sponsored Short Term Training Program on Utilization of E-Waste in Construction Industry, March 8-13, 2021, Department of Civil Engineering, Dr. N.G.P. Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
- ‘Sustainability of Metal Recovery from E-waste for Circular Economy: Challenges and Opportunities’, October 10, 2020, Brainware Group of Institutions, Kolkata
- ‘Towards Circular Economy in E-waste Recycling via Metal Recovery’, Short Term Training Program (STTP) on ‘Waste Management Techniques with Special Attention to COVID-19 Waste’, June 22-26, 2020, SVNIT Surat
- ‘Metal Recycling from E-waste for Circular Economy', Faculty Development Program (FDP), May 11-15, 2020, Dr. Sudhir Chandra Sur Degree Engineering College, Kolkata
- ‘High-growth Membrane Bioreactor for Wastewater Treatment for Resource Recovery’, Faculty Development Program (FDP), May 11-15, 2020, Dr. Sudhir Chandra Sur Degree Engineering College, Kolkata
- ‘Metallurgical Recovery of Metals from E-waste', Webinar Series on ‘Scope of Academic Research in Civil Engineering’, April 18, 2020, Dr. Sudhir Chandra Sur Degree Engineering College, Kolkata
- ‘Metallurgical Recovery of Metals from E-waste’, Brainstorming Workshop on E-waste Management in India, CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Nagpur, Maharashtra, India, March 06, 2020.
- 'Water Budgeting and Auditing', Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Govt. of India-sponsored Green Skill Development Programme (GSDP), Centre for Environment, Energy & Climate Change (CEECC), Asian Development Research Institute (ADRI), Patna, Bihar, India, July 10-11, 2018.
- 'E-waste Recycling: Toxicity Characterization and Bioleaching of Metals from Various Waste Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs)', UGC-sponsored National Seminar on Chemical Pollutant: Effect on Environment and Health, Patna Women's College, Patna, Bihar, India, December 9, 2016.
- 'Sustainable Sanitation: Challenges and Opportunities', Magadh Mahila College, Patna, Bihar, India, September 16, 2014.
- 'Solid Waste Management in Katihar: What can be done with the Waste?', Round Table Conference, SEWA Bharat, Katihar, Bihar, India, October 31, 2012.