Joydeep Chandra

  • Medhashree Ghosh, Swapnil Srivastava, Raju Halder and Joydeep Chandra, CATALOG: Exploiting Joint Temporal Dependencies for Enhanced Phishing Detection on Ethereum, Accepted to ACM Web Conference (WWW) 2025
  • Saurabh Sharma, Shikhar Singh Lodhi, Vanshika Srivastava and Joydeep Chandra, NoRD: A Framework for Noise-Resilient Self-Distillation through Relative Supervision, Applied Intelligence, Springer, 2025
  • Medhashree Ghosh, Chirag Jain, Raju Halder and Joydeep Chandra, TEMPER: Capturing Consistent and Fluctuating TEMPoral Evolution of the EtheReum Users for Phishing Scam Detection, Accepted to ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 2025
  • Shalini Priya, Sourav Kumar Dandapat and Joydeep Chandra, Multi-source Domain Adaptation Approach to Classify Infrastructure Damage Tweets during Crisis, International Journal on Data Science and Analytics, Springer, 2024
  • Rahul Kumar, Manish Bhanu, João Mendes Moreira and Joydeep Chandra, Spatio-Temporal Predictive Modeling Techniques for Different Domains: A Survey, ACM Computing Surveys, ACM, 2024
  • Medhashree Ghosh, Raju Halder and Joydeep Chandra, SpaTeD: Sparsity-aware Tensor Decomposition-based Representation Learning Framework for Phishing Scams Detection, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Science, IEEE, 2024
  • Saurabh Sharma, Atul Kumar, Jenish Monpara and Joydeep Chandra, StAlK: Structural Alignment based Self Knowledge Distillation for Medical Image Classification, Knowledge Based Systems, Elsevier, 2024
  • Shruti Saxena and Joydeep Chandra, RoCoNA: A Robust Continual Learning Framework for Alignment of Dynamic Networks Under Distribution Shift and Domain Differences, ACM SIGKDD workshop 2024 (Received the Best Paper Award)
  • Rahul Kumar, João Mendes Moreira and Joydeep Chandra, Spatio-Temporal Parallel Transformer based model for Traffic Prediction, ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 2024
  • Saurabh Sharma, Atul Kumar and Joydeep Chandra, Confidence Matters: Enhancing Medical Image Classification Through Uncertainty-Driven Contrastive Self-Distillation, International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2024
  • Shruti Saxena and Joydeep Chandra, A Survey on Network Alignment: Approaches, Applications and Future Directions, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) Survey Track 2024
  • Shalini Priya, Vaishali Joshi and Joydeep Chandra, Let's Explain Crisis: Deep Multiscale Hierarchical Attention Framework for Crisis Task Identification, Journal of Supercomputing, Springer, 2024
  • Saurabh Sharma, Shikhar Singh Lodhi and Joydeep Chandra, SCL-IKD: Intermediate Knowledge Distillation via Supervised Contrastive Representation Learning, Applied Intelligence, Springer, 2023
  • Shruti Saxena and Joydeep Chandra, EvoAlign: A Continual Learning Framework for Aligning Evolving Networks, Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics, DSAA 2023
  • Aditya Thaker, Medhasree Ghosh, Raju Halder and Joydeep Chandra, Graph2Vec-LSTM: An Ensemble Model for Phishing User Detection on Ethereum Using Evolving Ego Graphs,Proceedings of International Conference on Blockchain and Trustworthy Systems (BlockSys 2023)
  • Saurabh Sharma, Shikhar Singh Lodhi and Joydeep Chandra, SCL-IKD: Intermediate Knowledge Distillation via Supervised Contrastive Representation Learning, Applied Intelligence Springer, 2023
  • Medhashree Ghosh, Dyuti Ghosh, Raju Halder and Joydeep Chandra, Investigating the Impact of Structural and Temporal Behaviors in Ethereum Phising Users Detection, Blockchain: Research and Applications, Elsevier, 2023
  • Rahul Kumar, João Mendes Moreira and Joydeep Chandra, DyGCN-LSTM: A Dynamic GCN-LSTM based Encoder-Decoder Framework for Multistep Traffic Prediction, Applied Intelligence Springer, 2023
  • Manish Bhanu, Saswata Roy, Shalini Priya, João Mendes Moreira, and Joydeep Chandra, An Encoder Framework for Taxi-demand Prediction using Spatio-Temporal Function Approximation, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier, 2023
  • Medhashree Ghosh, Dyuti Ghosh, Raju Halder, and Joydeep Chandra,Investigating the Impact of Structural and Temporal Behaviours in Ethereum Phishing users Detection, Blockchain: Research and Applications, Elsevier, 2023
  • Shruti Saxena and Joydeep Chandra, SAlign: A Graph Neural Attention Framework for Aligning Structurally Heterogeneous Networks, Journal of Aritificial Intelligence Research, AAAI, 2023
  • Arnab Mukherjee, Raju Halder, Joydeep Chandra and Shailesh Shrivastava, HealthChain: A Blockchain-aided Federated Healthcare Managament System, IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC), 2023
  • Saswata Roy, Manish Bhanu, Sourav Kumar Dandapat and Joydeep Chandra, Towards an Orthogonality Constraint-based Feature Partitioning Approach to Classify Veracity and Identify Stance Overlapping of Rumors on Twitter, Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier, 2022,
  • Shruti Saxena, Roshni Chakraborty and Joydeep Chandra, HCNA: Hyperbolic Contrastive Learning Framework for Self-Supervised Network Alignment, Information Processing and Management, Elsevier, 2022,
  • Apoorva Upadhyaya and Joydeep Chandra, Spotting Flares: The Vital Signs of the Viral Spread of Tweets Made During Communal Incidents, ACM Transactions on the Web, 2022,
  • Roshni Chakraborty, Ritwika Das, and Joydeep Chandra, SigGAN : Adversarial Model for Learning Signed Relationships in Networks, ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 2022,
  • Saswata Roy, Manish Bhanu, Shruti Saxena, Sourav Kumar Dandapat and Joydeep Chandra, gDART: Improving Rumor Verification in Social Media with Discrete Attention Representations, Information Processing and Management, Elsevier, 2022,
  • Manish Bhanu, Shalini Priya, João Mendes-Moreira and Joydeep Chandra, ST-AGP: Spatio-Temporal Aggregator Predictor Model for Multi-Step Taxi Demand Prediction in Cities, Applied Intelligence, Springer, 2022,
  • Manish Bhanu, Rahul Kumar, Saswata Roy, João Mendes-Moreira and Joydeep Chandra, Graph Multi-head Convolution for Spatio-Temporal Attention in Origin Destination Tensor Prediction, 26th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD), 2022,
  • K.M. Pooja, Samrat Mondal, and Joydeep Chandra, Exploiting Higher Order Multi-dimensional Relationships with Self-attention for Author Name Disambiguation, ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 2021,
  • K.M. Pooja, Samrat Mondal, and Joydeep Chandra, Online Author Name Disambiguation in Evolving Digital Library, Neurocomputing, 2021,
  • K.M. Pooja, Samrat Mondal, and Joydeep Chandra, Exploiting Similarities Across Multiple Dimensions for Author Name Disambiguation, Scientometrics, 2021,
  • Akash Yadav, Joydeep Chandra, and Ashok Singh Sairam, A Budget and Deadline Aware Task Assignment Scheme for Crowdsourcing Environment, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 2021,
  • Shalini Priya, Manish Bhanu, Sourav Kumar Dandapat and Joydeep Chandra, Mirroring Hierarchical Attention in Adversary for Crisis Task Identification: COVID-19, Hurricane Irma, ISCRAM, 2021,
  • Shalini Priya, Apoorva Upadhyaya, Manish Bhanu, Sourav Kumar Dandapat and Joydeep Chandra, EnDeA: Ensemble based Decoupled Adversarial Learning for Identifying Infrastructure Damage during Disasters, ACM CIKM 2020,
  • Rimjhim, Nikhil Cheke, Joydeep Chandra, Sourav Dandapat, Understanding the Impact of Geographical Distance on Online Discussions, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2020,
  • Manish Bhanu, João Mendes-Moreira and Joydeep Chandra, Embedding Traffic Network Characteristics Using Tensor for Improved Traffic Prediction, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020.
  • Shalini Priya, Manish Bhanu, Sourav Kumar Dandapat, Kripabandhu Ghosh and Joydeep Chandra, TAQE: Tweet Retrieval Based Infrastructure Damage Assessment During Disasters, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2019.
  • Ryan Sequeira, Avijit Gayen, Niloy Ganguly, Sourav Kumar Dandapat and Joydeep Chandra, A Large Scale Study of the Twitter Follower Network to Characterize the Spread of Prescription Drug Abuse Tweets, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2019.
  • Shalini Priya, Saharsh Singh, Sourav Kumar Dandapat, Kripabandhu Ghosh and Joydeep Chandra , Identifying Infrastructure Damage during Earthquake using Deep Active Learning, Proceedings of IEEE/ACM ASONAM, August, 2019, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Roshni Chakraborty, Maitry Bhavsar, Sourav Kumar Dandapat and Joydeep Chandra, Tweet Summarization of News Articles: An Objective Ordering Based Perspective, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 761-777, Aug. 2019.
  • KM Pooja, Samrat Mondal and Joydeep Chandra, A Graph Combination with Edge Pruning Based Approach for Author Name Disambiguation, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Wiley, 2019
  • Shalini Priya, Ryan Sequeira, Joydeep Chandra and Sourav Kumar Dandapat, Where should one get news updates: Twitter or Reddit, Elsevier Journal on Online Social Networks and Media, vol. 9, pp. 17-29, Jan. 2019.
  • Manish Bhanu, Shalini Priya, Joydeep Chandra, Sourav Kumar Dandapat and João Mendes-Moreira, Predicting Big Cities Traffic Flow using Modified Tucker Decomposition, Proceedings of Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA), 2018, Nanjing, China.
  • Roshni Chakraborty, Abhijeet Kharat, Apalak Khatua, Sourav Kumar Dandapat and Joydeep Chandra, Predicting Tomorrow's Headline Using Today's Twitter Deliberations, CIKM Workshop on News Recommendation and Analytics (INRA), 2018, Turin, Italy.
  • Shalini Priya, Manish Bhanu, Sourav Kumar Dandapat, Kripabandhu Ghosh and Joydeep Chandra, Characterizing Infrastructure Damage after Earthquake: A Split Query Based IR Approach, Proceedings of IEEE/ACM ASONAM, 2018, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Manish Bhanu, Joydeep Chandra and João Mendes-Moreira, Enhancing Traffic Model of Big Cities: Network Skeleton and Reciprocity, Proceedings of COMSNETS, 2018, Bangalore, India
  • Roshni Chakraborty, Maitry Bhavsar, Sourav Dandapat and Joydeep Chandra, A Network Based Stratification Approach for Summarizing Relevant Comment Tweets of News Articles, Proceedings of WISE, 2017, Moscow, Russia
  • Joydeep Chandra, Bivas Mitra and Niloy Ganguly, Evolution of Superpeer Topologies --- An Analytical Perspective, Elsevier Journal on Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Volume 40, 2017, Pages 339-358
  • Avijit Gayen, Maitry Bhavsar and Joydeep Chandra,Towards a Trust Based Measure of Scientific Productivity, Proceedings of The 2017 IEEE/ACM ASONAM, 2017, Sydney, Australia
  • Manish Bhanu and Joydeep Chandra,Exploiting Response Pattern in Identifying Topical Experts in StackOverflow, Proceedings of 11th IEEE ICDIM, 2016, Porto, Portugal.
  • Roshni Chakraborty and Joydeep Chandra, Link Dynamics in Social Collaboration Networks, Proceedings of COMSNETS, 2016, Bangalore, India.
  • Karthik Gopalakrishnan and Joydeep Chandra, Social Interactions in Flickr: Mechanisms and Role in Link Formation, Proceedings of COMSNETS, 2016, Bangalore, India
  • Arun Pandey, Roshni Chakraborty, Soumya Sarkar and Joydeep Chandra, Analyzing Link Dynamics in Scientific Collaboration Networks --- A Social Yield Based Perspective, Proceedings of IEEE/ACM ASONAM, 2015, Paris, France.
  • Avijit Gayen and Joydeep Chandra, Role of Trust in Evolution of Scientific Collaboration Networks, SocialCom, 2014, Beijing, China.
  • Nemi Chandra Rathore, Somanath Tripathy and Joydeep Chandra, Predicting User Visibility in Online Social Networks using Local Connectivity Properties, Proceedings of ICDCIT, 2014, Bhubaneswar, India.
  • Joydeep Chandra, Bivas Mitra and Niloy Ganguly, Effect of Constraints on Superpeer Topologies, IEEE INFOCOM mini-conference, 2013, Turin, Italy.
  • Joydeep Chandra, Ingo Scholtes, Niloy Ganguly and Frank Schweitzer, A Tunable Mechanism for Identifying Trusted Nodes in Large Scale Distributed Networks,11th IEEE TrustCom 2012, Liverpool, UK  (Recieved the Best Paper Award).
  • Joydeep Chandra and Niloy Ganguly, On Coverage Bounds of Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks, Advances in Complex Systems, World Scientific Publishing, Volume 14, Issue 4 (2011),  pp 611-633,  June 2011.
  • Joydeep Chandra, Santosh Shaw, and Niloy Ganguly. HPC5: An Efficient Topology Generation Mechanism for Gnutella Networks, Computer Networks, Elsevier, Volume 54, Issue 9, 17 June 2010.
  • Joydeep Chandra, Sascha Delitzscher, Niloy Ganguly, Ashish Jhunjhunwala, Tyll Krueger and Naveen Sharma , Optimizing Topology in Bit Torrent Based Networks,INFOCOM IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops , 2011, pp.888-893 Shanghai, China.
  • Joydeep Chandra and Niloy Ganguly, On Coverage Bounds of Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks, In European Conference on Complex Systems, September, 13-17, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Joydeep Chandra, Santosh Shaw and Niloy Ganguly, Analyzing Network Coverage in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks : A Complex Network Approach, In Proceedings of IFIP-Networking 2009, May-11-15 2009, Aachen, Germany.
  •  Santosh Shaw, Joydeep Chandra, Niloy Ganguly, HPC5: An Efficient Topology Generation Mechanism for Gnutella Networks, In 10th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking - ICDCN 2009, Hyderabad, India.
  •  Abhigyan, Joydeep Chandra and Niloy Ganguly, A Bandwidth Aware Topology Generation Mechanism for Peer-to-Peer based Publish-Subscribe Systems, In Proceedings of 3rd IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, Kharagpur, India.
  •  Parul Agarwal, Brijesh Yadav, Joydeep Chandra, Statistical Analysis Based Efficient Decentralized Intrusion Detection Scheme for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, In Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Networks (ICON-2008), New Delhi, India.