CEP courses as offered by IIT Patna cover wide areas of science and technology relevant to industry, academia, and research & development. The courses not only cover the topics related to cutting edge technology but also provide deeper and practical perspective of conventional subjects, which are covered in regular curriculum. Specialized courses are designed as well for industry people to enhance their skills to solve the problems, which they encounter in their industries. The courses also focus to build a comprehensive bridge between knowledge and applications.

Short Term Courses

Forms are only for IIT Patna Faculty members for offering a CEP course

1. QIP-CEP Guidelines
2. QIP-CEP Course Proposal Form
3. QIP-CEP Course Upload on Website Form
4. QIP-CEP Course Final Report Form
5. QIP-CEP Disbursement Form
6. QIP-CEP Certificate Format

Forms for interested firms new

1. CEP Policy and Guidelines
2. CEP Application Format

Forms for online/hybrid UG and PG Students new

1. Application Form for Bonafide Certificate

Courses in association with Service Partners

Programme Service Partner Courses Academic Calender / Timetable /
Admission Board

PhD in collaboration with
"Lincoln University College Malaysia"

Microtek Educational Society
JAB(Joint Admission Board)

Academic Portal link for PhD

List of Selected Working Professionals for Executive Ph.D. Program-Spring 2025

UG Courses
Microtek Educational Society

Academic Portal link for UG

Executive PG Courses

Microtek Educational Society
M.Tech Mathematics and Computing

Academic Portal link for PG

TeamLease Ed. Tech
M.Tech Cloud Computing
M.Tech Big Data and Blockchain
MBA Finance

Joint PG Programme with
"IIIT Ranchi"

Microtek Educational Society

Executive MBA in collaboration with
"IIT(ISM) Dhanbad"

Microtek Educational Society

Certificate Courses
Medharthi (Physics Wallah)

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
USDC Projects India Private Limited

Generative AI for Working Professionals

Oneros Tech Pvt Ltd

Minor Courses
