Dr. K. Saloni

Dr. K. Saloni
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Ph: +91-612-302 8121
Research Areas
  • Commutative Algebra
Courses taught at IIT P
  • Teaching now: MA424 (Complex Analysis) MA002 (Preparatory Math II)
Professional Experience
  • NBHM Post-doctoral Fellow at Chennai Mathematical Institute, Sep-Dec 2019. Visiting Fellow at Chennai Mathematical Institute, July 2017- Aug 2019
Publications / Journals / Conferences
    • Bounding Hilbert coefficients of parameter ideals, (with Anupam Saikia), J. Algebra,  Vol 501 (2018), 328-344.
    • On Hilbert coefficients of parameter ideals and Cohen-Macaulayness, J. Commutative Algebra, Vol 10, no. 3 (2018), 393-410.
    • On the finiteness of the set of Hilbert coefficients, (with Shreedevi K. Masuti),  J.  Commutative  Algebra, Vol  11, no. 4 (2019), 573-604.
    • On the Buchsbaumness of the associated graded rings of filtrations, Submitted.
    • “Bounding Hilbert coefficients, The 41st Japan Symposium on Commutative Algebra, Kurashiki, Japan, Nov 2019.
    • Bounding Hilbert coefficients of parameter ideals, National conference on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry (CAAG)-2017, IISER Pune, Dec 2017.
    • Bounding Hilbert coefficients of parameter ideals, AMS Sectional meeting, City University of New-York, USA, May 2017.
    • On Hilbert coefficients of parameter ideals and Cohen-Macaulayness, ATM Workshop on Local Cohomology, St. Joseph College, Kerala , June 2016.
    • On Hilbert coefficients of parameter ideals and Cohen-Macaulayness (Poster presentation), Indian Women and Mathematics: Regional Workshop, IIT Guwahati, Feb 2016.
    • Bounding the first Hilbert coefficients of modules relative to m-primary ideals, Workshop on Indian women and Mathematics, University of Delhi, April 2015.
    • On the finiteness of the set of Hilbert coefficients of modules, International conference on frontiers in Mathematics, Gauhati University, March, 2015.
    • Finiteness of the set of the first Hilbert coefficients relative to m- primary ideals, National Conference on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry(CAAG), IIT Guwahati, Feb 2015.
  • Research Talks: “Bounding Hilbert coefficients”, University of Genoa, Italy, July 2019. Three lectures on “Koszul Algebras: A motivation”, Commutative Algebra Seminar, CMI, Oct, 2019. Three lectures on “Integral closure of ideals and annihilators of koszul homology modules”, Commutative Algebra Seminar, CMI, Aug 2018. Three lectures on “Almost Gorenstein rings”, Commutative Algebra Seminar, CMI, Oct 2017. Introduction to module theory, Research Scholar’s Seminar, IIT Guwahati, 2016.