Key Achievements
- 16 Patents (filed/granted)
- 196 Publications
- Approx. 14 + Crore funding (36 External Funded Projects)
- Plasma Spray Coating Laboratory (PSCL) to set up Center of Excellence (COE) in "Wear & Corrosion Resistance coating technology" funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India at IIT Patna
- State of the art Plasma Spray Coatings Laboratory PSCL and Processing & Modelling Laboratory
- The department has filed 1 International and 15 National patents
- Our alumni have excelled in the field of research
- Our students have also bagged campus placements and are working at various R&D labs in flagship companies across India
- Students have also grabbed various Internships & Scholarships in India and abroad
- A book, titled 'Rubber to Rubber Adhesion', authored by our faculty, Dr. Dinesh K. Kotnees recently got published in August 2021
Research Project Funding and Publications:

Funding Agencies:
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Notable Journals:
- ACS Nano
- ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
- Scripta Materialia
- Electrochimica Acta
- Journal of the American Ceramic Society
- Journal of the European Ceramic Society
- European Polymer Journal
- Journal of Alloys and Compounds
- Applied Surface Science
- Polymer
- Ceramics International
- Composites Part B: Engineering

Detailed List of Projects:
SL.NO. | Project Title | PI | Funding Agency |
1 | Optically Transparent and Translucent Ceramic Products for Advanced Technological Applications | Dr. Anirban Chowdhury | CRG, SERB-DST |
2 | Fire Retardant Materials: Investigation on Mechanistic & Thermo-physical props. & synthesis process | Dr. Anirban Chowdhury | BRNS |
3 | Consultancy Project: Analysis of material compositions of investment casting powders | Dr. Anirban Chowdhury | Maharashtra Jewelry Tools |
4 | Development and optimization of cost effective and scalable near net shape plasma sprayed membrane with graded porosity for microfiltration application | IMPRINT, SERB-DST | |
5 | Synthesis & characterisation of faceted nanocrystalline powders of Ceria-Zirconia and related systems** | Dr. Anirban Chowdhury | SERB-DST |
6 | Center of Excellence in 'Wear and Corrosion Resistant Coating Technology' | Dr. Anup Kumar Keshri | DST |
7 | Development of Robust and Superhydrophobic Plasma Sprayed Graphene reinforced TiAl Intermetallic membranes with improved Desalination in Membrane Distillation | Dr. Anup Kumar Keshri | DST |
8 | Development of High Temperature Wear and Corrosion Resistant Graphene Nanoplatelates Reinforced Plasma Sprayed Cr3C2-NiCr composite Coating for thermal power plant | Dr. Anup Kumar Keshri | CPRI |
9 | Establishing the plasma spray parameters for CUMI's graphene nanoplatelates (GNPs), Al2O3-GNPs and YSZ-GNP Powder | Dr. Anup Kumar Keshri | CUMI |
10 | Developing Plasma Spray Coating on commercial scale | Dr. Anup Kumar Keshri | PLASMATRON |
11 | Plasma Spraying of rare-earth niobates powder and controlling its stoichiometry and porosity for the advanced thermal barrier coating applications. | Dr. Anup Kumar Keshri | DRDO |
12 | High Temperature Materials for Thermal Protection Systems (With IIT Kanpur) | IMPRINT | |
13 | Plasma sprayed CNT reinforced Graphene Coated electrode for the Supercapacitor Applications Towards Industrialization | Dr. Anup Kumar Keshri | DST |
14 | Optimization of corrosion and wear properties in plasma sprayed Fe-based metallic glass protective coating (With IIT Kharagpur) | SERB | |
15 | Graphene Based Membrane for Water Desalination with Improved Properties | Dr. Anup Kumar Keshri | SERB |
16 | Plasma Sprayed Nano-diamond reinforced NiCrBSi Nanocomposite Coatings: Substitute to Electroplated Hard Chromium | Dr. Anup Kumar Keshri | BRNS |
17 | Development and optimization of cost effective and scalable near net shape plasmasprayed membrane with graded porosity for microfiltration application. | Dr. Anup Kumar Keshri | IMPRINT |
18 | Fabrication of Robust Plasma Sprayed Rare Earth Oxide Hydrophobic Coating for the High Temperature and Wear Resistance Applications | Dr. Anup Kumar Keshri | SERB |
19 | Surface modified metallic orthopedic implant for Sustained drug Release. | DST | |
20 | Plasma Sprayed Carbon Nanotube reinforced Molybdenum Disulfide Anti-friction Nano Composite Coating with enhanced Mechanical and Wear Properties | Dr. Anup Kumar Keshri | DRDO |
21 | Plasma Sprayed Carbon Nanotube and Graphene Reinforced Alumina Hybrid Nanocomposite Coating with Enhanced Electrical Conductivity, Corrosion and Mechanical Properties for Light Metal Alloys | Dr. Anup Kumar Keshri | ISRO |
22 | Optimization of corrosion and wear properties in plasma sprayed Fe based metallic glass protective coating (With IIT Kharagpur) | Dr. Anup Kumar Keshri | SERB |
23 | Fabrication of Plasma Sprayed Coating with Improved Thermal Shock Resistance, Non Wetability to Molten Iron/Slag and Moderate Wear Resistance | Dr. Anup Kumar Keshri | TATA STEEL |
24 | Plasm Sprayed Fe based coating | Dr. Anup Kumar Keshri | TATA STEEL |
25 | Plasma Sprayed Nanostructured Coating | Dr. Anup Kumar Keshri | TATA STEEL |
26 | Plasma Sprayed Hydrophobic Coating | Dr. Anup Kumar Keshri | TATA STEEL |
27 | Cold sintering of ceramics in the presence and absence of polymers | Dr. Dinesh Kumar Kotnees | CUMI |
28 | Study of novel carbonaceous nanofillers like carbon dots on polyurethane elastomers | Dr. Dinesh Kumar Kotnees | Manali Petrochemicals Ltd., Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India |
29 | Factors influencing tack behaviour of elastomers used in tyres | Dr. Dinesh Kumar Kotnees | MRF Tyres, India |
30 | Simultaneous Improvement of low temperature performance and room temperature physical properties of elastome | Dr. Dinesh Kumar Kotnees | DENKA KAGAKU KOKYO K.K, Japan |
31 | Liquid Phase Flash sintering of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Ceramics | Dr. Tamoghna Chakrabarti | SERB |
32 | Study on the densification and fracture properties of piezoelectric ceramics produced by novel flash sintering technique | Dr. Tamoghna Chakrbarti | INSPIRE |
33 | Flash sinterintg of oxide ceramics: Effect of electrical parameters on densification mechanism, microstructure and mechanical properties | Dr. Devinder Yadav | SERB |
34 | Electric Field and temperature dependent structural and microstructural study in derroelectric HfO2–ZrO2 thin film | Dr. Ajay Kumar Kalyani | DST-SRG |
35 | Ultrahigh strain and high Tc lead free Piezoceramics for next generation actua for application | Dr. Ajay Kumar Kalyani | CSIR-HRDG |
36 | Realizing the enhancement of interfacial interaction in rubber latex / bacterial cellulose nanocomposites via covalent conjugation for superior properties- A scientific approach | Dr. Dinesh Kumar Kotnees | SERB |
Detailed List of Publications:
SL. NO | 2023 Publication |
1 | Monoclinic phase-free, low temperature spark plasma sintering of CeO2-doped ZrO2 ceramics and its associated benefits on mechanical properties A Arun, K Kumar, A Chowdhury Journal of the European Ceramic Society 43 (5), 2069-2077 |
2 | Texture-irrelevant Thermal Conductivity and Expansion Properties of La2Ce2O7 Ceramics AK Lakshya, H Sarkar, F Ali, A Chowdhury Thermochimica Acta 721, 179431 |
3 | Electrochemical behavior of GNP/CNT porous composite for Supercapacitor N Pandit, P Singh, S Prasad, AK Keshri, M Czagany, S Hompoth, Z Gacsi, ... Chemical Physics Letters, 140695 |
4 | Hybrid Reinforcement of 1-Dimensional and 2-Dimensional Carbon Nanofillers for Improving the Efficiency of Alumina Membranes KK Pandey, A Islam, SS Maurya, BPC Raghupathy, MV Sivakumaran, ... Surfaces and Interfaces, 103084 |
5 | Enhanced reliability with bimodal microstructure and transformation-induced toughening in Al2O3-YSZ based thermal barrier coatings Shiven Ponnapureddy, Alok Bhadauria, Shipra Bajpai, Ashutosh Tiwari, Krishna Kant Pandey, Anup K Keshri, Kantesh Balani Surface and Coatings Technology 462, 129488 |
6 | Improving Tribological Properties of Al alloys via Robust One Step Graphene Coatings using Plasma Spraying S Singh, H Rai, KK Pandey, AK Keshri, NN Gosvami Tribology Letters 71 (2), 42 |
7 | Prospects and Challenges with Legal Informatics and Legal Metrology Framework in the Context of Industry 6.0 S Chourasia, SM Pandey, AK Keshri MAPAN, 1-26 |
8 | Heat Transfer Characteristics of Pool Boiling with Scalable Plasma-Sprayed Aluminum Coatings A Ranjan, A Priy, I Ahmad, M Pathak, MK Khan, AK Keshri Langmuir 39 (18), 6337-6354 |
9 | Surface modification of biodegradable Mg alloy by adapting µEDM capabilities with cryogenically-treated tool electrodes Rahul Davis, Abhishek Singh, Kishore Debnath, Anup Kumar Keshri, Paulo Soares, Luciane Sopchenski, Herman A Terryn, Ved Prakash The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-20 |
10 | Bimodal microstructure toughens plasma sprayed Al2O3-8YSZ-CNT coatings Alok Bhadauria, Shipra Bajpai, Ashutosh Tiwari, Shiva Kant Mishra, Ambreen Nisar, Shruti Dubey, Nishant Chavan, Anup K Keshri, Kantesh Balani Ceramics International 49 (8), 12348-12359 |
11 | Plasma sprayed graphene/carbon nanotube reinforced lanthanum-cerate hybrid composite coating Pushpender Singh, Aminul Islam, Niranjan Pandit, Satish Indupuri, OS Asiq Rahman, Shailesh Mani Pandey, Anup Kumar Keshri Ceramics International 49 (7), 11167-11177 |
12 | Microstructural, mechanical and tribological behavior of nanodiamonds reinforced plasma sprayed nickel-aluminum coating Shubhendra Shivam Maurya, Krishna Kant Pandey, Swati Sharma, Sudha Kumari, Kamlesh Kumar Mirche, Deepak Kumar, Shailesh Mani Pandey, Anup Kumar Keshri Diamond and Related Materials 133, 109714 |
13 | Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of Plasma-Sprayed Nanodiamond-Reinforced NiAl Nanocomposite Coating KK Mirche, KK Pandey, SM Pandey, AK Keshri Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 1-12 |
14 | Enhanced abrasive-mixed-µ-EDM performance towards improved surface characteristics of biodegradable Mg AZ31B alloy Rahul Davis, Abhishek Singh, Kishore Debnath, Paulo Soares, Stephan Hennings Och, Anup Kumar Keshri, Luciane Sopchenski, Herman A Terryn The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 124 (7-8 … |
15 | Characterization and tribological behaviour of Indian clam seashell-derived hydroxyapatite coating applied on titanium alloy by plasma spray technique S Hussain, ZA Shah, K Sabiruddin, AK Keshri Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 137, 105550 |
16 | Study on the Electrochemical Effect of ZnO Addition on Flash Sintering of 3 mol% Yttria Stabilized Zirconia A Eqbal, T Chakrabarti Journal of the European Ceramic Society |
17 | Generating electrically conducting single crystals of rutile titania through repetitive flash experiments D Yadav, Y Yuwan, V Gopalan, S Jo, R Raj Electric Field Enhanced Processing of Advanced Materials III: Complexities … |
18 | Microstructural Characterization, Mechanical Properties and Thermal Stability of Friction Surfaced Inconel 718 Coatings P Rai, SCJ Daniel, R Damodaram, D Yadav Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A |
19 | Sintering behaviour of 8YSZ-Ni cermet: Comparison between conventional, FST/SPS and flash sintering R Mundra, TP Mishra, M Bram, O Guillon, D Yadav International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology |
20 | On the Three-Dimensional Morphology of In Situ Grown TiB2 Particles in Molten Aluminum C Singh, J Prywer, D Yadav Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 1-9 |
21 | Room temperature flash of single crystal titania: Electronic and optical properties D Yadav, Y Yuan, V Gopalan, R Raj, S Jo Journal of the American Ceramic Society 106 (1), 46-52 |
22 | Electric field-induced irreversible phase transformations in Pb (Zr, Ti) O3-based piezoceramics AK Kalyani, A Kumar, AR James Solid State Communications 361, 115082 |
23 | Composition‐independent Curie point (Tc) in ferroelectric (1 − x)PbTiO3–xBi(Li1/2Nb1/2)O3 solid solution N Kumar, E Kumari, PSR Krishna, AK Kalyani Journal of the American Ceramic Society 106 (1), 430-437 |
24 | Synergistic antibacterial effect of nalidixic acid and oleic acid in bacterial cellulose biopolymer deposited on flax fabric in presence of honey as a supplement |
2022 Publication | |
25 | Influence of a grain-locking morphology on properties of doped ZrO2 ceramics made with ultrafine (~ 3 nm) nanoparticles A Arun, K Kumar, A Chowdhury Journal of Materials Research 37, 4255-4267 |
26 | Noteworthy Differences Between Vertical and Horizontal Sintering of Ceramic Samples AK Lakshya, F Ali, A Arun, A Chowdhury Journal of Alloys and Compounds 923, 166309 |
27 | Impact of different metallic forms of nickel on hydrogen evolution reaction A Lahiri, AK Lakshya, S Guan, L Anguilano, A Chowdhury Scripta Materialia 218, 114829 |
28 | Influence of a “Shape/Consolidation Factor” in Unary, Undoped Oxide Ceramics: Experimental Evidence and Associated Benefits L Kumar, F Ali, S Bokka, A Chowdhury Materialia 25, 101527 |
29 | Reviewing the Potential of Novel Nanofillers in Polymer Matrices for Advanced Technological Applications S Bokka, A Chowdhury Encyclopedia of Materials: Plastics and Polymers 3, 662-698 |
30 | Evolving Trends of Nanotechnology for Medical and Biomedical Applications: A Review S Bokka, A Chowdhury Encyclopedia of Materials: Plastics and Polymers 4, 734-745 |
31 | Nanoscale Heterogeneity in Amorphous and Semi-Crystalline Materials: A Technical Perspective K Kumar, A Chowdhury Encyclopedia of Materials: Plastics and Polymers 2, 938-955 |
32 | Process-structure correlations in complex A2B2O7 systems: Nanoparticles and ceramics JA Reddy, A Chowdhury Pyrochlore Ceramics Properties, Processing, and Applications (https://www … |
33 | Pyrochlore Ceramics Properties, Processing, and Applications A Chowdhury Elsevier Series on Advanced Ceramic Materials (Paperback ISBN: 9780323904834 … |
34 | CaO-doped tetragonal ZrO2 nanoparticles as an effective adsorbent for the removal of organic dye waste R Singh, S Bokka, AK Lakshya, A Chowdhury Applied Surface Science 596, 153651 |
35 | Crucial dependence of ‘trivial’ processing factors on the texture-electrical resistivity relationship of La2Ce2O7 ceramic AK Lakshya, L Kumar, K Kumar, A Chowdhury Materials Letters 314 (5), 131858 |
36 | Structure, Property, Processing and Applications of Fire Retardant Materials: A Brief Review S Bokka, SN Achary, A Chowdhury Advanced Materials Research 1170, 87-116 |
37 | Effect of nanodiamond concentration on the electrochemical behavior of plasma sprayed titanium-nanodiamond nanocomposite coatings Deepak Kumar, Krishna Kant Pandey, Sudha Kumari, Aakash M Nair, Kamlesh Kumar Mirche, Shubhendra Shivam Maurya, Shailesh Mani Pandey, Anup Kumar Keshri Diamond and Related Materials 130, 109419 |
38 | Fundamentals of Thermal Spraying S Ariharan, R Hassan, A Bhadauria, A Tiwari, R Tandon, AK Keshri, ... CRC Press |
39 | Processing Diagnostics and Spray Consistency R Singh, KV Kumar, AK Keshri Fundamentals of Thermal Spraying, 229-254 |
40 | Surface Coatings S Bajpai, KV Kumar, AK Keshri, K Balani Fundamentals of Thermal Spraying, 23-46 |
41 | Microstructural, mechanical and tribological properties of carbon nanotubes reinforced plasma sprayed molybdenum disulphide composite coatings A Islam, KK Pandey, P Singh, R Kumar, SG Dommeti, AK Keshri Ceramics International 48 (22), 32757-32766 |
42 | Ceramic membrane for water filtration: Addressing the various concerns at once A Islam, BPC Raghupathy, MV Sivakumaran, AK Keshri Chemical Engineering Journal 446, 137386 |
43 | Plasma sprayed graphene reinforced titanium nitride composite coating: an effective solution for mitigating the corrosion attack Sudha Kumari, Aminul Islam, Kamlesh Kumar Mirche, P Sai Kiran, Shubhendra Shivam Maurya, Deepak Kumar, Shailesh Mani Pandey, Anup Kumar Keshri Surface and Coatings Technology 445, 128704 |
44 | Enhanced micro-electric discharge machining-induced surface modification on biomedical Ti-6Al-4V alloy Rahul Davis, Abhishek Singh, Kishore Debnath, Roberta Maia Sabino, Ketul Popat, Paulo Soares, Anup Kumar Keshri, Bhaskar Borgohain Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 144 (7) |
45 | Single-step approach to tune the wettability of plasma sprayed crystalline and amorphous Fe-based coating Pavan Bijalwan, Krishna Kant Pandey, S Sharma, Pushpender Singh, Atasi Dan, Atanu Banerjee, AN Bhagat, Anup Kumar Keshri Surfaces and Interfaces 30, 101979 |
46 | Microstructural, mechanical and marine water tribological properties of plasma-sprayed graphene nanoplatelets reinforced Al2O3-40 wt% TiO2 coating R Verma, S Sharma, B Mukherjee, P Singh, A Islam, AK Keshri Journal of the European Ceramic Society 42 (6), 2892-2904 |
47 | Plasma-sprayed CeO2 overlay on YSZ thermal barrier coating: Solution for resisting molten CMAS infiltration A Islam, A Sharma, P Singh, N Pandit, AK Keshri Ceramics International 48 (10), 14587-14595 |
48 | Multilayered porous hydroxyapatite coating on Ti6Al4V implant with enhanced drug delivery and antimicrobial properties Kanike Rajesh, Souvik Ghosh, Aminul Islam, Manoj Kumar Rangaswamy, Swati Haldar, Partha Roy, Anup Kumar Keshri, Debrupa Lahiri Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology 70, 103155 |
49 | Tailoring the Mechanical, Tribological and Corrosion Behavior of Fe-Based Metallic Glass Coating Synthesized Using Atmospheric Plasma Spraying Krishna Kant Pandey, Pushpender Singh, Abhishek Pathak, Pavan Bijalwan, Monojit Dutta, Atanu Banerjee, Anup Kumar Keshri Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 31 (4), 1342-1354 |
50 | 等离子喷涂铁基非晶/晶体复合涂层的工艺–结构–性能关系 Abhishek Pathak, Biswajyoti Mukherjee, Krishna Kant Pandey, Aminul Islam, Pavan Bijalwan, Monojit Dutta, Atanu Banerjee, Anup Kumar Keshri International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials 29 (1), 144-152 |
51 | Process—structure—property relationship for plasma-sprayed iron-based amorphous/crystalline composite coatings Abhishek Pathak, Biswajyoti Mukherjee, Krishna Kant Pandey, Aminul Islam, Pavan Bijalwan, Monojit Dutta, Atanu Banerjee, Anup Kumar Keshri International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials 29, 144-152 |
52 | Investigation on the role of Joule heating on flash sintering using a combined experimental and modeling approach KS Arya, A Eqbal, P Rai, D Yadav, T Chakrabarti Journal of the American Ceramic Society 105 (10), 6049-6062 |
53 | Flash sintering behaviour of 8YSZ-NiO composites S Bhandari, TP Mishra, M Bram, O Guillon, D Yadav Ceramics International 48 (22), 33236-33244 |
54 | Investigation on the role of Joule heating on flash sintering using a combined experimental and modeling approach KS Arya, A Eqbal, P Rai, D Yadav, T Chakrabarti Journal of the American Ceramic Society 105 (10), 6049-6062 |
55 | Accessing the role of Joule heating on densification during flash sintering of YSZ S Bhandari, TP Mishra, O Guillon, D Yadav, M Bram Scripta Materialia 211, 114508 |
56 | Degradation of Polyfurfuryl Alcohol-based Biopolymer by Soil-burial and Photo-degradation Methods |
57 | In-situ Production and Collection of Bacterial Cellulose on Jute and Flax Mats by Static cultivation |
58 | Preparation and Characterization of Curcumin Incorporated Soy Protein Isolate Biopolymeric Films |
59 | Coining the attributes of nano to micro dual hybrid silica-ceramic waste filler based green HNBR composites for triple percolation: Mechanical properties, thermal, and electrical conductivity |
60 | Jamming carbonaceous nanofiller in the continuous phase and at the blend interface for phenomenal improvement in the overall physico-mechanical properties of compatibilized thermoplastic elastomer |
2021 Publication | |
61 | Structure‐property relations for a phase‐pure, nanograined tetragonal zirconia ceramic stabilised with minimum CaO doping A Arun, L Kumar, A Chowdhury Journal of the American Ceramic Society 104 (7), 3497-3507 |
62 | Reviewing the cases of Nanoscale Heterogeneity in Ceramics: Boon or Bane? K Kumar, A Chowdhury Materialia 16 (101109), 1-21 |
63 | Can a shape factor in bulk ceramics mitigate unwanted phase transformations? L Kumar, A Arun, A Chowdhury Scripta Materialia 190, 52-56 |
64 | Corrosion, Wear and In-vitro Biocompatibility Property of Surface Mechanical Attrition Treatment Processed Ti-6Al-4V Alloy S Singh, KK Pandey, VK Balla, M Das, AK Keshri JOM 73, 4387-4396 |
65 | Instant Tuning of Wettability of Metallic Coating AK Keshri, S Sharma Thermal Spray Coatings, 59-90 |
66 | Tribological Behaviour of Plasma-Sprayed Graphene Nanoplatelets Reinforced Hydroxyapatite Nanocomposite Coating S Singh, S Sharma, AK Keshri Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 74 (11), 2901-2907 |
67 | Mechanical property and adhesion strength of carbon nanofillers reinforced alumina single splats using in-situ picoindentation and nanoscratch test KK Pandey, DK Shukla, R Verma, AK Keshri Ceramics International 47 (19), 26800-26807 |
68 | Peculiar high temperature tribological behaviour of plasma sprayed graphene nanoplatelets reinforced cerium oxide coatings DK Shukla, B Mukherjee, A Islam, AK Keshri Ceramics International 47 (12), 17809-17812 |
69 | Plasma sprayed Lanthanum zirconate coating over additively manufactured carbon nanotube reinforced Ni-based Composite: Unique performance of thermal barrier coating system without bondcoat Sumit Choudhary, Aminul Islam, Biswajyoti Mukherjee, Julia Richter, Tizian Arold, Thomas Niendorf, Anup Kumar Keshri Applied Surface Science 550, 149397 |
70 | Microstructural and mechanical properties of plasma sprayed boron nitride nanotubes reinforced alumina coating Krishna Kant Pandey, Swarnima Singh, Sumit Choudhary, Cheng Zhang, Arvind Agarwal, Lu Hua Li, Ying Chen, Anup Kumar Keshri Ceramics International 47 (7), 9194-9202 |
71 | Ultra-fast, chemical-free, mass production of high quality exfoliated graphene A Islam, B Mukherjee, KK Pandey, AK Keshri ACS nano 15 (1), 1775-1784 |
72 | Friction surfacing: A tool for surface crack repair R Damodaram, P Rai, SCJ Daniel, R Bauri, D Yadav Surface and Coatings Technology 422, 127482 |
73 | In‐flash‐immersion‐and‐quench of yttria stabilized zirconia into liquid nitrogen yields an electronic conductor RK Kathiria, S Jo, R Raj, D Yadav Journal of the American Ceramic Society |
74 | Enhanced piezoelectric response in ferroelectric solid solution with rhombohedral end members AK Kalyani Materials Today Communications 27, 102274 |
2020 Publication | |
75 | Pushing the Limits of Analytical Characterization Tools: How Much is too much? K Kumar, A Chowdhury Handbook on Miniaturization in Analytical Chemistry Application of … |
76 | Phase integrity of zinc oxide doped zirconia under low compacting pressure S Mishra, K Kumar, A Patra, A Chowdhury, A Roy Journal of Alloys and Compounds 843, 155927 |
77 | Use of Novel Nanostructured Photocatalysts for the Environmental Sustainability of Wastewater Treatments K Kumar, A Chowdhury Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering … |
78 | Role of various alcohol washing media in obtaining a remarkable texture for La2Ce2O7 powders and ceramics K Kumar, S Srivastava, A Chowdhury Journal of the American Ceramic Society 103 (3), 1563-1574 |
79 | Investigating the wetting phenomena and fabrication of sticky, para-hydrophobic cerium oxide coating OS Asiq Rahman, Biswajyoti Mukherjee, Sony Priyadershini, Madhu Ranjan Gunjan, Rishi Raj, ST Aruna, Anup Kumar Keshri Journal of the European Ceramic Society 40 (15), 5749-5757 |
80 | Insulator-conductor transition in carbon nanotube and graphene nanoplatelates reinforced plasma sprayed alumina single splat: experimental evidence by conductive atomic force KK Pandey, RK Singh, OSA Rahman, S Choudhary, R Verma, AK Keshri Ceramics International 46 (15), 24557-24563 |
81 | Role of surface nanocrystallization on corrosion properties of low carbon steel during surface mechanical attrition treatment S Singh, KK Pandey, SK Bose, AK Keshri Surface and Coatings Technology 396, 125964 |
82 | Corrosion behaviour of plasma sprayed graphene nanoplatelets reinforced hydroxyapatite composite coatings in simulated body fluid S Singh, KK Pandey, A Islam, AK Keshri Ceramics International 46 (9), 13539-13548 |
83 | Microstructure, mechanical and high temperature tribological behaviour of graphene nanoplatelets reinforced plasma sprayed titanium nitride coating S Ranjan, B Mukherjee, A Islam, KK Pandey, R Gupta, AK Keshri Journal of the European Ceramic Society 40 (3), 660-671 |
84 | The effect of space charge on blocking grain boundary resistance in an yttrium-doped barium zirconate electrolyte for solid oxide fuel cells A Uthayakumar, A Pandiyan, S Mathiyalagan, AK Keshri, ... The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (10), 5591-5599 |
85 | Investigation of crystallinity, mechanical properties, fracture toughness and cell proliferation in plasma sprayed graphene nano platelets reinforced hydroxyapatite coating S Singh, KK Pandey, OSA Rahman, S Haldar, D Lahiri, AK Keshri Materials Research Express 7 (1), 015415 |
86 | Role of hybrid addition of CNTs and GNPs on corrosion behavior of plasma sprayed aluminum oxide nanocomposite coating KK Pandey, A Islam, R Kumar, R Ghosh, V Arjunan, AK Keshri Adv. Eng. Mater. 22, 190076 |
87 | Effect of Plasma Power on Corrosion Behaviour of Plasma Sprayed Hydroxyapatite Coatings S Singh, KK Pandey, AK Keshri Metals and Materials International, 1-8 |
88 | In-depth study of the evolving thermal runaway and thermal gradient in the dog bone sample during flash sintering using finite element analysis A Eqbal, KS Arya, T Chakrabarti Ceramics International 46 (8), 10370-10378 |
89 | Effect of Mg content on microstructure, texture and strength of severely equal channel angular pressed aluminium-magnesium alloys R Kalsar, D Yadav, A Sharma, HG Brokmeier, J May, HW Höppel, ... Materials Science and Engineering: A 797, 140088 |
90 | Role of plastic deformation mechanisms during the microstructural evolution and intermetallics formation in dissimilar friction stir weld A Kar, D Yadav, S Suwas, SV Kailas Materials Characterization 164, 110371 |
91 | Evidence of monoclinic phase and its variation with temperature at morphotropic phase boundary of PLZT ceramics A Kumar, AK Kalyani, R Ranjan, KCJ Raju, J Ryu, N Park, AR James Journal of Alloys and Compounds 816, 152613 |
92 | Unique approach to debundle carbon nanotubes in polymer matrix using carbon dots for enhanced properties |
93 | Structural and resistive switching behaviour in lanthanum strontium manganite - Reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite system |
94 | Unique compatibilized thermoplastic elastomer with high strength and remarkable ductility: Effect of multiple point interactions within rubber-plastic blend |
95 | Preparation, characterization and antibacterial evaluation of soy protein isolate biopolymeric films loaded with nalidixic acid |
96 | Carbon dots: Fluorescence active, covalently conjugated and strong reinforcing nanofiller for polymer latex |
97 | Functionalized carbon dot nanoparticles reinforced soy protein isolate biopolymeric film |
2019 Publication | |
98 | Reaping the remarkable benefits of a ‘burst nucleation’ approach for a ceria doped zirconia system A Arun, A Chowdhury Journal of Alloys and Compounds 802, 318-325 |
99 | Antibacterial and natural room-light driven photocatalytic activities of CuO nanorods K Kumar, A Priya, A Arun, S Hait, A Chowdhury Materials Chemistry and Physics 226, 106-112 |
100 | Stabilization of ZrO2 matrix: Revisiting the ‘archaic’ issue with a peculiar example K Kumar, H Dutta, SK Pradhan, A Chowdhury Scripta Materialia 162, 408-411 |
101 | Exceptionally high fracture toughness of carbon nanotube reinforced plasma sprayed lanthanum zirconate coatings A Islam, K Kumar, KK Pandey, B Mukherjee, OSA Rahman, A Chowdhury, ... Journal of Alloys and Compounds 777, 1133-1144 |
102 | Functional properties of LaxCe1−xO2−δ nanocrystals and their bulk ceramics S Srivastava, K Kumar, K Singh, PK Ojha, A Chowdhury Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 30 (3), 2096–2106 |
103 | Structure-property correlations for the surfactant-free faceted nanocrystals of Ce1−xZrxO2 and their bulk ceramics K Singh, K Kumar, PK Ojha, A Chowdhury Materials Research Bulletin 112, 38-45 |
104 | Tailoring the bimodal zone in plasma sprayed CNT reinforced YSZ coating and its impact on mechanical and tribological properties Pavan Bijalwan, Krishna Kant Pandey, Biswajyoti Mukherjee, Aminul Islam, Abhishek Pathak, Monojit Dutta, Anup Kumar Keshri Surface and Coatings Technology 377, 124870 |
105 | Graphene nanoplatelets: a promising corrosion inhibitor and toughening inclusion in plasma sprayed cerium oxide coating R Kumar, KK Pandey, A Islam, AK Keshri Journal of Alloys and Compounds 809, 151819 |
106 | Plasma sprayed copper coatings for improved surface and mechanical properties A Ranjan, A Islam, M Pathak, MK Khan, AK Keshri Vacuum 168, 108834 |
107 | Synthesis and characterization of the nanostructured solid solution with extended solubility of graphite in nickel by mechanical alloying N Kundan, B Parida, AK Keshri, PR Soni International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials 26, 1031-1037 |
108 | Microstructural Evolution and Fracture Toughness of Plasma Sprayed CNT Reinforced Yttria Stabilized Hafnia Coating A Pathak, M Sribalaji, KK Pandey, P Bijalwan, M Dutta, AK Keshri International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology |
109 | Deposition of multiscale thickness graphene coating by harnessing extreme heat and rapid quenching: toward commercialization B Mukherjee, OSA Rahman, A Islam, KK Pandey, AK Keshri ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11 (28), 25500-25507 |
110 | In-situ oxide-free titanium nitride coating by conventional plasma spraying with improved properties Rohit Gupta, Aminul Islam, Krishna Kant Pandey, Shreshtha Ranjan, Ravi Kumar Singh, Biswajyoti Mukherjee, Anup Kumar Keshri Ceramics International 45 (9), 12590-12593 |
111 | Effect of graphene oxide loading on plasma sprayed alumina-graphene oxide composites for improved anticorrosive and hydrophobic surface A Amudha, HD Shashikala, OSA Rahman, AK Keshri, HS Nagaraja Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties 7 (2), 024003 |
112 | Controlled growth of Ni/NiO composite nanoparticles and its influence on exchange anisotropy and spin glass features S Bhanuchandar, G Vinothkumar, P Arunkumar, M Sribalaji, AK Keshri, ... Journal of Alloys and Compounds 780, 256-265 |
113 | Remarkable improvement in tribological behavior of plasma sprayed carbon nanotube and graphene nanoplatelates hybrid reinforced alumina nanocomposite coating S Priyadershini, OSA Rahman, KK Pandey, AK Keshri Ceramics International 45 (5), 5768-5778 |
114 | Exceptionally high fracture toughness of carbon nanotube reinforced plasma sprayed lanthanum zirconate coatings A Islam, K Kumar, KK Pandey, B Mukherjee, OSA Rahman, A Chowdhury, ... Journal of Alloys and Compounds 777, 1133-1144 |
115 | Impermeable CeO2 overlay for the protection of plasma sprayed YSZ thermal barrier coating from molten sulfate-vanadate salts B Mukherjee, A Islam, KK Pandey, OSA Rahman, R Kumar, AK Keshri Surface and Coatings Technology 358, 235-246 |
116 | Instant tuning of superhydrophilic to robust superhydrophobic and self-cleaning metallic coating: simple, direct, one-step, and scalable technique OSA Rahman, B Mukherjee, A Islam, AK Keshri ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (4), 4616-4624 |
117 | Role of Hybrid Addition of CNTs and GNPs on Corrosion Behavior of Plasma Sprayed Aluminum Oxide Nanocomposite Coating AKK, Krishna Kant Pandey, Aminul Islam, Rakesh Kumar, Rahul Ghosh, Venugopal ... Advanced Enginnering Materials |
118 | The Journal of Thermal Spray Technology Volume 27 Best Paper Award K Wei, XT Luo, GJ Yang, S Ang, E Bakan, K Bobzin, .. |
119 | Effect of heterogeneous particle size on nanostructure evolution: A phase-field study T Chakrabarti, R Mukherjee Computational Materials Science 169, 109115 |
120 | Localized pore evolution assisted densification during spark plasma sintering of nanocrystalline W-5wt.% Mo alloy AK Srivastav, N Chawake, D Yadav, NS Karthiselva, BS Murty Scripta Materialia 159, 41-45 |
121 | Study of flash phenomena on single crystals of cubic 8 mol% yttria stabilized zirconia D Yadav |
123 | Atom displacement during in-situ Synchrotron Measurements in TiO2 in Stage III of flash B Yoon, D Yadav, R Raj, S Ghose, P Sarin, D Shoemaker |
124 | Insights into reactive flash sintering of MgO-Al2O3-(8YSZ) by in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction B Yoon, D Yadav, R Raj, S Ghose |
125 | Unusual atom displacements in TiO2 during flash sintering B Yoon, D Yadav, R Raj, S Ghose, P Sarin, D Shoemaker |
126 | On the Synchronicity of Flash Sintering and Phase Transformation B Yoon, D Yadav, S Ghose, P Sarin, R Raj Journal of the American Ceramic Society |
127 | Influence of flash sintering on the ionic conductivity of 8 mol% yttria stabilized zirconia X Vendrell, D Yadav, R Raj, AR West Journal of the European Ceramic Society 39 (4), 1352-1358 |
128 | Soy protein isolate film by incorporating mandelic acid as well as through fermentation mediated by bacillus subtilis |
129 | Tribological influences of cuo into 3y-tzp ceramic composite in conformal contact |
130 | Remarkable synergetic effect by in-situ covalent hybridization of carbon dots with graphene oxide and carboxylated acrylonitrile butadiene rubber |
131 | Unique compatibilized thermoplastic elastomer from polypropylene and epichlorohydrin rubber |
132 | ZnSe nanoparticles reinforced biopolymeric soy protein isolate film |
133 | Material properties of ZnS nanoparticles incorporated soy protein isolate biopolymeric film |
134 | Fabrication of poly lactic acid incorporated bacterial cellulose adhered flax fabric biocomposites |
2018 Publication | |
135 | La3+-doped CeO2 system: Negating the myths with a tailor-made ceramic K Kumar, S Srivastava, A Chowdhury Scripta Materialia 157, 138-141 |
136 | Lanthanum doped Ceria Nanoparticles: a Promising Material for Energy Applications K Singh, R Kumar, A Chowdhury Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (11), 22993-22997 |
137 | Constitutive modelling and Weibull statistical analysis for the porosity-Mechanical property correlations in 3% yittria-stabilized zirconia system A Chowdhury International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 70 (1), 246–252 |
138 | A new insight on the role of 1-D and 2-D reinforcements in TiC during high temperature plastic deformation M Sribalaji, Davinder Singh, Swarnima Singh, Aminul Islam, Mayank Kumar Pandey, B Viswanath, Anup Kumar Keshri Ceramics International 44 (15), 18389-18399 |
139 | Evaluation of strength-ductility combination by in-situ tensile testing of graphene nano platelets reinforced shroud plasma sprayed Nickel-Aluminium coating B Mukherjee, R Kumar, A Islam, OSA Rahman, AK Keshri Journal of Alloys and Compounds 765, 1082-1089 |
140 | Deposition rate dependent phase/mechanical property evolution in zirconia and ceria-zirconia thin film by EB-PVD technique P Arunkumar, U Aarthi, M Sribalaji, B Mukherjee, AK Keshri, WH Tanveer, ... Journal of Alloys and Compounds 765, 418-427 |
141 | Enhanced tribological and bacterial resistance of carbon nanotube with ceria-and silver-incorporated hydroxyapatite biocoating Aditi Pandey, Anup Kumar Patel, Vikram Kumar, Rajeev Kumar Sharma, Satish Kanhed, Vinod Kumar Nigam, Anup Keshri, Arvind Agarwal, Kantesh Balani Nanomaterials 8 (6), 363 |
142 | Role of hybrid reinforcement of carbon nanotubes and graphene nanoplatelets on the electrical conductivity of plasma sprayed alumina coating Aminul Islam, Biswajyoti Mukherjee, M Sribalaji, OS Asiq Rahman, P Arunkumar, K Suresh Babu, Anup Kumar Keshri Ceramics International 44 (4), 4508-4511 |
143 | Tailoring the thermal shock resistance of titanium carbide by reinforcement with tungsten carbide and carbon nanotubes M Sribalaji, A Islam, B Mukherjee, MK Pandey, AK Keshri Ceramics International 44 (2), 2552-2562 |
144 | Synergistic effect of hybrid carbon nanotube and graphene nanoplatelets reinforcement on processing, microstructure, interfacial stress and mechanical properties of Al2O3 … OSA Rahman, M Sribalaji, B Mukherjee, T Laha, AK Keshri Ceramics International 44 (2), 2109-2122 |
145 | Zener pinning through coherent precipitate: A phase-field study T Chakrabarti, S Manna Computational Materials Science 154, 84-90 |
146 | Flash Sintering with Current‐Rate: A Different Approach P Kumar MK, D Yadav, JM Lebrun, R Raj Journal of the American Ceramic Society |
147 | Reactive flash sintering: MgO and α-Al2O3 transform and sinter into single-phase polycrystals of MgAl2O4 B Yoon, D Yadav, S Ghose, R Raj Journal of the American Ceramic Society |
148 | Introduction to metal matrix composites R Bauri, D Yadav Metal matrix composites by friction stir processing, 1-16 |
149 | α‐Alumina and spinel react into single phase high‐alumina spinel in< 3 seconds during flash sintering D Kok, D Yadav, E Sortino, SJ McCormack, KP Tseng, WM Kriven, R Raj, ... Journal of the American Ceramic Society |
150 | Fabrication of Al-Zn solid solution via friction stir processing D Yadav, R Bauri, N Chawake Materials Characterization 136, 221-228 |
151 | Measurement of O and Ti atom displacements in TiO2 during flash sintering experiments B Yoon, D Yadav, R Raj, S Ghose, P Sarin, D Shoemaker Journal of the American Ceramic Society |
152 | Unique behavior of in-situ generated nanosilica particles on physico-mechanical properties of fluoroelastomer |
153 | Selective orientation of needle like sepiolite nanoclay in polymer blend for controlled properties |
154 | Catalyst driven preferential growth of in-situ generated nanosilica particles in the phases of incompatible polymer blend and its effect on physico-mechanical properties |
155 | Polylactic acid incorporated polyfurfuryl alcohol bioplastics: thermal, mechanical and curing studies |
156 | Adhesion between Compounded Elastomers: A Critical Review |
2017 Publication | |
157 | Effect of rare-earth doping in CeO2 matrix: Correlations with structure, catalytic and visible light photocatalytic properties Kushal Singh, Kundan Kumar, Saurabh Srivastava, Anirban Chowdhury Ceramics International 43, 17041-17047 |
158 | Facile Synthesis of CuO Nanorods Obtained Without Any Template and/or Surfactant Kundan Kumar, Anirban Chowdhury Ceramics International 43, 13943–13947 |
159 | Structural and Dielectric Properties of the Fluorite-Type LaxCe1− xO2-δ Ceramics K Singh, K Kumar, S Nayak, DC Joshi, MM Alom, S Thota, A Chowdhury Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50, 495601 |
160 | Appearance of Fröhlich-like phonon mode and defect dynamics in La3+-doped ceria B Paul, K Kumar, A Chowdhury, A Roy Journal of Applied Physics 122 (13), 135108 |
161 | On the peculiarities of phase developments involving Zn2+-doped ZrO2 system K Kumar, T Jaroń, A Chowdhury Scripta Materialia 138, 71-74 |
162 | Synergistic effects of ultrasonication and ethanol washing in controlling the stoichiometry, phase-purity and morphology of rare-earth doped ceria nanoparticles K Singh, R Kumar, A Chowdhury Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 36, 182-190 |
163 | Discrepancies in the hardness data and the role of grinding‐induced surface effects for a porous zirconate ceramic R Kumar, K Kumar, A Chowdhury Journal of the American Ceramic Society 100 (4), 1717-1723 |
164 | Plasma sprayed carbon nanotube and graphene nanoplatelets reinforced alumina hybrid composite coating with outstanding toughness B Mukherjee, OSA Rahman, A Islam, M Sribalaji, AK Keshri Journal of Alloys and Compounds 727, 658-670 |
165 | In-situ formed graphene nanoribbon induced toughening and thermal shock resistance of spark plasma sintered carbon nanotube reinforced titanium carbide composite M Sribalaji, B Mukherjee, SR Bakshi, P Arunkumar, KS Babu, AK Keshri Composites Part B: Engineering 123, 227-240 |
166 | Microstructural and mechanical behavior of spark plasma sintered titanium carbide with hybrid reinforcement of tungsten carbide and carbon nanotubes M Sribalaji, B Mukherjee, A Islam, AK Keshri Materials Science and Engineering: A 702, 10-21 |
167 | Enhancing the oxygen ionic conductivity of (111) oriented Ce0. 80Sm0. 20O2-δ thin film through strain engineering P Arunkumar, P Panda, M Sribalaji, R Ramaseshan, AK Keshri, KS Babu Electrochimica Acta 240, 437-446 |
168 | Carbon Nanotubes, Ceramics International M Sribalaji, A Islam, B Mukherjee, MK Pandey, AK Keshri |
169 | N anocomposites, Ceramics International OSA Rahman, M Sribalaji, B Mukherjee, T Laha, AK Keshri |
170 | Carbon Nanotubes, Materials Science & Engineering A M Sribalaji, B Mukherjee, A Islam, AK Keshri |
171 | Role of silicon carbide in phase-evolution and oxidation behaviors of pulse electrodeposited nickel-tungsten coating M Sribalaji, OS Asiq Rahman, P Arun Kumar, K Suresh Babu, Nitin P Wasekar, G Sundararajan, Anup Kumar Keshri Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 48, 501-512 |
172 | Carbon dot - Unique reinforcing filler for polymer with special reference to physico - mechanical properties |
173 | Influence of microstructure of lactone-based triblock copolymers on drug release behavior of their microspheres |
174 | Sustainable bionanocomposite from D, L-lactide/d-valerolactone triblock and bionanowhiskers: Preparation, characterization, and properties |
175 | Adhesion between unvulcanized elastomers: A critical review |
2016 Publication | |
176 | Structural properties and the fluorite–pyrochlore phase transition in La2Zr2O7: The role of oxygen to induce local disordered states B Paul, K Singh, T Jaroń, A Roy, A Chowdhury Journal of Alloys and Compounds 686, 130-136 |
177 | Attaining near-theoretical densification in nanograined pyrochlore La2Zr2O7 (LZ) ceramic at 1150° C by spark plasma sintering R Kumar, K Singh, D Chakravarty, A Chowdhury Scripta Materialia 117, 37-40 |
178 | New perspectives on the fluorite-pyrochlore phase transition in La2Zr2O7 and the importance of local oxygen-related disordered states B Paul, K Singh, T Jaron, A Roy, A Chowdhury arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.07403 |
179 | Synthesis of La-doped ceria nanoparticles: impact of lanthanum depletion K Singh, R Kumar, A Chowdhury Journal of Materials Science 51, 4134–4141 |
180 | Synergistic effect of carbon nanotube as sintering aid and toughening agent in spark plasma sintered molybdenum disilicide-hafnium carbide composite B Mukherjee, OSA Rahman, M Sribalaji, SR Bakshi, AK Keshri Materials Science and Engineering: A 678, 299-307 |
181 | Interfacial Effect of the Oxygen-Ion Distribution on the Conduction Mechanism in Strontium-Added Ce0.8Sm0.2O2−δ/Na2CO3 Nanocomposite A Uthayakumar, A Pandian, S Mathiyalagan, A Kumar, AK Keshri, S Omar, ... The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (43), 25068-25077 |
182 | Dry sliding wear behavior of Hafnium-based bulk metallic glass at room and elevated temperatures AK Keshri, L Behl, D Lahiri, GS Dulikravich, A Agarwal Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 25, 3931-3937 |
183 | Nanoindentation and nanoscratch behavior of electroless deposited nickel-phosphorous coating M Sribalaji, OSA Rahman, T Laha, AK Keshri Materials Chemistry and Physics 177, 220-228 |
184 | Experimental investigation of grain boundaries misorientations and nano twinning induced strengthening on addition of silicon carbide in pulse electrodeposited nickel tungsten … OSA Rahman, NP Wasekar, G Sundararajan, AK Keshri Materials Characterization 116, 1-7 |
185 | Microstructural, phase evolution and corrosion properties of silicon carbide reinforced pulse electrodeposited nickel–tungsten composite coatings S Singh, M Sribalaji, NP Wasekar, S Joshi, G Sundararajan, R Singh, ... Applied Surface Science 364, 264-272 |
186 | Strontium mediated modification of structure and ionic conductivity in samarium doped ceria/sodium carbonate nanocomposites as electrolytes for LTSOFC U Aarthi, P Arunkumar, M Sribalaji, AK Keshri, KS Babu RSC advances 6 (88), 84860-84870 |
187 | Preferentially fixing nanoclays in the phases of incompatible carboxylated nitrile rubber (XNBR)-natural rubber (NR) blend using thermodynamic approach and its effect on physico mechanical properties |
2015 Publication | |
188 | TEM and XPS Studies on the Faceted Nanocrystals of Ce0.8Zr0.2O2 D Prusty, A Pathak, M Mukherjee, B Mukherjee, A Chowdhury Materials Characterization 100, 31-35 |
189 | Crystallization mechanism and corrosion property of electroless nickel phosphorus coating during intermediate temperature oxidation M Sribalaji, P Arunkumar, KS Babu, AK Keshri Applied Surface Science 355, 112-120 |
190 | Scratch induced deformation behavior of hafnium based bulk metallic glass at multiple load scales D Lahiri, J Karp, AK Keshri, C Zhang, GS Dulikravich, LJ Kecskes, ... Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 410, 118-126 |
191 | Coatings for energy applications AK Keshri, M Sribalaji Thin Film Structures in Energy Applications, 51-84 |
192 | Distinct melt viscoelastic properties of novel nanostructured and microstructured thermoplastic elastomeric blends from polyamide 6 and fluoroelastomer |
193 | Nanomechanics and origin of rubber elasticity of novel nanostructured thermoplastic elastomeric blends using atomic force microscopy |
2014 Publication | |
194 | Structural and spectroscopic characterisations of the surface oxide scales and inclusions present on edge-burst hot-rolled steel coils A Chowdhury, R Iyyappan, D Majumdar, A Singha Materials Chemistry and Physics 148 (1-2), 276-283 |
195 | Structural Investigations on the Compositional Anomalies in Lanthanum Zirconate System Synthesized by Coprecipitation Method D Prusty, A Pathak, A Chintha, B Mukherjee, A Chowdhury Journal of the American Ceramic Society 97 (3), 718-724 |
196 | Investigations on the Role of Alkali to Obtain Modulated Defect Concentrations for Cu2O Thin Films A Chowdhury, PK Bijalwan, RK Sahu Applied Surface Science 289, 430-436 |